Why do normies are against suicide?

why do normies are against suicide?

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It makes them feel good when they say "it gets better."

i want to suffocate my cock in her mouth

AAs far as I know, none but the votaries of monotheistic, that is to say, Jewish religions, look upon suicide as a crime. This is all the more striking, inasmuch as neither in the Old nor in the New Testament is there to be found any prohibition or positive disapproval of it; so that religious teachers are forced to base their condemnation of suicide on philosophical grounds of their own invention. These are so very bad that writers of this kind endeavor to make up for the weakness of their arguments by the strong terms in which they express their abhorrence of the practice; in other words, they declaim against it. They tell us that suicide is the greatest piece of cowardice; that only a madman could be guilty of it; and other insipidities of the same kind; or else they make the nonsensical remark that suicide is wrong; when it is quite obvious that there is nothing in the world to which every mail has a more unassailable title than to his own life and person.

frees them from the responsibility and guilt of not helping someone you care about in their time of need

Because they think that all life is precious.


Ignorant fucks that believe that they have sovereignity in other person's life

Western morals everyone

Rich people / kings / jews still need somebody to pay taxes, clean toilets, breed and raise future workers.

Before you are born and raised, there is this huge deal of resources wasted on you (money, food, medicine, time workers didnt spend working but having sex and raising you up, promise of future generations and your parents hope you wont turn out autistic etc...). And if you suicide, you practically flush all of this to toilet and leave "debt" behind.

So this is why suicide is stigmatized by everybody even in religion. No matter what, you being alive is more prosperous than you being dead.

Tldr you cant make profit on dead people.

You can profit from dead people if you work in funeral services.


suicide is retarded I mean if you have nothing to lose go try to rob a bank or something don't waste the opportunity

>ahmed is too dumb to undestand depression

Not really. If lets say whole family suicided, nobody would make a single $ off it. The whole system we live inside is dependent on us being alive and keep struggling.

If 20something suicide, for system it is huge deal of work wasted.

fuck off it's not like this is a new idea
same principle when an American kids shoots up a school instead of just jumping off a bridge, they've got nothing to lose

They will be buried anyways, and those who bury them will in some way be paid.

nah depression is what weak people tell others, it's just an excuse. if you can't keep living you just kill yourself and shut the fuck up
it's easy

why are saudis such alpha males? honestly you are fucking both eu and american government right in the ass and do whatever you want basically, and still keep getting away with anything


Just compute 8 hours per day 5 times per week 4 times per month 12 per year times 40 years.
That is how much your gov lose work hours when you suicide at 20. All the taxes and things you could have bought, it is huge blow. And at the end, the people you mentioned would make bussiness anyway.

oh yeah great idea. so that some arabian goverment will hang you up for your crimes

I'm just saying that there are people that profit from dead ones. That's all.

Lack of empathy.

What you mean?

exactly, high risk high reward, it works out good now I'm rich, it doesn't well back to killing myself again, nothing was lost

that's unless you're a moral fag like me though

Suicide doesn't make sense at all. It's a permanent solution for a temporary problem.

It's a permanent solution for all problems for all eternity.


I'd very much like to see the criteria for that map


the most idiotic map i seen on Sup Forums

of course

Normies have an easy life but they mostly have it easy because YOU have it hard, basically they need the fat ugly manlets to be something special, they need your shitty job so they can make 1000s singing or posing for a photoshoot and they need to see you fail miserably so they can feel better about themselves.

If you kill yourself, normies will fear losing their place as normies.


>People in MENA die before they can an hero

Feels good to do good.

