
Okay, he is finished now. Surely he can't recover from this?

Other urls found in this thread:


That dumb, unfunny bitch will be swinging from a tree on the Day of the Rope.

Does anyone actually watch this horrendous shit?

>female """"comedian""""

I did for about 1 minute, then I almost an heroed myself.


Why are your women so much better than ours?

she is so unfunny that I can't believe she still has a show. fucking pathetic.

really made me think

i am now #mentallyhill

People who needed Jon Stewart to tell them what to think but couldn't tolerate John Oliver only being on once a week seem to like her.

Look at how wide the gap between her legs is

I'd love to fuck her into submission to Emperor Trump


You know we used to have a word for this before everybody went full retard.

Is this shit supposed to be funny. At least John 'Currentyear' Oliver is funny. This bitch is just a straightface all way.

>female comedian

>dry water

I used to genuinely like Samantha Bee and the whole Daily Show crew, I went to the rally to restore sanity, watched the show every day after school. They were truly anti-establishment, and then the democrats took over...



does not compute

* destroys herself

I dunno about better, but I think it's because soviets - their understanding of equality was way better that modern left.

The cynical person would say they deployed their most interesting and level headed people to con the gullible and then revealed their true intentions when they had the power.

The people's champions become the elite's propagandists

After John left the shilling shot up like a rocket. Could disagree with Stewart or Colbert on some things but they could still make me laugh. But now? Unfunny shit non stop. Tthere is a special spot in hell reserved for the retard that gave Larry Wilmore his own show

Because that's a loli, user. You're comparing apples to orages.

btw: wtf that oxyMORON "female comedian"

Tryhard much, femtards, huh ?

lel, le nazi maymay

I used to think that female comedians were never funny.

Guess I'm now #CompletelyCorrect

>tfw the year I get really into politics is the year Colbert and Stewart leave

god I would've loved it

I legitimately feel bad for Samantha Bee. I think on some level she is aware that she isn't funny. She has to know her demographic is solely college aged smug-libs who see her primarily as a filler program when John Oliver isn't on the air. Her show is just so plainly pandering to this single audience, and even the people being directly pandered to don't like her all that much.

Can you imagine how much that has to suck for her? Knowing that the people who hold you in the highest possible esteem merely see you leftover table scraps they can gobble up when they're done stuffing their fat faces on the feast of (((CURRENT YEAR)))? Knowing that you'll never be even the best iteration of the tired, worn out husk which is leftist political comedy?

Samantha Bee is Albertson's brand frozen taquitos. She is the cheapest package of tampons in the feminine hygiene aisle. She is off-brand gasoline. She's the strange, clumsily painted figurine your 'eccentric' aunt bought at a flea market a decade ago, and constantly claims that it is a rare piece in the catalogue of an obscure sculptor, but when you really look at it, you're sure it was merely the pet project of an autistic twelve year old.

Life is sad sometimes. But it's all sadness all the time for Samantha Bee - Bargain Bin Comedian.

This isn't Samantha "Muh only humor is that I have a vagina" Bee, is it?


Yep, didn't even need to watch the fucking video. Her only shtick is sarcasm, poorly done sarcasm at that. She was the least popular correspondent on The Daily Show even back when I watched it; and she got a new show basically out of pity because she was deemed too unfunny for the new Daily Show.

Pantomiming, squealing, and throwing yourself around like a ragdoll isn't an argument. Neither is complaining about your fucking cunt all day, Lady.

>Samantha Bee

What is this, race mixing?

I wouldn't feel bad for her even as she was being raped by a gang of Islamic savages who haven't taken a shower in a month.

is this the new "mexican intellectual"?

I thought her "Orange Supremacist" line was pretty funny.

>I legitimately feel bad for Samantha Bee. I think on some level she is aware that she isn't funny.

She lost her job because she wasn't funny, there has to be some part of her brain that is screaming at her that she's completely out of her element every time she walks in front of a camera.


>female comedian

Oh my, that was a good joke.

colbert was undeniably great through his whole time with the colbert report. his week he spent in middle east with the troops was the most patriotic thing i had seen in a while.

he saved the goddamn us winter olympics team, has a tracked eagle named after him, got a part of the space station named after colbert and america, etc...

it was a better time

Idk, I never found Colbert funny...even when I was more liberal. He just seems like a narcissistic ass...a real nasty jerk as well.

Does Jesse Joyce have his own show because his delivery was always great

>Full Frontal

It was pretty great stuff.
Colbert was a masterful troll when he was on CC. His antics never ceased to amuse me. Shame he went full retard after leaving

the first season when no one of importance knew who he was made for great television. i didnt appreciate it at the time, but his antics were better than borat. ill give cohen his due, he earned it, but colbert did just as well.

then the fucking dems started warning their congressmen that colbert would make them appear silly and Better Know a District pretty much died.



>women """"""""""comedians""""""""""

>Female comedian

This isn't outrageous, interesting, or funny. It's bland. I'm just confused why anyone thinks this is worth watching, the lobotomized? It's just so lame and played out.

He got more-or-less shafted for being A FUCKING WHITE MALE and was mostly dropped in favor of the culturally enriched comedy club that flooded The Daily Show and in turn Larry's Unfunny Black Man Corner.

Now he's back to stand-up.

>second ass whooping
Bitch please.

I got 1 min in hoping it would get better, but this is just liberal memes

How are those shows surviving? I guess I could understand TDS surviving off of name recognition, but Larry's show has been shit since episode one. I don't know a single person who watches that show (I know that's shit evidence, but still, I at least know a handful of people who still watch TDS).

>Colbert was a masterful troll when he was on CC.

This, but the way I see it: He was a troll in a way that was respectful.

Even when he was making fun of someone, he took the time to be respectful toward them.

Now he's on the DNC's identity politics network, and it really hurts watching him be unable to do even a quarter of the things he used to do on Comedy Central. I don't think he has left the studio for a big project yet.

>america first supporters were fascist sympathizers
So now JFK who contributed $100 was a fascist

i still have my photo taken when his portrait was above the national portrait museum's bathroom.

the best part? museum attendance increased dramatically for the couple months his portrait was up. by making a joke, and the curator owning up to the joke, they helped save a national museum.

it was shit like that which made colbert a hero.

Why do female "comedians" never stop talking about their cunts?

I found jump cuts that are more entertaining than these.

>female comedian

that's a good one straya, but you're not fooling me

>female comedian

There's no such thing, women aren't funny. I used to watch these comedy central shows like the Daily Show, Nightly Show and this bitch.

But after the Orlando shooting, when they all jumped on the assault rifle memewaggon together, and the constant effortless jokes about Trump's hands and hair and "racism" I just couldn't stomach any more of the shitty liberal propaganda.

Just look at this cunt's smirking fucking face in pic related and tell me he doesn't know and enjoy sucking the cock of mainstream news. He's a paid shill and an irrelevant fuck compared to Jon Stewart, the essence of "diversity" in a human body with his South African accent and half-white genetics that keep him from being a useless babbling baboon.

>He was a troll in a way that was respectful.

this. he never brought someone onto his show and trapped them. if he would have dropped the persona and bullshit political viewpoints, he honestly could have been the next larry king. colbert was one of the few who wouldnt try to pose the interviewee in a bad light if he disagreed. and it was all a joke.

>Female Comedian

I will not watch her.. She makes me wretch

She has a new fan. Ive always appreciated the delivery. She is the cool receptionist at the law firm that chats in non slob clothing at the water cooler and you don't know if she's nuts or somehow has 12 million stashed in the bank

The democrats taking office 2008 redpilled a lot of people. Suddenly, all the anti-war protestors went quiet, cries to shut down Gauntenimo stopped, and general shadiness was no longer being uncovered.

I remember fucking Chris Matthews would trash Bush every night but then Obama was elected and he said "He would do everything to make it work."

I gave your fucking video 1 view. I hope you rot in hell for this.

Why do you shill your show here lady? Do you know where you are? Every week I see this thread and every week it's the same thing. Lady cop destroys Trump. Literally, who the fûck are you.

what the fuck I hate Trump now

The "Racist" Republicans and the "Super Not Racist Anymore" Democrats Explained to a Liberal. Please do share.

>a fucking leaf in disguise
Kill yourself, leaf.

I'm so glad that I never bought into google plus or gmail.

I remember that. It was fucking great. He even got a medal of honor from ED for his shenanigans on Wikipedia. His antics carried over into reality with amazing efficiency

In those days Colbert was the god of trolls everywhere but now he is a shadow of his former self. Having sold out everything he once was he is nothing more than a pundit just like those he used to tease. It reads like a Shakespearean tragedy

for laughs, here was his portrait at the national gallery. right above a water fountain near the bathrooms


Ever noticed most of (((them))) suck at acting and comedy? Though like all races there are unicorns.

They plaster it on the homepage of YouTube now by default even with a clean browser and still can't get people to watch it. The amount of promotion it gets vs the views is embarrassing. No one wants to see anything called "Full Frontal Samantha Bee" - She's an old hag become liberal preacher calling herself a comedian. It's lame and sad.

plaque underneath his portrait

His Fallback Career segment where he joined the USAF Thunderbirds was the greatest thing ever. I knew Thunderbird 1 that season and was close with the whole team and he's literally the reason I am a pilot.

Trevor Noah is the fucking worst. He doesn't even try to be funny half the time.

>Look, guys.. I know this is a comedy show, but Donald Trump is no joke. We are seeing the rise of fascism and white supremacism in America. This is no longer funny, this is a very real threat to our freedom and safety. It's time to stop laughing, and to start fighting. We'll be back after this.

>Fallback Career segment
oh fucking hell, now you're really making me sad. he had so many good bits.

even that time when he spent a week or two picking produce as a mexican then testifying to congress was amazing. it was broadcast on fucking cspan.

during his time, he was the god damn king of trolls.

You could piss yourself at that fountain and be less embarrassing than this shit. The desperation of try-hards, user. Some people just don't understand they're not funny, and people really aren't joking when they tell them that they suck.

oh lighten up. the gallery is filled with shit like pic related, and his was put up at the bathroom. its a fucking joke man, and the gallery made the plaque.

lighten up

The Vermeer joke was a pretty good one, but I don't think the audience got it.


female """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'comedian"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'

Trevor sucks ass but I would argue the octaroon that comes on after him is worse. It's literally BLM: The Show

I went to one of these shitty comedian filmings before, they give you free alcohol and tell you when to applause and laugh.

A root canal is funnier...

I still think that is the most passive-aggressive little stab ever. Which is funny considering that his portrait is the reason they met their funding goals for that year.

>lighten up
I don't find it funny, so I'm the problem. Uh huh.
Did you also enjoy Jeff Dunham?

no one going to click on a woman.


watching it now. it really was great

>I don't find it funny, so I'm the problem.

You know, there's an image at the top of this very board that tells you why this isn't an argument; and why yes, you ARE the problem.

Sorry you're a humorless twat.

It barely matters, they just dub over it anyway, it's more of a marker for the audio guys to dub laugh tracks over those spots. youtube.com/watch?v=-suD4KbgTl4

man, last nights daily show episode was the worst one yet

>benghazi a shit, Hillary a saint
>Trump a shit who can't stop lying

I found the Jeff Dunham fan.

>Trump is literally Hitler you guys
That's as far as I made it

I literally don't know who that is.

>It wasn't funny for me because imma tough guy on pol so it can't be funny!! WHY ARE PEOPLE QUESTIONING MY BRILLIANT LOGIC?

Here, I'll post this again for you because you're probably a redirect from Reddit and have never bothered clicking it before.

Based on pic and title I was expecting porn, shit thread

Also this just happened with him:

telling the history of a joke-turned-saga isnt something that can be communicated over the interwebz. $5 says the dude hadnt seen high school by 2008.

Australian girl from Logan here

Every boy who posted in this thread is a microdick virgin loser with sperg level social skills and the charisma of a Sup Forums poster. The American flags are particularly retarded.
You all rage because these women are funny than you and you all know it.

I'm laughing at you future faggots

>(((Jon Leibowitz)))


>Maybe if I say first they won't find out about me
Did you forget where you were? And naming le shit as well. Lurk more faggot.


>so shit you need a laugh track instead of a real audience
>talking point wasn't comedy
>just a rant about how donald trump is hitler for the #3526 time this year

>Maybe if I try to distract from my first retarded argument, people won't realize how retarded I am!