Why did Hitler say that he's "Not going to let the Jews lead them into another war" when that's exactly what he did...

Why did Hitler say that he's "Not going to let the Jews lead them into another war" when that's exactly what he did. And why does he think that the Jews were responsible for ww1?

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Maybe do some fucking research instead of making these pointless thread just for arguing?


He was a sperglord. I used to worship him but now I just think he was a mistake.


Nice tweet

This is how I research. My professor likes all the papers that I turn in that's actually written by pol

>He was a sperglord. I used to worship him but now I just think he was a mistake.

I doubt you did. You're probably still a cuck or somekind of apologist or worst of all a jew.

England and the USA declared war on Germany, not the other way around, stupid OP.



Yes it is very progressive isn't it?

You should try doing your own work.

But let me tell you one thing Hitler did not "lead" Germany into another war. It was pure geopolitical reasons, and the international Jewry had already declared war on Germany in 1933.

Also look up the Balfour Declaration of 1917. it specifically states there that IF the zionists help England win the War they will grant them Palestine.

England declared war on Germany and Germany declared war on USA.

Germany was forced into a war and Hitler let it happen. He didn't have to invade Poland. There were other ways he could've saved all the Germans that were getting killed in Poland


Benjamin Freedmans famous Willard Hotel speech answers all of your questions: youtube.com/watch?v=wLTNBlt6Ubg

germany declared war on usa.

>germany declared war on usa.

The USA was already secretly waging war on Germany, Germany only made if official

War declaration:
"On September 11, 1941, the President of the United States publicly declared that he had ordered the American Navy and Air Force to shoot on sight at any German war vessel. In his speech of October 27, 1941, he once more expressly affirmed that this order was in force. Acting under this order, vessels of the American Navy, since early September 1941, have systematically attacked German naval forces. "

I'm watching this. I'm 5mins in. bump

Hitler was a beta cuck


and Hitler never accused the jews for being responsible for the ww1. He, however, accused them for being responsible for the outcome of the war, and rightfully so.

He say that he has a bunch of documents to prove all of his statements. Do they really exist?

>There were other ways he could've saved all the Germans that were getting killed in Poland


well thats not really war, thats just being hostile. Germany shot brazilians twice before we declared war on them(brazil was facist at that time do getulio(dictator) liked hitler and mussolini)

By arming them. You have to admit that in the 20th century, in the era of radio and the printing press, it's pretty damn stupid to order an army waving your flag to waltz into a country and kill a bunch of people. That's not how you war

>Liking Hitler and Mussolini makes you a fascist
You do know this dude shut down the real Fascist party of the time in Brazi, "Brazilian Integralism"

>Fascist party
Fascist movement*

he shut down all the parties that weren't his own party just like Hitler did in Germany.

Everyone at that time thought this, because that is what all the evidence said.
There was a whole nonfiction publishing category devoted in the interwar period to explaining what we would call nudging and thought leading, and its role (in the mass media) in ginning up mass support for war. Several of the books were written by the men who did this for a living.
But if you don't have the time, it would suffice to read Robert Graves' Good Bye To All That, his Great War memoir. It has a brief passage at the beginning which illustrates how major and respected newspapers would quote each other, then re-quote each other quoting each other, then point to that confected consensus (rather than independent sourcing and truly varied verification) as "proof" that Germany was murdering Belgian monks by using them as clappers in their own church bells.
After a few weeks of such fevered echo chambering, everyone sincerely wanted war.
When many captured high Nazis were informed about the "Holocaust" (for the first time, after the war), their first reaction was, "Oh, that's what they said in the last war, it's that pile of cut-off Belgian hands again!"

And that should make it fascist somehow?

What about the judeo-bolshevik that shut down all other parties in Russia to create the Soviet Union?

Keep in mind this dictator of your later became part of the brazilian labour party.

I used to like Hitler but now I'm a #Stalindarlin

>Between 1930–1934, Vargas followed a path of social reformism in attempt to reconcile radically diverging interests of his supporters. His policies can best be described collectively as approximating those of fascist Italy under Mussolini, with an increased reliance on populism.

>This siding with the anti-fascist Allies created a paradox at home not unnoticed by Brazil's middle class — a dictatorial regime, still with some fascistic overtones, joining forces with the anti-fascist Allies. This increased the anti-dictatorship sentiment at home even more. Vargas astutely responded to the newly liberal sentiments of a middle class that was no longer fearful of disorder and proletarian discontent by moving away from repression — promising "a new postwar era of liberty" that included amnesty for political prisoners, presidential elections, and the legalization of opposition parties — including the moderated and irreparably weakened Communist Party. This political liberalization contributed to the downfall of the Estado Novo, being substantial enough to provoke Vargas' resignation on 29 October 1945 and the return to democracy with the 1945 presidential election.


Hitler would have solved the Jewish problem in Germany with the continuation of the Havaara agreement. However the Soviets were growing to quickly to be countered so he didn't wait the 10 years that could have made Germany Jew-free and instead went to war in 1939.

Those are some superficial claims.

No real Fascist would strive away from the Fascist World View.

He shut down the fascist movement at that time, worked with capitalists and communists, used liberal sentiments, using sweet liars as every politicians does, democracy, allowing opposition parties etc.

All of this is not Fascist.

Personally I think time travellers were responsible for ww1
