You're only allowed in this thread if you have a white leader

You're only allowed in this thread if you have a white leader.

Other urls found in this thread:

>john key



Too bad for Amerifats.

hell yeah

Jew or not, he's white and based.

>Define Leader

actually ours is brown

Next year we should have this nigger kicked out.

Nationalist party:
- foreign exchange
- New York federal reserve
- studied in UK
- Austrian Jew
WHAT? How's that a nationalist? Seems more like globalist.

it is National not Nationalist there is a different in the words

are nige

Oh right, it's like Social Democrat, it's not Socialist. Get it.

It was either vote for that or this:

this thread isnt fun without america. its weird having an opinion and not being told youre wrong

They are all placed by elite and television pretty much promotes bunch of same shit non-leaders, out of which you then choose which useless globalist to elect. It's really a race to extinction. Extinction of races, nature and overall destruction of Earth with those idiots. They haven't preserved aka conserved a single thing.

Shut up you stupid abbo, go lose a war to emus or something

Does my leader have to be my chancellor?
Does my leader have to be alive?
I'm growing really tired of being ashamed for my nation these days

Yes, we do
Benjamin Mileikowsky aka Bibi Netanyahu is white.

Funny how Jewish people are white when it's convenient, and not white when that's convenient.