How the fuck do South Americans sleep at night knowing there are people like this all around them?

How the fuck do South Americans sleep at night knowing there are people like this all around them?

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Looks like its not just South Americans who have to worry about South Americans.

is it really any surprise? colombia and brazil are degenerate shitholes.

how the fuck can we even sleep at night knowing there are people like PIC RELATED around us??

ahahahaha why the fuck should i worry about ONE serial killer when i have these deadly assholes in my government
i'm gonna die already so might as well enjoy my time, HAHAHAHAHAHA

Whats even more scary is that this deranged fuck is going to be out of prison in 5 years because the judicial system in colombia (and brazil, and almost all of latin america) is so fucking retarded.

he would have been killed in prison if it was in brazil desu

This guy hasnt been killed yet.

You get accustomed to live among ugly people, or to look at your own face un the mirror, if you're ugly yourself.

I stopped feeling scared years ago.

>"these native women look good, let's have some fun"
>"what could go wrong..."

>>Responsible for at least one civil war outside its territory

>americafat talking about serial killers

So wut? if Japan didn't have its good share of soulless and psychopathic killers. See murder of Junko Futura, for example.

Says the American.
>Terrorizes half the world
>Responsible for at least one civil war outside its territory
>Not degenerate
You're many steps above South Americans in the staircase of evil: Killings and terrorism on an industrial scale

>Junko Futura
ajajaj che ceron

there have been literally 0 mass murderers in our history

What's so fun? Frankly, what happened to that girl sounds so horrible and inhumanly cruel regardless of how many decades ago it happened.

Oh fuck...this piece of shit mobile's spellchecker butched it.

Junko Furuta.

Happy now?

>Inb4 fucking mobile poster
I don't want to turn my computer on just to write a couple of posts.

Our people are on aggregate less degenerate. Why are you talking about the government? All our bad statistics are almost all from blacks and other minorities, anything the government does has no implications that our people are like, murderers and rapists and drug addicts and whatever else. Colombia is 100x worse than usa and this is fact.

>its duh brown beoples fault!! ameriga is white an baseD!!!
Into the trash it goes.

>Spic gets assblasted.
You have to go back Paco.

Fuckingg BASED meme my dude! You really BTFOd him there!!! Can i screencap it and post it on the_donald? theyre the most BASED and REDPILLED subreddit!

t. Pedro Alvarez de California


>Chile murder rate: 2.7
>LOS EST*DOS murder rate: 4.9


Oh come on... Americans talking about serial killers?

USA is the country with the most serial killers in history

why are you making fun of people with genetic diseases? youre a pathetic spic.

because these serial killers from the 80s are dead or in jail.

nothing says "serial killer on the loose right now" quite like black and white pics from the 70s and men already detained by the police

>talking about serial killers

very original