What does pol think of #HeterosexualPrideDay?

What does pol think of #HeterosexualPrideDay?


Why is having gay or trans pride ok, but not straight?


It's ok to shame straight people, though, right? That's what all the liberals say.

I agree with you, but just to play devils advocate, you have to remember that straight people make up 95% of the world and have never faced prosecution, rape, death, discrimination, etc etc... BECAUSE of their sexuality. Straight pride is not needed simply because its what everyone is for the most part.

White pride i can understand as we make up an increasingly smaller and smaller minority every day even in our own countries, but straight people still make up more than 90% of the worlds population. Make sense?

Pride is for awareness and fighting discrimination. Straight people are not discriminated against because of their sexuality at this point in time so its not needed.

i think it's hilarious. Leftists are probably mad because 1) it's taking the piss of gay pride, and 2) they like getting angry over pointless shit as much as we do

pride is for standing with who you are as a person, and not letting anyone take what little you have left away from you. it is a 100% positive thing

right but you dont need to stand up for being straight because once again 95% of the world is also straight. Like i really dont understand how this isnt obvious to you.

Yeah, but what's the harm in letting it happen?

That shit may be true, but is it really that bad just to let it happen? It's not taking anything away from gays.

>straight people have never been raped by gays

The faggots in jail would like to have a word with you

Just because it is ridiculed means that we need more heterosexual pride days.

but you arent being raped BECAUSE you are straight. This is a really silly fallacy.

regardless of whether or not its harmfull is irrellevent. its pointless and not needed.

So are a lot of liberal movements.

I like how it shows the hypocrisy of the PC cultists.
>complain that only gays are persecuted against
>somehow not allowing straights the same treatment is okay
>have to accept muslims even though they're the only ones killing gays

exactly. So if you complain about how ridiculous liberals are and then do the same things as them you are a ridiculous hypocrite. Be better than them, dont stoop to their level.

'you don't need to thank someone for being polite b/c 99% of people are nearly always polite'

it is still good to celebrate something that means something to a culture

I don't care senpai

I'll never have a relationship or sex anyway

>dont stoop to their level.

What level would that be?

Their level of autism

This rigth here, I just /give up/
There is no point in the long run

>stoop to their level

It's taking the piss out of their toys, leaf

Jesus christ, is anyone else getting tired of this shit?

Posted some pics here


I realized nigger and gay pride month is basically a participation trophy. The extent of their contributions to civilization is peanut butter and massive objects shoved in their asses, so they're given a month to feel like they actually accomplished something.

Pride: a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.

Using this definition of the word pride why shouldn't I be pride for the achievements of any group I belong to? I'm American so I feel American pride. I'm white so I feel white pride. I'm a man so I feel male pride. I'm straight so I feel straight pride. I can be proud of the accomplishments all of these groups have accomplished. Pride doesn't require a person to be in a minority or some form of persecution.


The Oppression Olympics are real, my friend.

Is there anyway to make this trend every day of the year. some of you computer nerds must be able to

It's pretty stupid tbqh

To beat stupid, you must employ stupidity

>liberal logic

It's politics, dude.

The tears are delicious, this is hilarious.

>liberal logic
Never let someone shame you for who you are, unless your
>physically fit