At the very least, this whole Netflix shit is causing people to consider cancelling their sub in order to save money...

At the very least, this whole Netflix shit is causing people to consider cancelling their sub in order to save money. I realized I only have Netflix in order to watch this piece of shit right here

But astoundingly, it's impossible to download elsewhere. It's the first TV series I've been unable to pirate

>well played, Netflix

Terrace House General

what the fuck is this show


Comfykino. Reality TV starring likable, well-adjusted, attractive young people. It's kinda like MTV's Real World back in the 90's before everything turned to shit

>hey guys Netflix sure is dumb righ? Yeah I'd totally cancel if not for this one show you can't find anywhere else!!!
Fuck off Netflix shill no one cares

Please Netflix release Aloha State weekly

if you hate Netflix so much, then find me a torrent for this series and I -promise- I'll cancel my sub and donate $20 to the KKK

How long until this show hits it big? America already loves reality tv, so probably all it would take is one minor celebrity tweeting about it for normies to give it a chance.

normies can't read subtitles. It's already pretty popular among weebs, I think that's as far as it'll go

Reminder that Rikopin is a nympho and was the mastermind of the deception, and she faked the break up so they could keep fucking without further damage to her career


I'm not a god damn librarian why the fuck would you think I want to spend my TV time reading fucking subtitles holy shit

You don't have to be a librarian to read a book


Han-san is best boy

tfw nothing happens but it's comfy as fuck

Pretty sure you can't even buy a book without a librarian license.

>Offers advice
>doesnt cheat on his gf
>has a respectable and achievable dream
>doesnt get discouraged when he doesn't get what he worked for

He didn't really feel like the sort of person who would be on a reality show, I appreciated that. He came in, was there and then left after spreading his wisdom.

Who was the worst? Mako and Step were pretty shit to be fair.

>I sure am proud of being a lazy dumb piece of shit!


Guess again cunt

Right on the nose

Hayato is worst

Also Aloha State sucks everyone is unlikable except the virgin.

I'm not gonna watch it till it's complete


Wow, what a unique and original insult threads for this show definitely haven't seen a million times before.

I actually resubscribed to watch the new season of this, it sucks that it's not online anywhere. It's a good show.

So this show is like BB but with non-trashy people?

I love Terrace House

I finished Boys & Girls in the City last October, currently waiting for Part 2 of Aloha State

It's literally The Real World but set in Japan (and later Hawaii).

Kinda, except there's zero competition element. It's closer to real world, but there's also no confessional so you don't know what they're thinking. There is a group of commentators that comes in a few times an episode watching the same thing as the audience which sort of replaces that.

>people are supposedly cancelling
>yet their subs keep going up and up


It's pretty simple. The country is split on who they support, but the amount on the right who are racist enough that they are willing to close their account over this are far smaller than the amount on the left who will open an account to spite them.

I doubt very many people either way are doing what you're describing.