We must end the alt-right

We must end the alt-right.
The alt-right isn't a solution, it's only another problem and even if you think it opposes cultural bolshevism, the truth is that it's controlled by the same people you hate. The alt-right serves capitalism and, trying to hide this fact, it seems to focus on social policies, avoiding economic ones.

You could stop this non-sense and embrace the true solution: the third position. The third position is neither communism nor capitalism, and it's an umbrella term for all national-revolutionary ideologies, like fascism, national socialism, national syndicalism (or falangism), strasserism, national bolshevism, etc.

Enlist for the national revolution today!
Also, post national revolutionary pics and quotes. From your country, if possible.

And pls rate my english, I have an exam next month :^)

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Most of third-position ideologies are incoherent, inconsistent or simply insane.
But yeah I'd call myself third position.

Bumping with spaniard falangist pics.

Why do you think that? We fight for the working class and oppose international capitalism without going full commies.

AnCap and Libertarianism are the only reasonable future for the human race.
Even non-Whites benefit from a free market without Big Government regulation.

invest in national leninism


Any form of capitalism is unstable and rewards a few while fucking everyone else.
With capitalism, a nation isn't free and its economy depends on other countries. The State is controlled by corporations, and these are controlled by two of three jews.
If you remove the State and nations from this, the world becomes feudal Europe 2.0

Far right? The alt-right is the far right, not us.

NB, NS, Strasserism, they are too extremist.
Racial component of NS is practically fantasy.
>We fight for the working class and oppose international capitalism without going full commies.
I agree with that. I don't agree with other things. NB does go full commie, but they exclude internationalist element. Extreme collectivism is just as bad as extreme individualism.
In any case, besides these two points, third position doesn't have much ''unity'' as other ideologies do.
Third position in Russia, Serbia, Bulgaria would mean something else. It would be rooted in Orthodox Christianity for example, which is defining characteristic of our culture.
Italian fascism was quite ''progressive''.
Spanish fascism also had different characteristics.
Fuck off with your Jewish idiocies.

Bullshit. The Free Market is more efficient than any State Regulator. This is why the Soviet Union failed.
Only Free Market Capitalism, American Libertarianism, can bring about a true and democratic society.
Taxation is theft. The government takes our hard earned wages and gives it to parasites, the prison lobby, and big pharma.

Fuck off Goldberg

Libertarianism is a meme

pic related, the OP


Alt right is much more center. It's really just understanding biological race differences and letting that guide the us to a sensible solution (which happens to be white nationalism). But I don't see alt right as a neck stomping oppressive party. It's more like the founding fathers were given all the hard data on race so they could define and defend their prejudices.

>third position
>not fourth position

Get with the times OP

> The Free Market is more efficient than any State Regulator.

The free market is efficient but it's blind. It doesn't necessarily always provide goods and services that will be best for society as a whole, nor do people always play fair.

>This is why the Soviet Union failed.

Or maybe it was because they spent a quarter of GDP on their military and exported nothing but oil, like Russia does today.

>Only Free Market Capitalism, American Libertarianism, can bring about a true and democratic society.

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."

>Taxation is theft.

That's because the money is going to niggers against your will, not because there's something inherently wrong with it.

>Be in ancap society
>Wake up in a mansion that I could buy due constant devaluation.
>Have thousands of suppliers of food that deliver my breakfast ,in less than 10 minutes
>Go to work in my jetpack,as roads arent needed anymore
>Work 2 hours due automatization
>Earn enough gold and bitcoins to not work in the next 2 weeks,due constant devaluation
>Open a bussiness with 1% of what I earn
>Become rich as fuck with my bussiness of selling heroin to kindergarden prostitutes
>Go back to my mansion and call a super model to bang,and she comes in 10 minutes with her jetpack
>Physically remove commies in the afternnon to protect the ancap utopia
>Go back to bed in my mansion,protected by privatly owned security forces,that I can afford thanks to my heroin bussiness

If those big corrupt parasitic corporations were controlled by a worker friendly State, taxes would be minimal and used to buy material and food from other countries.
National socialism uses a work standard for money instead of gold or debt. That means that money would be something existent and physical, and not just meaningless paper and numbers to play with.
If you work enough to produce 100 potatoes, the State would take 5 of them and you would be paid enough to buy the equivalent to 95 potatoes.
Those 5 potatoes would be sold to other countries and the State would use the foreign money to buy products for our country.
You would have 5 potatoes less than before, but taxation would be lower and more simple.
And your wage, the taxes and the price of products wouldn't ever change because individuals and corporations don't use euros or dollars, they use their own work-based national currency.
It would be better for everyone but the rich jews.

Well, most leftist and right wing ideologies are incoherent too.

Can confirm. The fascist government founded the OMNI, that ensured welfare to prolific mothers and taxes to those that remained nubils and celibs. They also reduced the working hours to 45 per week. Not counting the INPS, that covered retirements, poor families and so forth. We still have INPS, but many have exploited loopholes to leech off unfortunately.

>The government takes our hard earned wages and gives it to parasites, the prison lobby, and big pharma.

Great. Why don't you stop them? Because the people don't want to. Because it's necessary for the government to do such things to protect the average Joe. You're a conspiratorial fringe.

Still, fascism fucked up on many other levels

Do you realise how ineficient that is m8?There is a reason why currencies exist

Is that real or just a meme? Too much irony in this place to know it.

The problem with alt-right is that it just focuses on social policies, and it's too extremist. In some cases it proposes a "race war" or extermination. The public see you as conspiranoic freaks.

>it's necessary
Most of it is not.It is just pure clienteralism to win elections.

Germany saved itself doing that. It can't be THAT inefficient.

>Germany saved itself doing that
No.Germany just created a military expending bubble.Pick pretty much related

No one cares about the alt-right except lefties who need a boogie man and anime girl twitter accounts
It's such a huge meme


Good choice.

What's with the anime girl Twitter accounts? It's a weird af meme.

OP is just another commie shill.

From my observation, the alt-right is mainly made up of disillusioned lefties who could no longer accept sjw nonsense that has taken control of the left.

Which is why the economic hardship had already ended by 1936.

Nazi shill.

Yeah,in that period they mostly built infrastructure,to start their war economy.Basically a expending bubble.

You will fail your exam, go read more English books and put your political ideology in the trash where it came from.

The alt-right, from my interactions with it, is full of Jews, liberals trying to be edgy, and degenerates. It's a shame because I was excited about it when it first started. The only thing I can hope is that it brings political discussion outside the center and allows for actual far-right discussion in public. They seem more concerned with memes than arguing coherently for their positions sometimes though.

Fucking communist. GTFO

Fuck Franco.
José Antonio Primo de Rivera, ¡Presente!
Ramiro Ledesma Ramos, ¡Presente!
¡Arriba España!

The third position is more serious, and most of them are more at the right than me. Talk with them, you could be a good national something.

>José Antonio Primo de Rivera, ¡Presente!
>Ramiro Ledesma Ramos, ¡Presente!
Both were dumb socialist that almost sided with CNT in the civil war,if it wasnt for Franco.
They had no clue about economy.

Franco was better than what we have today, but he sold Spain to international capitalism and almost imposed a theocracy.

Check out The Fourth Political Theory by Alexander Dugin

Ok, I will. Thanks.

Where can I find information about it? Any recommended books?

>but he sold Spain to international capitalism
>and almost imposed a theocracy.
Nothing wrong with this

>by a worker friendly State,
>muh unions

kill yourself lefttard

Not sure if rare...

It is rare for a newfag

Is Spain the most economically cucked nation on earth.

The left and the right are both dumb enough to support socialism.

>Mt. serbs
pick one

>The left and the right are both dumb enough to support socialism.
That would be France.We have been with austerity for a while

Gas yourself, kike.

>tiny cuts in the rate of increase

Bro, if you guys had ACTUAL austerity, meaning massive tax cuts for everybody, massive spending decreases and massive deregulation, the unemployment rate would drop dramatically while wages would rise like crazy.

All you have now is ever increasing government power.

At least I don't have a jewish ideology you commie traitor.

Third position is the right wing version of bernie sanders.

They're so all over the place and mixed up they don't know what they want to be.

>national socialism
>jewish ideology
Keep saying that, dirty capitalist

>Bro, if you guys had ACTUAL austerity, meaning massive tax cuts for everybody, massive spending decreases and massive deregulation, the unemployment rate would drop dramatically while wages would rise like crazy.
>All you have now is ever increasing government power.
Austerity for europe.The only countries in Europe that have more austerity are Estonia,Britain and Switzerland.I mean,just look at France,Greece or Italy to put it into perspective.

>he thinks socialism isn't a jewish ideology

No country in europe right now has actual austerity.
Also it's kind of pathetic the number one thing you people fight against is cuts while more free market countries like my country fight for freedom instead.

>kindergarten prostitutes

One of Trudeau's mottos was to end austerirty m8.Dont talk shit.

Third position is

>Blair's third way

These can't all be third way. And the problems with global capital can only really be fixed with global agreements. ie. NWO.

The alt-right has already become a cult due to Milo. It's good to leave it now if you haven't already.

Socialism is. National socialism isn't. Do you unironically think that an antisemitic, racist, anticapitalist and anticommunist ideology is a jewish ideology?

What's the story behind this picture?

>. Do you unironically think that an antisemitic, racist, anticapitalist and anticommunist ideology is a jewish ideology?
Yes,It is so retarded,that discredited the right for 50 years.

>It would be rooted in Orthodox Christianity for example, which is defining characteristic of our culture.
So eastern european countries would best follow Codreanism/Iron Guardism, right? It's anti-capitalist and anti-communist (third position) and is deeply rooted in Orthodox Christianity.