2 new hurricanes

>2 new hurricanes

what did Amerifats do to deserve this?


Oh nothing at all. Totally don't deserve it

>what did Amerifats do to deserve this?
Are you for real?

Not a thing

They won't have paid for dropping nuclear bombs on Japan and crimes against humanity till their entire nation is glass and noy a single America is left alive.

Diss the Paris Agreement but also, hurricane season

that's what you get for being a climate change denier

>found your country on a continent with frequent earthquakes, tsunamis, tornados, hurricanes, floods and tropical storms
and if that wasnt dumb enough
>found your country on a literal ticking time bomb
why are americans so stupid?

>found your country next to Russia

>what did Amerifats do to deserve this?
seriously you need to ask?

beats having to rebuild your house every month after hurricane chad wipes out your entire city

Beats going to sleep in Finland and waking up in Russia

>yfw the russian ICBMs blot out your suburb's sun

Butthurt commie

Not a commie. I'm just simply pointing out capitalist imperialism perpetuated by the USA

Capitalism is good.

Capitalism leads to environmental degradation and consumption for the sake of consumption. it will not end well. it is not sustainable

holy shit the undergraduate level politics are just seething out of your posts

>I'm not a commie! I'm just saying guys, it's either us (b-but not marxism! i-its uh... uh... communalism! communalism, yeah that's it) or your doom!

Why even falseflag? It's so pathetic. Not even the average Sup Forums poster is this dumb.

communism is no better than capitalism.

Then just kill yourself so we can appreciate having things.