
>it's another occupy democrats with one post by this ID thread

It's a good point. You Americans are retarded. Pure capitalism creates a caste system.

Wow I can just stop paying social security and medicare?

> Flag

America is literally socialist.
Capitalism BTFO

He's not wrong

I'll gladly stop paying social security taxes, I don't plan on outliving my usefulness. I'll use toll roads or I'll walk. I don't have kids. I own guns and fire extinguishers. I use FedEx and UPS. My house has a septic tank.

Internet's privatize, the government pays private companies to build roads and private healthcare is miles better than public medicare

why do you people keep replying to this?

>dam really makes you think

I'm a hilldog now


>implying common infrastructure is socialism
>"we have public roads so we might as well just have totalitarian socialism anyway!"

Liberals have the laziest reasoning I've ever seen. Step up your game.

Smdh. Also saged.

are people really this retarded?
you have to really be a complete retard if you consider any of those things socialism.
welfare =/= socialism you retards, and infrastructure building sure as hell isn't either

USPS isn't paid by taxes, it's 100% self-funded, it's basically a private business.

Social Security was implemented by a socialist, creating a bubble by way of a ponzi scheme. Privatization is the only thing that can save it.

Medicare could actually work if we had tort reform. This may be the only thing I'm for in regards to a social program.

>Equating socialist with basic infrastructure.

Public education is a dismal failure. We should return to schoolhouses, indeed.

>Equating socialist with basic law enforcement.

>Equating socialist with first responders; many of which operate on a volunteer basis.

The Postal Service operates at a loss, and has to piggy back on FedEx planes to survive.

>Once again, equating socialist with basic infrastructure.

>Equating socialist with the internet.

This is basically a strawman because it's attempting to equate anything government as socialist predicated on the notion that the government always acts in the best interest of "the people".

Op is faggit

This pic is very poorly done but there is some truth to it. Its stupid to act like America isnt already socialist. Maybe not as many socialist policies as others, but we have plenty.

Everyone screams muh capitalism and muh free trade while the corparatocracy that really runs anerica and controls our politicians rape us for all we are worth.

Like tarrifs. how the fuck can american workers compete with $1 an hour foreign labour without having tarrifs imposed on imported goods?

good idea: privatize the fire and police dept's and save taxes.

Social security is a scam I agree.

Medicare idk but ill gladly pay for my own shit

public roads and highways ill gladly pay for through taxes.

public schools are shit no thanks

police/fire department are fine

postal service is inefficient

water system is currently trashed we just need to fix it

internet is not socialized good try faggot

And on top of all of that, america allows a free market to exist ABOVE the socialist baseline, something bernie does not want so fuck off retard.

People have always said social security will fail and it keeps failing to fail.

Postal service operates at a loss because of a poison pill. It was profitable before hand.

>This is basically a strawman because it's attempting to equate anything government as socialist predicated on the notion that the government always acts in the best interest of "the people".

At least you admit that as the simplistic view of socialism is that "government does it" or "big government". However it is difficult to say that the internet was not distributed in the interest of "the people". Imagine what the internet would be like if created by a private company. You wouldn't have net neutrality and shit for one.

It is still a governmental agency. It's existence is even derived from the Constitution itself which actually cannot be said about most other governmental agencies.

If people proposed the same thing for healthcare no one would be saying that is what you are saying the postal service is.

even if it wasn't it's in the constitution, so I wouldn't mind paying for it as it's a government mandated job they must provide for the people. but yeah, stamps completely fund the USPS, and gets no funding. it's one of the few government programs that actually turned a profit at one point.

>“To establish Post Offices and post Roads” in Article I, Section 8

>implying Sup Forums doesn't want what is in effect a caste system