
Tatars welcome in Albania edition

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Im actually Bektashi

So you're Muslim too

0:30 me, whomever wants some, lets meet



More like religion to unite muslim & Christian Albanians

really? football hooligans?

Yeah whatever..

Smoking in Albania is prevalent as about 40% of Albanians smoke regularly.[1] In Europe, only Turkey has a higher smoking rate than Albania.

You look like your mama didnt feed you stews growing up

Jk i love all shqips
(except sunni & cathocuck extremists)

I usually smoke hookah

Got your back bro

Im pagan

Nice, inform me on it please

You mad mr.No stew eating manlet?

All I can say is
STOP believing in Abracuck religions
Become pagan

Persuade me

Is that what Allah does? He helps? Tell me, why didn't Allah help my innocent friend who died for no reason while the guilty ran free? Okay. Fine. Forget the one offs. How about the countless wars declared in his name? Okay. Fine. Let's skip the random, meaningless murder for a second, shall we? How about the racist, sexist, phobia soup we've all been drowning in because of him? And I'm not just talking about Muhammad. I'm talking about all organized religion. Exclusive groups created to manage control. A dealer getting people hooked on the drug of hope. His followers, nothing but addicts who want their hit of bullshit to keep their dopamine of ignorance. Addicts. Afraid to believe the truth. That there's no order. There's no power. That all religions are just metastasizing mind worms, meant to divide us so it's easier to rule us by the charlatans that wanna run us. All we are to them are paying fanboys of their poorly-written sci-fi franchise. If I don't listen to my imaginary friend, why the fuck should I listen to yours? People think their worship's some key to happiness. That's just how he owns you. Even I'm not crazy enough to believe that distortion of reality. So fuck Allah. He's not a good enough scapegoat for me

How many working people are here?

Only respond to this post if you make more than €1000 a month



Are we the only high earners here?

I guess

All indians should be gassed. relentlessly and without exception.


I blame the Indian media and the "stalker culture" desu

what an alpha

>What is blocking
I guess she just wanted the attention after all,like most girls.

their diaspora too

>tfw get all the hardest shit done in the morning
>the rest of the day is easy as fugg
If you're not working from 7-13 you are retarded. that's peak productivity

>If you're not working from 7-13
child labour is no good

he meant hours

No shit sherlock

>i was just pretending to be retarded
lame joke if that



Guess which balkan country this is


I remember an indian girl named Jasmine would do the same to me on FUCKING POKEMON ONLINE CHAT

Did ancient Albanians help ancient Bulgarians kill the Ancient Astronauts?

4 mundsi
1 te filloj nje biznes timin
2 te hyj n ndonje kurs profesional per mekanik ose hidraulik
3 ushtria
4 t'shkoj t'punoj kamarier

ca me zgjedh
m'cmenen kta t'shpis

Zgjidh 5) Vrit veten

5 osht opsion vec per homot qe postojn anime si ti

Kur kam nxjerre anime une ?


Can you guess the ethnicity of the mod?

te threadi para ktij
ti je ai q posto fotot me rly

german flag ( )

Ai postimi "animet greke" ishte per tallje

I admire this guy for his freedom and freedom of mind due to his stupidity


Greeks are subhuman.
They are brainwashed turks LARPing as ancient greeks.

mu kujtu ai paganfagu qe postote anime


Most famous greep rapper artist.

Oh boy is this map so wrong.

Rape seed of turks.

guess this one's
he deleted the thread altogether

see israel
jews are greek
we are truly the master race

>most famous greek twitch streamer

all the genetic maps are shit, you can tell because they assume north is light and south is dark meanwhile 50% of germans have brown eyes

Greeks were colonized by semites (Jews-Thesaloniki, Phoenicians, Carthagians and Armenian populations to replace greek loses)
Greek were then massively raped for 700 years by turks.

Greeks are semite rape seed of turks.
>this is the average greek woman

Why does he look like a wrinkly pile of shit?

You are culturally bulgarized thracians.
You are not subhuman gr**k, just a county of Bulgaria
Because he is the average greek male.

how mad :^)

>answering to someone who was forced to learn Russian by his cucked moldovan mother

Come on /balk/

Byzantine Empire replaced dead greeks with armenian, anatolian, phoenician and carthagian peasants.

Then turks came and raped you.

You are subhuman

>tfw you're shitpostmemeing but you're actually truthful when you say dumb fuck byzantine emperors moved huge populations across the empire to replace losses and settle them
>tfw studying history for 3 years was worth it and now you know all of Europe's true ethnic background just by studying state enacted population movements and settlements

This is how I know serbs and romanians basically shared their peasants for almost 1000 years so much that we are serbs and serbs are romanians.

Also, literally all the border regions of Greece have been ethnically cleeansed (by invaders, armies, people leaving) and have been settled with non-greeks.

This has been happening since before the Romans conquered Hellas.
Ever since city-states died, this was an active policy and an aggressive one during Bizantium.

it because maps overemphasise north as light
i've seen many tourists at the beach mostly poles and finns and they pass as regular balkanites easily


Radu doesn't feel Transylvanian enough today

radu is right tho

All the christian semites, egyptians and middle easterns that could escape the muslim menace, they escaped to Greece.
But then Alexandria fell, then Jerusalen, then Antioch, then Constatinople...

Antioch was more important than Constantinople, for Christians.

now we know why he's mad

KEK dubs confirm
romanians on suicide watch

This is the most watched greek streamer.

me on the pic :)

Бългapcкo нaциoнaлнo бoгaтcтвo e, чe Гъpция ни e южнa cъceдкa. C тoлкoвa мнoгo възмoжнocти зa paбoтa и пoчивкa. Дa гo пaзим!

I think this is what im going to do one day, living in the woods. Far away from emails, smartphones, the sins of life etc. Just in the woods with nature, alone.

>greeks protesting austerity and Germany

>Leader of the Greek neo-nazi party
Golden Dawn, more like BROWN dawn.

good morning niggers

de ce esti suparat pe grecia?
sunt fanariot btw


good morning nigger


>sunt fanariot btw
Imposibil, parazitii aia dobitoci facuti gramada sunt morti sau asezati de zeci de ani in vest.

CSFS, am studiat istoria la facultate 3 ani, in general cartile si documentele despre istoria armatei si a conflictelor unei tari releva date despre mutarea masiva de populatii, in special la granita.
Spun adevarul, dar in acelasi timp, cacatpostez.

Grecii si-au epuizat atat populatia "civilizata" din orase si coasta, cat si cea din interiorul tarii, "barbarii" cum erau numiti, nativi ai peninsulei.
I-au epuizat prin razboaie, razboaie civile intre factiuni si apoi prin colonizari.

Grecii, astazi, sunt un metis intre restul minor de greci ramasi, cu iliri, cu traci, cu migratia masiva de slavi, cu popoare din asia minor, colonii de semiti fenicieni, evrei (cea mai mare colonie a fost in Salonic), cartaginezi rupti in cur de romani si apoi valul de refugiati crestini ce veneau dinspre Orientul Mijlociu si Nordul Africii.

Imperiul Bizantin a mutat populatii straine la granita, pentru ca grecii erau omorati de raiduri, de razboaie si multi plecau.
Granita aia s-a tot mutat.

Grecii au aplicat aceeasi politica a Imp. Roman de a "greciza" alte populatii.

Cei mai educati si docti oameni, dintre arabi, vorbeau greaca fluent.
Imperiile musulmane au fost influentate masiv de cultura greaca, pana cand a intors foaia si a ars toate bibiliotecile.

Cimpoi cimpoiiii


Can't wait to get drunk and sing this



>go in metro
>thirsty so go to buy overpriced water
>never heard of the brand 'bellissima'
>meh, it's bulgarian
>feel the literal aids forming from mouth to stomach
I don't have much longer to live lads, I want my PC to go to homeless gypo kids as charity.

>>feel the literal aids forming from mouth to stomach

That's just an average day in bulgaria

Illirric subhuman, I am Thracian.

sneaky slavshit

illyrians and thracians are brothers

Is the Bulgarian metro BIG or a small metro?

We've got a bad goy over here.

30 stops


hail the eternal anti slavshit thraco-illyrian alliance!

>a tatar is technically more albanian than diaspora


also BASED zezak