The fact that we have never found mass graves full of dead jews proves the holocaust never happened

>the fact that we have never found mass graves full of dead jews proves the holocaust never happened


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That's actually a pretty good indicator, yeah.

Strange how all the Holocaust Camps except one were in Soviet Territory.

The Soviets would never falsify evidence to purport such an atrocity for the purpose of punishing their enemies legally.

The truth does not need laws to prevent people asking about it; only lies do.

Please see Contribute or just learn, but you need it

I forget his name, but Russia's propaganda minister was in charge of all those lies.

That guy is a Russian

Wait, someone claimed that there were no mass graves found? Who? Sources?

Wait, someone claimed that there were mass graves found? Who? Sources?

>1 post by this ID

Nazis were experts at propaganda and covered up most of their deeds when they realized they will get BTFO.

Might be something to do with the fact that there were many millions Jews living on Soviet territory, while less than a million scattered across all "civilized" Europe that would get appalled by such actions if they were to happen on its territory.

He's Ukrainian. SS recruited local Hohols to do most of the dirty work for them.

From what I can see online Ukranian SS uniforms look the same as German ones
Also he is carrying a TT Tokerav pistol
Nice try Schlomo

They aren't Soviet uniforms and it's too short for TT.

Dude is literally wearing a Pilotka
And if I do remember there wan an order passed by stalin to I quote "to continue the destruction of the SS"
So he he had groups of men with uniforms similar to SS uniforms go and fuck with small villages

Soviet as fuck.


No, this documentary proves it. Just listen for 20 minutes and you'l be hooked, it's the ultimate proof that the holocaust didn't happen.

>OP image
>no eagle

>this image

OP image is blurry as fuck but there do seem to be some patterns or something in it though.

I have never heard/ read the claim that there were no killings or mass graves at all.

>posts b&w still from Seinfeld comedy show
>Kramer clearly depicted in another goofy stunt
is this another clumsy /pol attempt at "satire"?

prolly Beria

nazis exectuted anyone who vaguely looked like a communist on the eastern front to prevent sabotage, lots of innocent people were murdered and its a true war crime, but its not worse than what the allies did so they had to make up gas chambers and electric floors to justify the war that no one really wanted or understood

ok ill start:


>206 bones in adult human body (more in infants)
>supposedly 6,000,000 victims of muh holocaust
>206*6,000,000 = 1,236,000,000 bones buried somewhere in the ground beneath poland and germany

where da bones at, shlomo? and the ones that are only there due to typhus and allied bombing runs don't fucking count




They are posing for the camera and der juden is in on the joke by laying down in the pit

They were all burned in the gigajew furnace capable of burning 400 jews per minute

Source? Anything to back that? I can't find any cause this is, you know, probably bullshit


Also, obvious forchan hurr durr image with shooped letters for ``easy'' viewing makes me sick.

So does those 6 million who sudenlly disepered ?

I want such a furnace

Those are clearly German uniforms in OPs pic though, and it's also clearly not a TT in his hand.

Why are some new worlders so intent on rewriting European history? Is it really so hard to believe the nazis were kind of cunts? They invaded their self proclaimed 'Germanic brothers' with overwhelming force, and committed mass murder in civilian communities that had the gall to resist (Putten in the Netherlands is just one example). Why is it so unlikely that they'd be even less kind to those they considered untermenschen?

Crush Made Die

>Soviets are honest.
>lie about Katyn
>'but the Holocaust happened... Remember the 6 gorilion! What are you - a racist?




What are Ovens

There's loads of industrial buildings with the chimneys detached.

I never use reddit but haha.