The X-Files 1986 Draft

Hey Sup Forums, I am currently employed at 20th Century FOX in the Cinema Archives and just this weekend I uncovered something quite fascinating and unfortunately very obscure.

The story you know is as goes: Chris Carter's pilot for The X-Files was picked up by FOX in the early 90s and production began shortly afterward. While he did write two fairly obscure films, was not a huge success in the industry in the mid-80s. He had the main idea of The X-Files (summed up as two FBI agents investigate the paranormal and unexplained, one is a skeptic, the other a believer), which was heavily influenced by The Twilight Zone and Kolchak: The Night Stalker. The series proved successful.

The story you don't know is that in the early 80s, Carter was already working on the first draft of what would soon become The X-Files. In this stage, Carter had envisioned it as a singular film which focused more on the meta concepts of youth and curiosity which may be the reason as to why his first draft was rejected or scraped by Carter himself (who knows?).

So, I have recently come into possession of the first eight pages of the original spec script on behalf of FOX and the Cinema Archives, who had gained legal rights to the script because it beared the X-Files name. It may not be within the bounds of Fair Use rights but I thought it would be something cool to share (and I didn't go to r***it because fuck that).

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Also sorry for the quality, the printer's fault.

oh cool






Predicting this is fake unfunny horseshit, but please continue.


Aaand that's it. Sorry I couldn't post the whole thing, or rather wrap it all up in a PDF, this was done hastily.

I want to believe

>The 80's
>dropping the first F bomb less than 10 minutes into the movie
What is this, Scarface? Look, I'm a huge X Files fan but you and I both know this shit wouldn't fly. Really trying to make a case that makes this look legit.



It was a different time. Plus Carter was a total edgelord back then. I wouldn't doubt this would've been R-rated as it sort of fits with the subject matter, most every horror films back then had an R-rating and it (sometimes) paid off. Though PG-13 had just been added to the MPAA chart after Temple of Doom (84 i think) had proved PG movies were getting too edgy for PG so I think that added to Carter's insistence on a harder 'edge' when it came to making it. It was rejected or scraped anyway so maybe that's what made Carter go the TV route and dropped the F-bomb (not literally).

Saved snd posting it to reddit/pretending I scanned it. Thanks for the gold ;^)

This is cool, thanks brOP.

Carter is a huge hack. Decent idea guy but can't write for shit. Morgan brothers were the real talent on the writing staff.

very neat but glad this shit was scrapped

I just started s10. Fuck this alien and gov conspiracy shit. Is it all like this or are there motw episodes?

Haven't gotten to it yet but 1st and 6th episodes are Myth-Arc, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are MOTW (I think, I'm not sure if "Babylon" is myth arc or not).

I'll persevere then, thanks

Babylon isn't Mytharc, but it introduces Bootleg Mulder and Bootleg Scully who appear in the last episode.

Whaaaat!? awesome thanx!


a for effort, c- for execution, f for talent

Remove this at once, sir.




Just marathoned s10. I didn't think it was going to be that bad, but it was. Except for 1003. They should have made 1003 into a movie as their swansong considering how bad the other 5 eps are.

>movie opens on a alarm clock
>muh stronk indeependant womyn
>"hi, Dana Scully" aka "Secretary, I'm FBI."