How would you torture/kill/rape a Finn?

How would you torture/kill/rape a Finn?

I would inject elemental mercury into his brain and see what happens.

fuck off you autistic freak

i will rape him until I break his spine

Living in a planet with idiot pendejo like you is torture enough.

This is a horrible thread. No surprise that it came from a savage third world country.

What the fuck?! reported

I wish I could rape you fuckers.

What is wrong with mexicans?

>mfw none of you Pedros or Jamals would last here long enough to make an attempt

just showing the results of living in a degenerate mutt society where the most popular occupation is killing and selling drugs

I think you answered that already.
>Being mexican

I'm not mexican, you snow chink.

there is literally no difference between latin americans, you are all violent niggers with nigger culture that revels in stupidity.

yeah, mexicans are cleaner than you greasy mongrels

all latin american savages are the same, you don't get to hide behind that flag

I would cut him a feet, cook it and obligate him to eat it.

Oh, my mistake

>How would you torture/kill/rape a Finn?

Explain to him that the simple truth is Raikkonen is slower than Vettel


Are you hungry? Do you need money to buy some food? Next time don't buy drugs with your rent and food money. :)

This thread would work out better if it didnt come from a shithole like mexico