This movie has good performances, nice cinematography, decent acting overall, is a fun thrilling and touching story...

This movie has good performances, nice cinematography, decent acting overall, is a fun thrilling and touching story, lacks some depth and a better script but why is so overlooked/overrated? give me your opinions user, also, did you watch it in theaters or at home, me both, i felt that watching it at home was a better experience in this particular case

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Well when it came out, literally every thread here instead of talking about the movie, started talking about WW2 tanks and artillery and either descended into /k/-trolling, Sup Forums-trolling or serious discussions about her body of work.

It was really fucking distracting that the tracers were fucking lasers. Made engagement look like star wars.

that finale tho

Wasn't this one of the movies that got caught up in the Sony hacks?

ending was purely moronic

Go on.

This movie was just a piece a shit. All over the place and very stupid. ''WE'RE HERE TO KILL NAZIS AND SHOOT!!11!111!" Every American military except Brad Pitt and the kid were just loud mongoloids. That scene which they take refuge on that German daughter and mom's house was just so pointless. Also, the ending was predictable. Guess the characters' death order. Guess who was the last one to be killed and the one to have the most 'respectable' death. A fucking wate of time.

maskusum Hitler

Not user but the tank gets stuck at a crossroad and they stand their ground as long as they can. A grenade is thrown into the tank at Pitts feet and he dies, but he has absolutely no damage on him. Young guy lies under the tank while the krauts walk past, young kraut looks under the tank, sees young Yankee, ignores him and leaves. Young Yankee lives

it's really bad desu

Doesn't glamorize war, there are normal guys and ruthless murderers on both sides, which is very confusing and scary to brainwashed Americans.

It's impossible to make an anti-war movie.

The people who like war like seeing that, they want to be in those situations. People who know better know better.

The ending was fucking stupid and didn't make sense. There was literally no reason plot wise or thematically for them to stay with the disabled tank

Someone else would have had to deal with that battalion.

They stayed for the same reason they decided to rush the MG position in Saving Matt Damon.

dude lasers lmao

They literally weren't until Percy Jackson saw the army heading in the direction they came from where only injured and medics were stationed.

Are you fucking deaf or something?

Virtually nobody understands Inglourious Basterds because of this.

So what's better, warning them and preparing an ambush or dude 1 tank vs a battalion lmao

>Guess who was the last one to be killed and the one to have the most 'respectable' death. A fucking wate of time.
That's a fair criticism.

You pretty much said it's just an above average film but call it overlooked? I'm not following

why did they make the guns lasers?

They barely had enough time to prepare an ambush where they were.

Welcome to the suck.

Poor The Beef(tm). Best performance of his serious acting career and no one noticed because people don't like ww2 movies, let alone about tanks.

Movie was good. Until the final retarded act.

>wanting to ambush a battalion with just 5 dudes and no tank or a bunch of useless injured people.

>ambushing with a tank loadout and stalling for everyone else to get out

Dude, if Brad Pitt got ganked first in the final battle, it would have been about twice as exciting.

You're dead right about the order in which they would die, it was obvious from the first scene. If they'd switched it up, the ending becomes tense. When it's whittling down to Pitt and the Machine, you know that only the Machine is making it out alive. If Pitt dies first, you have no idea where they'll go with it. All KIA? Everyone but Pitt survives? You wouldn't know.

Shit ending battle that throws away the entire theme and atmosphere for a flashy heroic standoff because Americans can't handle movies where they aren't the capeshit hero saving the day

I think you mean, why do they normally leave tracers out of the effects? Because they look silly on screen.

Same reason they use dark red blood instead of bright red.

What's terrifying in reality can look silly on screen.

I don't know if it triggered my movie autism or tank autism more. Not only was it historically inaccurate throughout, the script was incredibly cliched and melodramatic to the point that it was frustrating to watch. None of the characters were interesting or relatable and there were a bunch of unexplained story and character threads that went nowhere.
Sound design was great though.

Was that the actual tracer effects from the movie?? Holy fuck, that's awful

What do you think a green tracer looks like? Red?

The funny part is I think those tracer effects are actually more authentic than what you see in most movies.