What does Sup Forums think of third party candidate Gary Johnson?

What does Sup Forums think of third party candidate Gary Johnson?

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Open borders shill.

Vote thief


Spoiler candidate who's only goal is to prevent Trump from winning the election.

He did the same thing with Mitt Romney.

Giggles during interviews when asked about smoking pot.


cuck scum. hes anti gun and doesnt believe in borders

Any real sources on him being anti gun?

Johnson has stated his opposition to gun control and has said, "I'm a firm believer in the Second Amendment and so I would not have signed legislation banning assault weapons or automatic weapons."[131]

Johnson may be the key to making sure Trump wins.. since he is an ex-New Mexico governor, and New Mexico is a blue state, he takes it out of the equation.


"""libertarians""" who claim that you need free migration if you want free trade are already registered for a free helicopter ride

Gary "Fuck It All Up" Johnson

picking William Weld as his VP means that he is either for gun control or willing to sell out his beliefs for money

Tbh both desu

I voted for him in the last election over mittens, I won't be voting for him this time though, I think a lot of Sup Forums voted for Johnson because they were mad mittens was the nomination and not Ron, I know I was. he did good things for New Mexico, my grand parents liked him until he started doing drugs

He will win the election with a surprise 39.87 percent.

>the butthurt will ginormous

doesn't understand libertarianism
awful public speaker
sucks up to the left

as a libertarian who supports trump, I like that he's so bad at appealing to conservatives and hardcore libertarians. he will only steal votes from hillary

he's even worse than sanders.


hahahahahahhahaha you must be a sanders supporter, shouldn't you be following your anti establishment cuck Sanders in voting for Hillary?



and you're a deluded cuck that believes trump just woke up conservative one day


Shinier of the turds, but "businesses can't discriminate" and "demilitarize the border" is official cuck status. #Trump

I voted for him last time. Never again.

>"businesses can't discriminate"
Curious what you mean by this?

In the wedding bakery scenario, Johnson would've forced the companies to bake for gay couples.

There was also an interview with Weld where he said they have agreed to 'meet in the middle' on gun control and that 'some major changes need to be made'.


>He thinks democrats and Republicans are entitled to people's vote
When will this meme end?


great way to waste your vote

Vote stealer planted in this board to make Shillary win.

The libertarian party now only appeals to idiots like Joe rogan who are liberals but like to hide it and say "I'm conservative on some things because I like guns"

He will largely only take votes from the left and will help trump win so I support him running

Gary Johnson on CNN's town hall said that Hillary Clinton is a great person.

Thats all I needed to know thanks.