Chupacabra in Ukraine

So I saw a thread about this a few days ago, but it seems to have died.
Apparently over the last couple days there have been multiple attacks by some "being" that attacks chickens, ducks and geese by biting their necks and sucking their blood out.
Even a couple cases of humans getting attacked too.

Is it some Chernobyl experiment gone wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:

Probably some rapefugees went too far to the east


/x/ is that way faggot

Why is this in a political "discussion" and not /x/?

As funny as it may be, the goats were untouched.*rimshot*

A relative living there had all her fowl killed last night. Apparently a small chupacabra-like creature was killed a few days ago, but this one was big, kangaroo-sized even.
They're gonna set some bait and try to kill it tonight if it comes back.

Try using some welfare as a bait, if it won't work then this thread doesn't belong to this board man

Nah, just Jews getting hungry.

Highly related. More than just sleep paralysis. Especially the section on what is happening in Zanzibar.

The hat man is also connected. This phenomenon stalks battlefields and feeds off of death and suffering.

Ukraine, you say...?

Finally someone gets it.

i know what Chupacabra is, but what's ukraine?

Don't bully faggot, we're friends

Cyka blyad STALKER, go jump in an anomaly.

For fucks sake. I travel to Chernobyl every week, there are no fucking monsters in there.
except for fucking dogs. Bark all day all night long. And fish. Mutated huge fucking fish. No anomalies, nothing

>ultiple attacks by some "being" that attacks chickens, ducks and geese by biting their necks and sucking their blood out
Probably just some wacky Jews who ran out of goyim blood for their sex rituals.

I just like saying CHUPACABRA!

>tfw never having to get out of here

nice try, Chupacabra

If you haven't found the monsters, you haven't gone deep enough. Don't you want to reach the Wish Granter, Stalker?

>there are no fucking monsters in there.
t. chupacabra trying to lure more victims into Chernobyl

But there is Ukraine all around Chernobyl and that is huge anomaly. Such thing shouldnt even exist

Nothing to see really. It's really creepy in the dark though.
Stop it
Pay enough money, they'll take you to the reactor, nothing there also.
people say there is some creepy hobo on the cemetery, that's all.

Stop it
Thanks bro. Lifts my spirits nicely

I still want to visit. Not sure they do night tours though?

They won't left you go too far. You're not a military guy. But considering that $1 in here is El Dorado, I bet you could buy yourself a ticket. Don't go to the woods. People don't usually come back from there.

>go to the zone at night
>see nothing because it night
Britain you are of genious

it's just your average ukie hohol nothing to worry about lads.

Nah, it's just the underground leaking.

Where do you think 40% of the defense budget missing year to year has gone?

People who want to feel extreme situations go there. Reckless morons also do that. My military friend usually scrapes their brains off the road, because dogs decided to eat at night.
Don't bully please

non existent creature hiding in a non existent country, smart

Stop bulling please.

You sure that thing isn't Putin ..?

Sorry mate got nothing against Ukrainians, i just can't contain the bants at times.

The woods eh? Any reason for that, bandits? Dawgs?

Чyвaк, я c тoбoй cпopить нe coбиpaюcь, мoжeт в Хapькoвe или Львoвe тaкoгo нe твopитьcя, нo ближe к Пpипяти вcякoe мoжeт быть.

У мeня тaм кpecтнaя живёт и вчepa вceх кyчeй и yтoк yбилa этa твapь.

Bandits? Unlikely.
Dogs - definitely. They eat everything and everyone. Funny things is... Military has been exterminating them for decades and yet... They are still here.
Wondering why

stop hiding

>У мeня тaм кpecтнaя живёт и вчepa вceх кyчeй и yтoк yбилa этa твapь.
Coбaки. Эти бляди жpyт вcё.
Make me

Why are you trying to lure people into your traps. Not cool, work for your kills like the rest of us.


Radiation. Whole red forest is rotten leaves and trees, but it's not decaying.


See, now we're getting somewhere.

The real question is why is it not eating the corpses but just draining them of blood?

Those proportions...

Obv. A man in a suit

Life... Uh uh. Finds a way.

Cheers for info, stay strong Ukraine.

Much higher levels of radiation there too I think. It's something about plants, they hold it longer.

>why draining blood

Dog-chupacabra mix, silly


More like cykablyatka

that was a random photo from google.

they haven't been able to photograph this one, but apparently it's huge.

dogs would have eaten the entire thing. This being is almost like a vampire..

Are the dogs as aggressive? Have you ever personally seen whole one of those packs of anthropofagic dogs roaming around? I remember seeing a doc about this that said they gone mad, and pretty much all animals there were sick because of radiation and covered in tumors

What's your current gear and inventory, stalker?

"I wouldn't worry about it"

It may be that the radiation killed off a lot of the decomposer microbes and organisms, which might be the reason the trees and plants don't properly decay

If I were a billionaire I would offer a $1,000,000,000 cash prize to anyone who captures dead or alive anything like the chupacabra, bigfoot, loch ness monster, etc. Retards the world over would be scouring the wilderness wasting their time and money and I'd never have to pay out.

You would be assassinated. They don't want people going into the tunnels.

Yes, they gave that explanation in the documentary I saw. It's eerie how stalker-like everything was there. At one point they found a pile of garbage in the middle of the forest, discarded equipment and metallic stuff, and the geiger counter went crazy

They're not supposed to eat them only drain the blood.
Wonder how one of them managed to get to Ukraine

what tunnels m8

its bloodsuckers not chupacabras, get your facts straight rookie

Kill yourself

Reminds me of that caveman spongebob meme going around


Looks like a sick dog to me.


>I travel to Chernobyl every week

It needs food.


It's an escaped chimera.
They go on rampages because their instincts are all fucked up.

Kek, underated post, have a (you)


maybe it's this guy

What's down there?
What would happen if I got inside?

That's probably because there are trees and perennials instead of the sunflowers, hemp and other yearly plants that are usually planted to dissipate radiation faster.

A fucking leaf.

My response was to the Ukrainian claiming it was dogs. Dogs would have eaten the meat, this thing is a vampire...

Just to clarify some things:

The blood sucking creature we used to have in Mexico either went into isolation or is extinct.


Vampire expert here.

For your information, there aren't any vampires left in world. Therefore it's safe to travel to any part of Eastern Europe. Just make sure you take a blood test( if any of you niggers comes here with AIDS ,so help you God, we will turn you and buttfuck you for eternity),sorry what I meant was that it's safe to come , just leave the garlic at home and we'll have a wonderful time.

Totally Legit Vampire Expert.

But Mexicans are still around. Except you feed on taxpayers, not goats.

>Is it some Chernobyl experiment gone wrong?
No, that is an alien. Chupacabra sightings in Brazil in the 90's happened at the same time as mass ufo sightings were reported, I remenber it pretty well, I was a little kid and got fascinated by the entire incident when it was shown in tv.

this one is supposedly huge though. the footprint is twice as large as a humans.

underrated post

So what killed the Vampires?

Sunlight? Vampire hunters?


>ignore Chupacabrian posters

>Pay enough money, they'll take you to the reactor
To the false reactor dome, real reactor is about 30 km away.

You know how a bunch of slavs have made it "trendy" to try to make homunculi using, semen, eggs blood and other things?

Sometimes they get out.

They don't live very long though as these people who make them don't really know what they're doing. 99.5%+ of their attempts fail to even form.

Or... an illegal mexican migrant migrated a little too far and had a chupacabra living up his ass which he shit out in the parking lot of Ukraine's version of Home Depot.

>this one is supposedly huge though. the footprint is twice as large as a humans.
Size does not matter, the pattern does...

Poultry like chickens and ducks getting killed by some animal that leaves a hole in them and drain the blood out, while not doing any sound or alarming animals in most cases.

Has there been recent ufo sightings in Ukraine recently? there sure has been cases in the last 2 years at least:

whoa, this is exactly what I was telling my wife it could be. someone's "experiment" fueled by radiation and the need for more blood.

mods are trying to lighten up the rhetoric here.

russias new bioweapon...

Must've gotten in a boat.

Sorry, guys.

Is it worth a visit? I drove through Europe a few years ago with a friend and we really wanted to go there but Europe and especially Ukraine had some crazy fucking snow storms.

I remember when I was a kid and there were "sighting" of them all over the country, really takes me back. I was scared shitless of them, now, not so much.

>tfw no Chapacabro to release at night and terroize the whole country

Threads outta here in 3...2....

>You know how a bunch of slavs have made it "trendy" to try to make homunculi using, semen, eggs blood and other things?
You mean this?

>yfw the Ruskies don't realize the Americans have had this shit for decades with help from the ETs

>a fucking leaf

Nice try Chupacabra, we're not falling for it

