Explain this shit

Especially if you're Libertarian.

I'm genuinely curious.

>not neoliberal
Get with the times.

nigga pls

"I want free shit but other people to pay for it."

Ask "the Pride of Long Island" Colin Moriarty. He's one of those socially liberal fiscally conservative libertarians.
I think they're just faggots.

why, great user?

The entire premise behind Libertarianism is that dumbfuck behaviour gets exactly what it deserves.

Calling blatant faggotry and degeneracy good, is an oxymoron. If you can't accept wide spread death and defooing for at LEAST 1 generation.... You got no bussiness calling yourself a Libertarian.

Libertarian just means small govt. there is no liberal or conservative bc the govt is not supposed to act as such


>muh capitalism is the root of all evil argument


>socially liberal
>fiscally conservative

is NOT what libertarian means
christ, even Gary Johnson and his gun-grabbin' cuck boyfriend VP fell for this shit

>Fiscally Conservative
So she wants minimal taxes and minimum government spending

>Socially very Liberal
And she wants large scale government intervention for the welfare of the masses

Am I missing something here? How can both be managed?

basically it means you can make your own lifestyle choices as long as they don't impact someone else (beyond their feelings)

Like if someone wants to smoke weed in their own house, okay, doesn't affect me, so they can do it. If they can't hold down a job because of it, that's their problem, they shouldn't get any gibsmedats as a result.

I think what we have now, where the government tells you no, you can't smoke weed, not even in your own house, and actively tries to bust people buying drugs with sting operations, to throw someone in prison over it, and cost us all $30,000 a year to keep them in prison, that makes no sense. If they're not committing a violent crime against someone there's no reason for me to pay money to keep them locked up.


When will this meme end goddammit stop with your psuedopolitical bullshit

Dummy. Fiscally conservative=don't spend
socially liberal=mind your own business
what problem?

I always thought socially liberal means letting people do whatever they want without governments intervention.

Since when did social fiscal policy started to be considered seperate from simple fiscial policy?

i always assumed socially liberal meant "do what you want" not "gibs".

can someone explain what the hell this guy is trying to say?

Is he saying he wants fiscal responsibility in a government but for them to also allow gay marriage etc.?

What the fuck does the second part mean about problems?


I think the the birth rate drop, the rise in marriage divorces and singlemotherhoood might be what he is refering to.

Okay that makes some sense, that was unbelievably fucking confusing.

OP posted as if it was a bad tweet so that made it really hard to understand.

I think the main confusion comes from either you consider "liberal" in american or in european terms. But what the heck, we are judging the nature of a 225 letter message on an anonymous image board. We must be pretty fucking bored.

I don't think libertarians have to be "fiscally conservative". They can waste their money if they want. They just don't want anyone else (ie. the state) taking or spending their money by force. No?

libertarians simply aren't into the "we need to stop all this anti-Christianity degeneracy", they aren't theocrats or zealots

i wonder if Gary Johnson is going to also reduce military expenditure, otherwise he's not a real fiscal conservative, he's just another republican

Depends, not all libertarians are anarchists.


Most libertarians stopped saying this a long time ago when fiscally conservative went from 'tries to balance the budget and reduce wasteful spending' to 'massive deficit spending on pork plus hundreds of billions in bailouts for banks and large corporations' and socially liberal went from 'in favor of free speech, due process, and legalization of victimless crimes' to 'all whites are racist and all men are rapists and if you have a problem with six year olds changing their gender then you deserve to be beaten to death'