If you haven't watched two thousand films at least, you need to get the fuck out

If you haven't watched two thousand films at least, you need to get the fuck out.



god, over my lifetime? Must be somewhere in the 20,000 mark by now

If you haven't been in at least 450 productions, you need to get the fuck out.


Get out granps

Well I've seen BvS two thousand times if that counts

those are the numbers of subtitles for my main language that i downloaded since 2008, they are fom movies and tv shows

Hey. Wackjob. Don't consume media that isn't intended for you. Jesus Christ some people are rude.

sure, i will stick with favela and crime movies

sure hue will

Tv doesn't count and is irrelevant


I've seen maybe 200 animes
One anime equals about 3 to 5 movies in length
So that's anywhere between 600 to 1000 films
Plus all the youtube videos I've watched would add another 1000 EZ so there
I'm pretty much an oldfag now I guess :/ I know all the memes anyway

step up kiddo

I've watched less than 50 movies in my lifetime

I'm only here for the little girls

>200 animes
you should probably kill yourself

Uh rude, my man
This is a board of peace, if you keep this up I'll have to report you
Maybe that will teach you some manners
Peace though, peace my dude



You're fucking shit