I'm proud of you, Nigel

I'm proud of you, Nigel.

I'm proud of you Nigel

I'm proud of you Nigel

Im proud of you Nigel

I'm proud of you nigel

I'm proud of you, Nigel

fuck you nigel, I don't need help to archieve my goals. Everyone who does this shit is beta as fuck.

I'm proud of you Nigel

I'm sorry that you're still stuck in the EU friend. Don't worry, when Nigel and Trump come knocking on the castle door of Merkel's lair, we'll get you out of there, no sweat.

I'm proud of you Nigel

Im proud of you Nigel

I'm proud of you, Nigel.

I'm proud of you Nigel

I'm proud of you Nigel

I'm proud of you Nigel.

Im proud of you Nigel, and the 52% decent british people.

I'm proud of you Nigel

I'm proud of you nigel

It doesn't matter wheter I am in the EU or not. You guys are all cucks for believing in bullshit instead of improving things yourself

I'm proud of you, Nigel, Britain.

I'm proud of you, Nigel.

I"m proud of you Nigel

I'm proud of you Nigel

God sent him back to finish his job.
May he rest in peace.
RIP Nigel July 4th, 2016

>wanting nigel's blessing on your life's quest means you won't work hard to achieve it
Sounds like someone's projecting just a teensy bit. It's okay, I'm sure you'll get up one day and go do the things you've always wanted to get done. Maybe you need Nigel more than we do.

I'm proud of you, Nigel.

I'm proud of you Nigel.

I'm proud of you, Nigel

I'm proud of you, Nigel

I'm proud of you, Nigel

I'm proud of you Nigel

I'm proud of you Nigel

I'm proud of you, Nigel.

I'm proud of you Nigel

I'm proud of you, Nigel