Why didn't the eagles just fly The Ring to Mordor? there's no fucking way Frodo made it there in seven days

Why didn't the eagles just fly The Ring to Mordor? there's no fucking way Frodo made it there in seven days.

wut the time between rivendell and sammath naur is like 3 months

the eagles had fallen out by this point, if they were on a flight together theyd probably be at eachothers throats the whole way

Why didn't Tom Bombadil just fly the ring to Mordor on the Eagles?

Why didnt Sauron just use a gun?

he was waiting Sauron to reborn so he could BTFO of him with his bare fists

Stop stealing memes

If Frodo watched Samara's tape and wore the One Ring on the seventh day, would Samara still kill him?

why didn't sauron just cause global warming with the volcanos

Why didn't he check the identities of the masked men before allowing them onto his aircraft

why not give the ring to the jews?

But how come the ring ended up in the black lodge?

;) told ya.

That eagle has a sick hairdo

Because the eagles could have been killed quite easily by the Nazgul.

They don't have wings.

OP writes and directs the Lord of The Rings:

>Frodo this is the one Ring! we must destroy it in the fires of Mount Doom!
>OK Gandalf, cant you fly there by Eagle?
>Yes my lad! lets go at once!
>Gandalf flies over Mount Doom, drops the Ring in the lava
>The End

Movie run time: 3 minutes

OP, dont ever become a director, you're fucking clueless.

>send your quickest eagle to retrieve a volcanic stone from the slopes of Mt. Doom and bring it back to a blacksmith near the shire
>have the blacksmith melt the stone down
>drop the ring into the fires of Mt. Doom

Shhh, user. That's my next lazy Photoshop.

Reddit, don't ever post again, you're fucking clueless.

>using my putdown as a comeback because you have nothing.

watch out with that razor sharp wit kid, it has edges.

You posted this last thread too. It was just as dumb then.