Red pill me on Corbyn

What's happening with this dude in dad country?

Labour is heavily divided, some of the higher up suits are telling him to step down to no avail. He's got a legion of meme lords on his side.

Explain please

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He's old labour. The people who want him out are blair's mob.

1. Tony Blair joins an illegal war
2. Based Corbyn says the wrong is a bad idea
3. Labour doesn't give a fuck
4. Blair gives the leadership to Gordon Brown
5. Gordon implodes
6. David Cameron wins the election forms government with LibDems
7. Blairites try Ed Miliband
8. Ed the kid gets BTFO
9. Cameron wins the next election with a total majority Labour collapsing below
10. Cameron decides to hold referendum because he is afraid of second bench Tories undermining his authority
11.Party base votes next Labour leader based Corbyn wins the election
12. Labour stops collapsing
13. Corbyn campaigns for Remain, Cameron remains "neutral" because he is afraid he might divide his party
14. Leave wins
15. ???
16. Blairite old guard blames Corbyn, Cameron blames Corbyn for the Brexit.

Tl;DR For reasons Corbyn is responsible for the Brexit.

>party base votes

the people who voted for corbyn were not labour before they had their SJW candidate

>Cameron remains neutral

not neutral rather "neutral"

>Red pill me on Corbyn
boilerplate jew commie

He's a genuine fella but his suppoertera are bernie sanders tier.

He doesnt appeal to the working classes because hes fixated with social justice issues witch most working class people dont give a shit about.

Socialists deserve to die.

He is and has always been a multicult leftist socialist.

We need to make sure he dies in horrible pain.

Hey seems like a good guy who stands up for what he believes in.

Problem is, his beliefs are absolutely fucking retarded.

I don't like Corbyns politics but it's a pretty bad sign for the people trying to overthrow him that people are confused as to why he's being ousted in the first place.

Maybe his dissenters in labour should get public support before trying to become king.

His refusal to step down is destroying the Labour party and if he succeeds in staying it is going to successfully split the party forever as the Blairites will leave. He is a true cuck, but we need him to stay because the Blairites are the real enemy.

Some Sup Forumsak summed it up bretty well i a recent britpol thread.

"Outside the Labour Party, he's a cuck. Inside the Labour Party, he's the bull"

Basically he's a sperging leftist, but out of the crop of sperging leftists he's the one that's least a shill for (((the establishment))).

Think Mao vs. Hillary Clinton. Sup Forums would rather have neither, but at least Mao's hardcore and will bantz all the other shills off to gulag for counterrevolutionary thought.

You're retarded.

He's no more multicultural than Blair or Cameron.

At least he has principles.

The aforementioned two only care about money.

Nigel Farage summed it up pretty well when he said Labour is split in three. You've got:

1. The Blairite MPs
2. The Corbynite party members (young people)
3. The working class voters who have more in common with UKIP than Labour these days

>He's no more multicultural than Blair or Cameron.
please kill yourself

>At least he has principles.
SJW leftists have principles
horrible horrible principles

I hope he gets burned to death in acid.

What does that have to do with multiculturalism you mong?

The Tories and the Blairites are the ones pushing for mass immigration so that their rich friends can benefit from cheap labour.

>Party base votes next Labour leader based Corbyn wins the election

Lmao you lying cunt. Young far-left SJWs infiltrated the party to get Corbyn elected.

No shit tories and blarites are multicultural

Corby and labour are 10 times more multicult and socialist.

Socialists need to suffocate.

Show me evidence that Corbyn promotes multiculturalism any more than the Tories or Blairites.

Just because you're a socialist doesn't mean you support multiculti.

t. NATIONAL socialist

>t. NATIONAL socialist
Sorry for your cuckdom.

>t. A fucking leaf


>t. a fucking britcuck

we were never part of any authoritarian political union like the EU and I'm glad we weren't as dumb as you