Is there a "line" in comedy? In stand up? Should there be?

Is there a "line" in comedy? In stand up? Should there be?

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This isn't 'nam. There are rules.

OP, there is a line and you just crossed it.

Not an objective one, but everyone has a subjective line
Dead baby jokes are hilarious until your 2 year old gets run over, cancer jokes are hilarious until your friends all start dieing of it, etc.

of course not. I did not watch my friends die FACE DOWN IN THE MUCK so that this fuckin STRUMPET, this fuckin WHORE, could just WALTZ around town

nope, all is good

I don't see a connection...

For me the line is publicly shaming individuals who have done nothing wrong. A perfect example would be websites like "people of Walmart" which is pretty much just nothing but laughing at poor or ugly people.

This. Everything is funny until it happens to you, but then you're just a person in the audience that isn't laughing while everyone else is.

Tragedy is what comedy addresses better than any other medium, but it's not ever going to be funny to all can't even try for that because it's fucking stupid. This is why "MY VAGINA" female comedians are not funny; they don't understand the basic concept of comedy.

I'm still a little bit salty about the O&A thing where the smashed the homeless guys cake

Only thing I can think of is rape jokes. Everything else should be free game.

Isn't that subjective though? I have friends who laugh at their personal tragedies. I have a friend with cancer who finds a lot of relief in cancer jokes

This nigga is throwing 3/4 oz rapallas

Rape jokes can be hilarious though bill burr did a great bit on that as did Richard Pryor

YOU DO NOT......also dude. Chinamen is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American, please.

Of course I'm just playing Devil's Advocate since most people tend to get offended at anything even though they paid $20+ to a comedy show. I honestly don't care what jokes are said, I can just pick and choose what I like.

Tell me one funny cancer joke. And YES you moron, of course it's subjective...that's exactly what I just said in my post you monumental idiot.

Woah guy, step off


fucking retard septics.

I've heard more than one comedian talk about how they cringe when looking at the 'edgier' material they did in their youth because as they'd got older they realized themselves and friends or family members had become at least in part 'that guy', the type of people or personalities they had been making fun of in their youth.

Y'know I myself dabbled in pacifism once

These arent the guys who built the fuckin railroads man

Say what you want about the tennants of mational socialism, atleast that's an ethos.

if people really act this way as in this faggy reddit pic they are retarded

Your question gave me cancer.

>what has less white cells than a jail full of niggers?
>Your mom with leukemia

Dude check out twitter, Facebook, Instagram everyone is on George lopez for some joke about blacks and then telling some black butch in the audience to shut up

You think im fucking around here mark it zero!
Honestly the first time i saw this scene and movie i could not stop laughing, if i could watch a movie for the first time again it would be this one

You brought a fucking pomeranian bowling?
The Dude: You brought the fuckin' Pomeranian bowling?
What do you mean brought it bowling, Dude? I didn't rent it shoes. I'm not buying it a fucking beer. He's not taking your fucking turn, Dude.

It was a hilarious scene

I dont think so just look at sam hyde hes fucking hilarious their is no line if you dont mean what you say

You pull your peice out on me i'll snatch it away from you, shove it up your ass, and pull the triger till it goes click.

I'll allow it but I find it in poor taste.

Jesus was hilarious but what was the point of his character?

It's a Coen Brother's movie, nothing has a point

"I'll allow it" glad you're the authority on all that is comedy haha

thanks for pointing it out

The line is your audience.
Don't tell a joke about a group of people to said group.