Punished messi

poster of Lionel Messi crying used in ISIS threat to World Cup

I bet ISIS wants to fuck the GOAT


Isn't ISIS on the verge of nonexistence?

implying argentina will classify for the world cup lmao

daesh confirmed for halal madrid fans

>keep chatting shit
nice '''''''''''''capital'''''''''' they've got there


>all other teams get suicide bombed
>england still dont get past the group stage


>england becomes the number one team in the world and wins 6 major titles in a row

ISIS more like CRYSis they got BTFO in Raqqa, Mosul, and Kirkuk

in other words theyre fucking done

how mad is Ronaldo right now thinking that even some bombed - out ragheads think Messi's better

We already did it...

Do you keep up with football news... They did already stupid ass

What position for the team do you play?


>inb4 Ronaldo has his PR team mock up a poster for him as well

even Isis love CR7

ya except his will be Boko haram


bunch of loser muslim cucks. Sad

They're like that autistic faggot kid who got beat the shit out of by the Chads yet still went around talking shit and trying to get Chad's gf.

isis is mad at uefa they dont get chance to play in world cup

wow you are so STUPID read the news