Have you ever reflected and maybe thought, "What if I'm wrong about my beliefs?"

Have you ever reflected and maybe thought, "What if I'm wrong about my beliefs?"

What if liberals are right Sup Forums? What if the globalism will actually be what's good for humanity? Keep in mind that nationalism caused 2 world wars in the last century.

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If they're right , why is SOROS so hell bent on doing it the worst way possible?


wow u rly made me think op

Globalism is good for the humanity as a whole. However there are too many incompatible cultures. Once the right cultures haves been cleansed globalisation is good.

But Merkel and weedman are leading the charge towards allowing the backwards cultures into our own, hoping our culture and values override theres. It's a risky play but they don't really have another option. There will never be an mass extermination of another culture again. (Unless slimes take over)

This is a good discussion, let's do it.

>soros has the yellow fever
Whats good enough for the master race is good enough for me.

Had to be a god damn american making this autism....for shame

a third one should fix our (((problems))) for good

That's literally what hitler was trying to do.

I accept globalism in the abstract. Free trade, mobility of people, all of these things make economic sense.

But, none of those things are actually true in the real world. China keeps it's currency 50% undervalued, effectively creating a 50% tariff.

What when people like Soros say "globalism" what they really mean is that I'm not allowed to make decisions in my own self interest. And I soundly reject that.

The problem is that by the time humanity is one homogenous beige mass of humans, problems like overpopulation and pollution would have taken its toll on the planet (assuming nothing goes wrong from some astronomic or unforseen event). And because it takes a long time and a lot of money to enact these kinds of programs, a lot of humanity's wealth and production went into social issues, so humanity wouldn't be able to develop the required technology to adequately move itself off planet Earth and continue the survival of the species into the beyond.

It happened to the dinosaurs, it will happen to us. Our only chance is the stars. That's why objectivism has to exist. That's why the world turns to the beat of a select few.

yes actually. I think about this almost every day.

I used to be a "world citizenship first" type until it started to seem that globalism was just a way to spread wealth faster the the wealthy regardless of nationality.

In truth I don't care about nationalism as long as fairness comes first.

God bless the USA though. Truly the best country to ever blossom. Other countries are shit and have no viable path toward being nice and tolerant after 4000 years of being nasty little fetid empires.

Quite honestly, yes. Sometimes I so think I'm wrong. When that happens, I look at the opposite side, pick it apart, then do the same on my side, and compare the pieces. Usually I just end up showing myself I'm right. That's what smart people do. Challenge themselves to learn more.

this desu senpai

You guys do understand that this is a shill thread and that they get paid 3c for every single reply and that the purpose is to have you engage in pointless argument with them instead of preparing for what's to come or making change in the real world, right?

Don't even sage them (Doesn't work on Sup Forums), just don't reply. Don't waste your mind on their drivel.

Inb4 roll pic

except no one is arguing, checkflag.

>Keep in mind that nationalism caused 2 world wars in the last century.
Are you for real, Mr. 1 post by this ID?

No Fucking shit. If we segregate ourself a from different cultures and are xenophobic, of course this world will go to shit. This started both world wars. But whatever "THeY TOoK mUH JOoBS!!"

Shit countries are shit because of shit people. They have nothing to offer and deserve no help for their own incapacities and failures. Globalism will only lower standards of living to create the guise of a global community

>Good for humanity
It's not good for my people

Scarcity is another problem that will hit humanity big time, and that means the population will encounter a crash and there will be a complete breakdown of civilization once more. Humanity will be reduced to roaming tribes once more and the cycle continues until something else kills us off.

I for one would like to see Humanity become the evil aliens taking over other planets.

It was exactly the opposite, I was pretty liberal but then started pondering why it doesn't work and now it's too late for rebluepilling.

Globalism is a nice ideal and that's how liberals think, in ideals. They refuse to believe third-world countries are shit because the people there might as well be fucking retards and we shouldn't infest the rest of the world with them.

No, germany was the driving force behind the two world wars. And now they are the primary proponent of globalism.

Nationalism didn't create the world wars. Globalism did.

Maybe it's a price worth paying to not destroy our planet?

>nationalism caused 2 world wars in the last century.
pretty sure it was the jews




1 post...

>nationalism causes war
>not globalism allowing for perpetual proxy wars to fuel the military industrial complex

Nationalism causing wars meme needs to end. The only thing that has ever stopped wars were nukes, & if we didn't have nukes, than the Cold War would've been an even bigger World War versus two rivaling forms of globalism.

They are not pushing the sand nig ge e culture on whites. They are causing division with it. The islam culture is literaly put there for it to be the obvious untiuchable evil. I am 100% conviced that when all their sharades are over islam will be purged. Its used as a boogyman for those who see a bit beyond the curtain.
Used to keep the stupid controlled by Pc culture and the smart fearfull by jihadism.

>Have you ever reflected and maybe thought, "What if I'm wrong about my beliefs?"
Of course. And now I'm here.

the paper idea of globalism is great in theory. Unfortunately if practiced, with humans being inherently selfish - it will culture this trait leading to a few controlling most if not all the worlds goods and services for no better reason than having total unhinged power.

Humans with multiple cultures across the world are NOT COMPATIBLE WITH EACH OTHER

>What if liberals are right Sup Forums?

Ask yourself, what have liberals EVER been right about? And then you will have your answer.

So why doesn't Israel open its borders like everyone else if it's so progressive and wonderful?

As long as the New World Order goes full Hitlerin it's One World Nationalism it would have good results. But most globalists don't want a world of half-white Chinese people conquering the stars, they want a selective return to the Stone Age with Jews lording over heritageless agrarian mongrels who vacation from the fields on assembly lines.

>What if the globalism will actually be what's good for humanity?
if it's crappy for humanity right now, wtf makes you think it's gonna be good for humanity later, dipshit?

Fucking this.

Centralization of power is never a good idea.

double this

>Hitlerin it's
I'm turning off auto correct today. More trouble than it's worth.

>Globalism is good for the humanity as a whole
globalism is great for corporations
globalism is horrible for the everyday person

please enlighten everyone on how good it is.. in your own words

If liberals are right then there's no God so who gives a shit about being right or
World Wars that kill millions or anything else.

I still don't want to be some pathetic faggot crying about muh feels and wearing skinny jeans even if objectively the universe is indifferent between them and actual men

>Globalism is good for the humanity as a whole.


>1 post by this ID

>it's a Reddit thread episode

The liberals aren't right.

What you REALLY need to realize is that World War 1&2 were actually the greatest thing to ever happen to all of humanity and that the current age of technological innovation stems from each of these nations being socially unified against one another; When all was said and done, ALL nations benefited from the results in the long run.

Much like forest fires, war is not inherently bad.

Well, there is the subtle fact that actual liberals do not beleive in globalization and also beleive bad trade deals infringe on our rights and negatively impact on our economy.

Its the corporatist infiltrators on both sides of the uniparty that push globalization, not liberals or conservatives.

Fuck Hillary.
Trump is meh.
Jill Stein is a dolt.
Gary Johnson is a tool.

There are no good options.

Ragnarok like a boss

All the time. I'm as much of an opinionated retard as much as the next guy but I do keep an open mind since new evidence could always come out that I'm completely wrong.

The real question is whether the first world working class will buy into it. Not the gibsmedat class. But the honest to god proles. And right now they dont.

Globalism would limit the free market. Say goodbye to tax havens and cheap labour. How is that good for corporations?

If it is all so good for everybody, why is it all so secret, why not blatenly state your goals and means.
Because then you gotta say, democracy is bad. We know this better than you peasants.
People don't like that. Because it is not for the best.

All globalism does is provide third world shitholes with the means to destroy our planet. The west has already overcome nearly all of the consequences of its industry, meanwhile china, india, south america, and increasingly large parts of africa are actively ruining the planet for wealth they immediately squander. And in all cases but perhaps china, it's because of free trading globalists who would enforce sustainability on his neighbor but not on a billion shitskins

Globalism is the concentration of power. Plain and simple.

What has this guy done so wrong to make you hate him?

sometimes I wonder if Trump isn't just a plant. At the time Obama seemed to many people to be a real underdog and someone who would shake up the system.

Perhaps the media perfected the art of making you THINK they don't like someone.

Or more likely Trump is an actual outsider and is god incarnate.

inb4 youre posting as some sanctimonious saviour? give me your 3 cents

This is an example of shill tactics. Discredit through a cosmetic or external characteristic instead of offering an alternative point.
Only the dumbest people fall for this, don't be one of them.

"what's good for humanity" is too complex for your small brains anyway

just try not to think about it and just concentrate on your own needs

Islam wants to instate Sharia law, which goes against globalism and equality. The liberal agenda is flawed from the outset.

Globalism will be good for humanity when either the rest of the world are willing to behave and work like white people in the civilized west or when the world is homogenously made up of only once race and religion. Not before then.

Also, when jews stop being power hungry xenophobes.

>Globalism would limit the free market
the fuck ...are you on??
globalism opens up markets where corporations would otherwise have no access
do you know what TTIP is?

Whos going to take this guys place when he croaks?

>allowing the backwards cultures into our own, hoping our culture and values override theres

Yes, The White Jews hope that it will eventually be subverted.
That's at the cost of dismantling the host culture. I can tell you Islam won't last long in western culture, it way too decadent to pass up.

>Have I ever "What if?"
Yes, even though my beliefs boil down to something like, "these concepts have been described, even if theoretical, and people mostly wander about in self-denial."

how u mean, honest question, cus
>no argument
>it certainly appears that nationalism was a mobilizing factor
>is your argument going to be because germany and japan were imperialistic in nature?
>if so, they would be conquering in THE NAME OF THEIR NATION
>but interesting....maybe the Hitlers, the Napoleons, the Alexanders, and the Ghengis Khans of the past....were essentially globalists?
>actually makes u rly think
>please respond

This too.

Wishful thinking cuck. This was always about creating war, culling the herd and a few other things....

The "migrants" are destabilizing force and an anti-vote against the host culture.

>Globalism is good for the world as.a whole.

It's the practice of exporting labor to other countries to try and lower worker wages to that of 3rd world countries across the board. It's impossible for it to be good or possible with a massive war where only the last surfing mass culture wins. Right now the globalists are trying their hardest to create a beige race and culture where no one is diverse or interesting, all in the name of peace.

Its impossible.We are actually running down the path to WW 3.

>nationalism caused 2 world wars

Without Jewish funding there would have been no World Wars because small nation states don't have the money to pay for it.
Without the Jewish debt scam the USA would be bankrupt, unable to afford wars in the middle east.

Prove me wrong!

>Yes, The White Jews hope that it will eventually be subverted.
muslim indoctrination, it's the fastest growing religion.. chances of it being eroded is virtually nil.. lets take a look at the UK.. youtube.com/watch?v=SgKMI1wV0ps

>Humanity will be reduced to roaming tribes once more and the cycle continues
There isn't going to be no cycle.

All the low-hanging fruit has been picked.
The easily accessible resources needed to lift civilization to industrial level have been mined literally centuries ago. We need advanced tech just to get basic things like oil and gas and metals.

If we ever go back to stone age, we're not coming out.

Who's the slut?

Maybe he is, maybe he isnt. The real point is the system is rigged and for sale, hes just willing to openly admit it.

What we need are several more parties and a fracturing of the current two. What would help is if we re-organized the executive branch into 3-5 seperate but equal positions that represent regions and operate like a coalition council. Break the executive governance into several regions, one for the south, one for the northeast, one for the mid west, one for the west coast. Something along those lines.

That way no one president could unilaterally push executive orders that defy the constitution like is so regularly done now. More citizens and their legitimate interest would be represented and it would be harder to bribe/buy/lobby the executive branch into corporate compliance.

Just a crazy idea from a liberal.

yeah what the fuck is this nostradamus fucker albert pike all about?
im usually a bit too cynical of humans to think anyone could actually pull off this much of a heist in advance, maybe some lucky guessing
>knew the jews didnt have their plot of land, their zion
>knew the muzzies had it
>knew the elites (jews) of countries would support the zionist's interests
>easy to guess that the zionists and muzzies would fight at some point
>still suspicious that it is some grand cogwork machinery set in motion hundreds of years ago
>.....but wait, what isnt just machinery set in motion from hundreds of years ago
>neurons firing....to bullets firing....

>No, germany was the driving force behind the two world wars.

Then why didn't the west accept Hitlers peace offers after invading Poland?

Protip: the world wars have been economic wars with the goal of destroying the biggest competitor of declining GB


Stoped reading right there. Stay ignorant.

But you understand how puritan the U.S was before? It was almost as strict as Islam.

There was one time the middle east wasn't ruled completely socially and political by Islam, it was most liberal then it was today till coups toppled governments and installed dictators.

This post made me angry.

Lets look at an area of the world where there are Muslims and Christians living in close proximity- the Balkans. Even after decades unified government and nationalism as Yugoslavia the fractured states ended up warring against each other. There won't be a unified Europe, but a Balkanized, clashing Europe.

And what culture will unify them? In Germany will the "refugees" adopt German culture? Western culture?

In Canada there is no culture, just this Americanized, Jewified culture of pop music and humanist values. Sexualized culture, effeminate culture.
Something occurred to me the other day- we went through the same Cultural Revolution China did, only instead of getting the stick we received the carrot.
But just like the Chinese we are now an empty, culture-less, consumer driven society.

Osama Bin Laden was right, when people see a weak horse and a strong horse naturally they will prefer the strong horse.

Globalism is not best for humanity.

also....dont we kinda want what pike is after here?
a death of mudslimes...a death of merchants....


>most liberal
more liberal

TTIP is a unmatured example, Limiting cross border trade and loosing inhuman work ethics would be a huge punch in the face for the corporations. They need shit holes to exploit. A median standard would remove the shit holes.

>goal of destroying the biggest competitor of declining GB

Excepting they lost their empire after WW2 and the US rose to hegemony over the West.

>Nationalism caused 2 world wars

Okay buddy, time to go to bed.

the fuck is your horse metaphor

plz explain
>is osama the strong horse?

Islam is the strong horse

>ignoring the metals we have around us literally everywhere

>how puritan the U.S was before?
some parts of the US are puritan and ended up segregating themselves, some eventually became more liberal, some remain just are puritanical. the difference since then is the mass immigration of people with much more liberal views

>says the German

>>Osama Bin Laden was right, when people see a weak horse and a strong horse naturally they will prefer the strong horse.

Islam is way too strict for the information age, sorry. Extremists won't win in the end, they'll just be annoyance for both Muslims and non-Muslims.

Only through the irrational tolerance of others.

In all honesty, I've thought about that plenty of times. Even now, I wonder "What's good" or "What's right". But do you know why I know my beliefs are right?
It's because I ask these question. I ask them every day. I question everything, and I doubt everything. Now I know, without a doubt, that what I believe is true.

What is good? Seriously, what is good?
Can a 100 year old man say that his life of abstinance and healthy eating what really a life worth living, compared to a 30 year old who lives his life every day and dies tomorrow? What's the point of holding onto a heart beat if there's nothing else to live for?

In response to someone disagreeing with the sacrifice of the sheep, Confucius said, “Ci, you love the sheep; I love the ceremony.”

We don't live to let live; we live to give life meaning.

When you say "We need to unite not divide" to justify globalism, I say "We need to unite, not divide" to justify nationalism. It's down to what we mean when we say "We". Who are we? Humanity, white people, egalitarians, etc? Who is this "We"?
When I say "we", I talk about my people, the people where I live, my family, my friends, my peers. I don't have an idealistic sense of the world; I simply see the greater good as a harmonized version of what already is.
I don't make an assumption of the world based on some futuristic egalitarian paradise. Progressive means nothing to me; you use it as a justification for your actions, the preconceived notion of a foreseeable future. Well the future isn't written in stone, and it certainly isn't egalitarian. That's why I'm a nationalist. I want peace. I want to live in peace. You're the one who wants to mix water and oil; I just want clean water. No idealism, no globalism, just peace and love.

>Limiting cross border trade and loosing inhuman work ethics would be a huge punch in the face for the corporations
hence: globalism is great for corporations

do you know what you're arguing for/against??

Globalism, although not called as such, caused too wide scissors leading to unfulfilled wishes of certain states. Than chauvinism kicked in as a response to situation at hand. So technically it wasn't nationalism that created world wars but nature of the human being - the need to externilaze expenses and internilaze profits. And today's globalism is just about that.

>metals everywhere
What will you melt them with, senpai? Wood?

>inb4 horse-powered fracking

Gee I dunno, maybe because he literally just demonstrated what a peace treaty with germany was worth

Yes, the liberal agenda is to make the West as degenerate (and it's working) as possible so that Islam seems like the pure, righteous religion.

It really makes you think... I'm a #sorrowsmissile now