Are Native Americans the biggest cucks in history?

Are Native Americans the biggest cucks in history?

They basically opened the door for Euros to conquer them and then gave their women to them.

>tfw whole nation is descended from cucks

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Mestizos actually

Native Americans are a meme race tbqh.

Go back to /pol you retard

I wish the natives here were more like Malinche

Only 10% of baptisms in 16th century Mexico are reported as "natural born" your whole cuck thing is a meme

Same thing only lighter and dumber

>latin america's current population was basically created by european males fucking indian and black women
>also, what is coercion

>ywn be a conquistador

natives are literally white type of europeans and asians mixed

Go to Colombia (or really any LatAm country), they basically pimp their women over there.

If I was rich I'd seriously be an expat in Brazil or Colombia. Too bad about all the murders.

meh, they were married by the church. In all fairness the economics of the time prohibited running a household without a partner you could trust so it wasn't like those were sham marriages for the most part. You might argue the women were first taken by force but hey Rome was founded in the exact same way.

icelanders are high on the cuck-tier list. their entire history is them getting raped and pillaged, or blown away by volcanos and shit like that.

it's almost comical if you read the wiki page on icelands history. they were fucked in the ass like every 5 years it seems for their ENTIRE HISTORY.

No, the west itself is the biggest cuck in history. We let the jap conquer us with their communist chinese cartoons. Anime doomed us all.

>hey Rome was founded in the exact same way.
Literally science fiction but okay

You are adamant it hapenned in Mexico despite documentation to the contrary but you don't find it plausible for Italy in the 6th century BC?

>They basically opened the door for Euros to conquer them and then gave their women to them.
>Being historically illiterate

Imagine a pale looking motherfucker landed on your beach with a boat so large that you thought your eyes were playing tricks on you. You observe the shiny metal clothes that they have from head to toe from behind the safety of the ubderbrush. Your loincloth begins to fill with shit as they march off the boat with big four legged creatures and pointy shiny spears. Then you return to your hut village only to find everybody lying on the ground with blisters all over their faces.

Wouldn't you want to negotiate in that situation?

Aztecs were also particularly afraid of horses iirc

Say what you want about Indians, they were damn good fighters.

Yeah I think they thought the horse and the rider were one creature, like a centaur.

Your "proof" doesn't contradict what I said, stupid. On the other hand there's accounts of Native women being raped by Euros and basically being traded as cattle AND literally any genetics study done on Latin America's population shows that we're largely descended of Euro men and Native/African women.

Genetics wouldn't prove anything

Only ones who actually put up a good fight were the Mapuche, Mayas and some groups in the American Southwest (don't know the specific names desu, Navajo? Apache?). All the other meh.

It does prove the cucking.

No, this one's been debunked, Spaniards lived in Tenochtitlan for months anyway. The Aztecs described horses as a type of deer, which for their experience was a good enough guess.

The people on the actual beach, Totonacas not Aztecs, attacked Spaniards in full force, Veracruz was founded as a fort to protect from them. Also the Smallpox epidemic didn't occur in that timeframe, the worst of it hit as fate would have it during the siege of Tenochtitlan.

>400 spaniards with 50 horses conquer a entire continent with hundred miles of warriors
>good fighters


Historians speculate that there was a city in Indiana that was larger than London before smallpox and measles decimated everything. A lot of the tribes didn't want to fight because they knew that they would lose

>No, this one's been debunked
That's disappointing if true. I don't know why exactly, but it is.

hundred thousands not miles

No. The vast majority of Spanish people that went to the colonies were male. They weren't settler colonies like Anglo-America. Spaniards didn't give a shit about the race of people they were ruling over as long as the wealth was being extracted and Christianity was being spread.

If there was a city in Indiana larger than London whose inhabitants were killed by disease, why the fuck did we not find the city? I'm just another retard, not a historian or architect, but this seems difficult to believe.

You're thinking of the Sioux

Im just saying that the natives didn't really cuck themselves. The euros fucked them up

Archaeologist is what I meant.

Apparently it was abandoned before the euros arrived for some reason and they dont know why. But yes historians have evidence of it.

I should also add that it wasn't like the mexican cities, it was teepees as far as the eye can see

Only North from them. But anglo and doiche very hard enemy.

Look you hysteric little bitch, I've written nothing that contradicts a majority of Amerindian maternal lineages for Mexican mestizos, the issue we are discussing here is rape, a sin that in the era's cultural context was largely forgiven when marriage occured which, some documented abuises aside, was the overwhelming majority of cases. The inquisition was established by the crown within a decade of Tenochtitlan's fall to the very purpose of protecting Indians, fanatically religious Spanish did not indulge as much in that as you think and they had little need to as slave girls were offered to them in suficient numbers and for the most part the Christian Spaniards MARRIED them.

For the women it was a social advantage as Malinche's case proves, and given so many men died fighting there wasn't an issue of population imbalance, the Spaniards took their wives primarily amongst the Aztecs both because of the symbolism of marrying the local rulers and because it was amongst this specific nation that they settled to live. Veracruz they founded see as well as Puebla in between the port and Mexico City, that was the axis, using the native infrastructure of roads and agriculture, upon which New Spain grew.

Weren't they gifted women (among them La Malinche) by some Maya in Tabasco? lol

Do you even know what cucking is

Yes. Cucking isn't rape. Also the indigenous people today are the ones that didn't mix and resisted you. Mestizos are the cucks, not indigenous people.

Read The Broken Spears, it's the history of the fall of the Aztec from their own sources.

That book wasn't even written by a native guy, but a mestzio. Mestizos larping as natives don't count.

I'm getting really fucking tired of how badly and often this word is being misused these days. I don't know why it bothers me, either, it just does.

Live Action Role Play

Sup Forums isn't live action and neither is a book.

It's a serious,well researched, scholarly work and the sources are indigenous, it isn't a fucking novel.

I think white men taking/raping Native women does count as cucking, don't you think?
>Mestizos are the cucks, not the indigenous people.
Most indigenous people, today, even in places like Peru and Bolivia are mixed, too, not to the extent of Mestizos, obvs, buy they aren't pure.

If they have prevailed after all these years, they must be Odin-tier.

Actually "Mestizos" are a meme, the majority of "mestizos" are not mixed but just pure amerindian hispanized.
the mixed race ones are a minority and there are various of them, sometimes it's just half mongrel half indian, who make him more indian, sometimes it"s half mongrel half white.
or sometimes it's a dude who looks completely indian who start to larps as mixed because he has some spanish ancestor from 1600s and his culture is completely hispanized.

I'm 100% mongrel, dad is mapuche and mom is french

It isn't the same as North Africa Ahmed

well the 100% mongrel from two differents things are actually pretty rares, and after the first generation of mixing they will chose a pure indian or a pure white, or another mongrel with disordered background.
but my first post was not exactly refered to Chile (mostly a Castizo country) but more to Mexico.
it's obvious that most Mexicans Mestizos are actually pure amerindian who considers themselves mestizos because culturally they are mexicans and not natives, but genetically they are literally indians or with just some random european ancestor but still with a huge indian predominance.

why are you triggered exactly?
it's just a fact, it's completely ridiculous to believe mestizos are always 2/2.
most people who considers themselves "mestizos" with a lighter skin are in fact castizos.
the rest are amerindians who don't speak some nahuatl meme language.

there are LITERALLY no full or even half-maori left in the world, and the first time they saw whitey was only two hundred years ago

Yes. This is generally why I dislike hispanics, especially mestizos.

I know literally Indio tier spics who consider themselves white simply because some Spanish dude fucked their grandmas.

Native Brazilians sell their children for money. He is right.

Not the same user but
>Chile (mostly a Castizo country)

Dude I don't want to start posting meme genetic studies, yes, the mixing isn't half and half over individuals but it pretty much averages that out over the population, full blooded indigenous are rare but strongly Amerindian people do exist and they're pretty distinctive even when they've been raised in mainstream culture. Does it matter? Absolutely not, we are basically a Western nation with indigenous influence culturally speaking, even if we also treat our culture as if it was 50-50, the arrangement is we are all a part of it and that's what matters whether you're one of the small minority that near full European or native or part of the overwhelming majority that's somewhere in between.

Do you know Mexico or are you just talking out of your ass? Where you've been?


Words change meaning or don't literally mean what they say (like white a person isn't actually white) and while Mestizo may have meant a 50/50 mixed person, nowadays it means any kind of mixed person regardless of ratio.

You mean the us natives only or the whole america?

Whole America

They do the same here, sometimes.

He's actually an mongrel with inferiority complexión,dont reply to he

Stop making these shit threads you sick racist fuck

Pacific Islanders are truly on the level of Native Americas, I mean they LITERALLY invited the Europeans in wtf. Does being descended from Asians or related to them make you a cuck in all cases?

>full blooded indigenous are rare but strongly Amerindian people do exist and they're pretty distinctive
So post me the pic of some full blooded amerindian individual, the european foreigner dna in your genetics could be explained with an old ancestor, but don't negate the fact that the majority of mestizos even not being pure at 100% are in fact predominantly amerindian, sometimes there are even pure indian which are "Mexicanized", only speaking spanish and converted at catholicism, in fact the mestizos mixes with that kind of people too.
there is no 50-50, individuals like this are always a minority everywhere.
why do you think caribbeans niggers considers themselves "blacks" even when they are actually mulattoes? because they know they are not 50-50 and have an obvious nigger predominance in their gene pool.

>inferiority complexión, don't reply to he

He's not me, my cuckish friend. He's the Mestizo that likes Spain.

sadly yes, hence why I laugh at europe being a minority. The natives suffered way worse. Its nothing in comparison.

natives killed each other all the time

europeans were simply better at killing, that's it

in any case they were the friends of the french here and anglos ruined it as they always do

literally church wont care.
your ancestors were rapists literally

I'm not OP ,look how stupid and butthurt he is. Pathetic

No man, I'm not doing the cringe act of posting pics of people for the amusement of some armchair race "expert" who can't even back his claims with any studies or data. I'm just going on the record here pointing out you're wrong.

Knock yourself out arguing against that.

quit it with the samefagging dumbass

>in any case they were cucked by the French here

How high are the Irish on the cuck list? 900 years of getting slapped around by britain, and they still dont even own their whole island

>you will never land on the shores of south america for the first time
>you will never be greated as a white God
>you will never fuck thicc native women
>you will never have 6 mixed kids and look at them in disgust

Why live?

>implying they didn't have a good business relationship and an entire nation of people didn't sprout from that (the métis)

Please kill yourlsef

It just confirmed my statement, there is no 50-50, all your stuff here shown a huge indian predominance or on the other side a huge european predominance, but most results concerns huge amerindian predominance.
you are of course a mongrel country (not only genetic but also cultural) and your population are basically amerindian-looking mestizos, hispanized amerindians, castizos and pure-breed amerindians, with also the mixing of all this.
in conclusion you are mostly amerindians larping.
though countries like Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador in fact are actually 80%-90% amerindian, the bullshit statistics are self-reported stuff from people who hide their purebreed origins.

Youre all so fucking dumb omg

your flag looks like a tasty ice block

rare flag spotted

you're familiar with the concept of war rape of widows aren't you

No, but I bet you and your country are, no?

ISIS you are still alive?
I believed the Kurds removed you.

Aztecs (Mexica) were the ones who better dealt with horses during the conquest of the New Spain. The Spaniards never repeated a victory like Otumba, which was the first time the Mexica faced horses.
Either way cavalry is not easy to deal with, even if you have faced it before, even if you have weapons to priece through steel armors and even if you also have cavalry or even gunpowder weapons to counter it. ASk the Romans in pic related.
The Aztecs had to face the Spanish, without cavalry, artillery nor even steel arms and without ever having faced them before.

Just one battle after Otumba the Aztecs already had closed pike formations, which didn't neutralize the advantages of the Spanish because they still suffered heavy losses from teh artillery (something which the romans never faced for example), but managed to decrease the cavalry efectiveness.

>If our cavalry attempted to pursue the enemy into the water, the latter had provided against this by palisades, behind which they retired, and stretched out against them their long lances, to which they had fastened the swords we unfortunately lost on our retreat from Mexico.
True History of the Conquest of New Spain by Bernal Díaz del Castillo, Chapter CL

>The Mexicans, on this occasion, received the charge of the cavalry with fixed lances, and wounded four of our horses. Cortes himself had got into the midst of the enemy
Chapter CXLV

I don't really understand why you make these posts speaking so greatly of Aztec warfare? Like they lost and their city was basically paved over, so who cares?

kurds barely ever fought isis
they just turtled in their mountains

Dude either you're an idiot or a liar

because it's interesting? i don't know

I don't understand why anyone would get interested in Roman warfare, like they lost to barbarians and the city was basically paved over, so who cares?

Aztecs and their culture have no bearing on the modern world

Not that guy butv maybe we are not all just ignorant swine like you who will supress any knowledge not adjusting to their biased views. And what are you anyway, a proxy? An American living in Mexico? An edgy self hater who enjoys being a pet to internet racists?

Spoken like someone who never graduated high school

>literally first post on this shit thread

>It has also been suggested that the Spanish conquest of Mesoamerica influenced the history of the botanical garden[14] as gardens in Tenochtitlan established by king Nezahualcoyotl,[18] also gardens in Chalco (altépetl) and elsewhere, greatly impressed the Spanish invaders, not only with their appearance, but also because the indigenous Aztecs employed many more medicinal plants than did the classical world of Europe.[19][20] Hernando Cortés reportedly told the Spanish monarch that the Aztec physicians were superior to those in Spain, so superior, in fact, that the king need not bother sending Spanish physicians to the New World. Statement later confirmed in a early letter by the personal physian of the Spanish monarch who spent 7 years studying the Aztec medicine in a research trip that was expected to last 6 months: ‘"I marveled, in this and in innumerable other herbs, which are nameless among us, how in the Indies, where people are so uncultured and barbaric, there are so many herbs, some with known uses and some without, but there is almost none, which is not known to them and given a particular name".
>Mayan estimate of the length of the synodic month being more accurate than Ptolemy's,[2] and their calculation as to the length of the tropical solar year was more accurate than that of the Spanish when the latter first arrived
>The Aztec Triple Alliance, which ruled from 1428 to 1521 in what is now central Mexico, is considered to be the first state to implement a system of universal compulsory education.[4][5]
>According to the Guinness Book of Records, Cholula is in fact the largest pyramid as well as the largest monument ever constructed anywhere in the world, with a total volume estimated at over 4.45 million cubic metres, even larger than that of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, which is about 2.5 million cubic metres.

they could have contributed more, but not all europeans were quite ready to appreciate their development, pic related

there's been worse, Persians and Indo Iranians, Irish, Chinese, Koreans, Slavs in general, Khoisan, all got rekt and cucked hard

All those people still exist and most even have their own countries, though.