How can you tell the difference between an Italian and a Romanian?

>how can you tell the difference between an Italian and a Romanian?

one smells like piss the other smells like shit

One does organized crime the other does regular crime


they're both Turk rape babies

The Italian will leave marinara stains in my pocket after he takes my wallet

One is a gypsie and the other one is an Italian.

How can you tell a difference between Italian and Sicilian?

Why was season 2 so shit?

those are Germans

Italians are quintessential Gypsies

Ask them about copper.

they are the gypsy kings

Ones black the other is blacker

you count the rings

Neither are American White Male Master Race

I'm a partial descendant of Italian immigrants and i'm definitely white as fuck

All of the smart (white) Italians left Italy a long time ago. In fact you'll only find white Italians in America and most of them aren't even technically Italian anymore, they're English/Spanish/French/German mutts & hybrids. thin black hair and white skin with psuedo oily complexion

its like do people think just because he has a shirt that says "italia" on it hes italian? niggers dont where american flags on their clothes?

Italian here. Italian girls are taller and darker, Romanian girls have massive jaws
>pic related is from the city where I live

I work with Romanians and they all eat like they're being chased. Mouth wide open, slurping, grunting. Fucking disgraceful.

>a fucking Albanian/Romanian euronigger
>an actual Italian

yea nah

Why did you post pic of a Sicilian?

italian women have a sexy accent
romanian women sound like bears

Can someone explain to me please what an actual Italian is

I know about the language and demographics but the actual Italian ethnicity part confuses me.
Are they Moroccan? Sicilian? Romanian? Greek? Albanian? some mixture of those? are they none of those?

What do "Italic" people look like? Are there even any real Italians left or have they all mixed with those previously listed ethnics and/or mixed with French/Spanish/German/etc into euro mutts?

big tits

Now mostly Gypsies mixed with Albanians and Morrocans, the older core were Romans mixed with Barbarians.

italian women have body hair
romanian women have nothing but hair

>italian women have body hair

sad but mostly true
if they wax tho they are top tier

??? WTF
This is the most bizarro post I've ever seen on this board.

why is that?


For the last year or so there has been one or more guy specifically saying "too bad she shaves her pits and waxes her forearms, DROPPED" in every single actress thread