Are you ready?

>are you ready?
>i was born ready

Other urls found in this thread:


>character flat-lines
>medical staff pull out defibrillators

>why did you remove the fire extinguisher
>it was red so I thought it was communist
*both midgettes look into the camera*

That underwear looks awfully small for an adult female frog

>character checks the pulse of another character
>says he's still breathing

>pilot pepe in opposite plane isn't looking backwards
>copilot isn't wojak
low energy desu

>character in vehicle about to set off at high speed
>advises passenger character to fasten their seatbelt
>sets off before they can do it

>blurry dark security photo
>*zoom in and enhance*
>you can see the character's DNA
>got him!

>*smashes fingers on keyboard*
>"I'm in."

>hacker guy with ten monitor battle station has been struggling to hack in
>hot girl walks in
>pushes three buttons

>character hacks shit
>Progress bar on screen
>"hacking complete" message

>two characters having dialogue
>one sentence ends
>cut to a completely different filming location where a lot of time must have past for them to get there
>next sentence is a reply to the previous sentence as if the conversation had never been interrupted

>character hangs up the phone
>doesn't say goodbye

I hate it when they do that split dialogue thing.

The phone thing is annoying as hell, but that first thing there is literally cancer.


>Two characters are planning something
>"So who's gonna do that?"
>Third character walks in without possibly having heard any of the conversation
>I am

>it takes 30 minutes to be done
>You have 10

>is he any good
>who said anything about a he

>I think I'm getting the hang of this!

>tone of the scene changes towards sinister
>baby starts crying

Gonna start walking into rooms and saying "I am" just in case this ever works

>someone enters the house
>doesn't close the front door

Impressive, kid.

>someone enters the house
>doesn't take off their shoes

>someone takes off their shoes
>doesn't put them in the fridge

>something explodes and nearly kills characters
>woman complains about her hair or nails

This doesn't happen. What happens is the third character walks in, then the other two look at eachother knowingly, the third
characters asks "what?", then the scene immediately jumps to the third character forced into the position the others were talking about.

>character buys bread
>puts it in the fridge

>rainy as fuck
>poor character wears expansive suit
>doesn't give a fuck

Characters walking in and answering something they couldn't possibly have heard happens often enough. I know that both Fantastic Four movies from the last decade did it.

>movie about American political figures
>doesn't show any soul cooking
>vampiric interdimensional pedophiles don't even make use of stargates on the moon to communicate with the devil in the sun anywhere in the film

And that's when I usually wake up and turn the flick off.


I always put my bread in the fridge.

Might as well buy a chastity cage and call up Jamal, cucko.

>Hold on, I don't think that's such a good iddddddeeeeaaaaaaaeeee-

>i have a bad feeling about this

>You have to take a look at this

funny show actually

"have you tried PASSWORD?"

>10 minutest later
>is it done?
>no, imbecile, I said 30 minutes

>"look at that small moon"
>"that's no moon"

>30 second countdown starts
>It takes 94 seconds to reach zero

yeah, anything with doors closing, or bombs ticking, or oil slicks burning pisses me off

>earth would be destroyed in 9 minutes
>heroes actually saving it in 7

What is the trope called in which something happens but only to one person so no one else believes them until obviously later on when its revealed other characters? It drives me insane, the shittest of all writing almost as bad as this comment.

Don't know what it's called, but I know Chicken Little did it.

>They go to a desert country
>Cuts to a bazaar
>Sitar music and wailing

>he killed my %family_member%
>i know how you fell, i also lost my %family_member%

>suspicious hole in the wall
>character put his limb in it

Deliver Us From Evil did this and was absolute garbage in general. So hard to figure out what was diegetic and nondiegetic sound.


>insert yellow filter in post

>someone using suppresed gun
>gun makes pew-pew sound

it's ok to put bread in the freezer but the fridge has a lot of moisture in it which promotes mold growth even though it is colder

Name 2 movies where this happens

>characters talking
>music playng
>someone saying something awkward
>vinyl scratch sound, music stops

>"Hey, are you okay? Say something!"

>single bullet drops all henchmanin one shot
>Main hero walks off multiple gunshot wounds while bleeding profusely for hours with only a minor limp

>shot of heroes standing miles from their destination point
>"we're finally here"


>autism : the post

>henchman knock hero out
>hero don't have a concussion

>chase scene
>characters smash through goods and tents at a bazaar as if property of these people means nothing and is just an obstacle

Does he ever get shot in the first one? I'm pretty sure he doesn't get shot till like the end

>"a full frontal assualt would be suicide everyone will die"
>"It's our only choice they'll never expect it"
>Full frontal assualt goes off without a hitch with minimal casualties

It always looked like he got shot as he entered the bathroom, but it's never referred to again, so idk, I might just be seeing things

Ever since it took me eight months to recover from a moderate concussion, I cannot stop myself from internally screeching autistically whenever I see this.

>Music isn't even being played on vinyl

Idk I don't think he gets shot and in the movie he actually reacts to the damage he gets outside of just limping around

Unironically my trigger

>I walk into someones house for the first time
>They don't give me a cheery "just leave your shoes at the door"
>he goes away for a minute, and returns shoeless
>all his family are shoeless
>they have a shoe room and didn't tell me about it, leaving me to be a big shoe wearing freak

>people have to tell you to take your shoes off as you enter their house
I thought this whole "americans wear shoes inside" thing was a just a tv gimmick.

In most places people take off their shoes but most mediaworkers are from the stinky feet states. Like how TV shows talk like 18 is the age of consent even if the show isn't made in California.

Australian here, some people have snakes in their houses so they keep their shoes on to avoid the bite marks. That's only in upperclass areas where people are concerned about that sort of superficial thing. In the lower socioeconomic areas you can't tell the difference between the snake bites and the smack needles.

Kinda like the phone thing, but I also hate when in an office type situation they just hang up on people out of the blue. Like you could get fired for that of it's something important and you get a complaint ffs

this is ridiculous and totally believable at the same time

this guy breads

You have no idea how hard you made me laugh.

except for that one guy that got introduced three minutes earlier just to be killed

it's not ok to put your bread into the fridge because it makes the bread turn stale faster because of the cold

>two characters need to have a private conversation away from a party
>they go through a swing door into the kitchen in the very next room
>and close the shutters of the pass-through

>every character is wearing shoes in the house

do americans really do this?


>shoots rifle from the hip

>person explains something
>"In English, please!"

It's even more annoying when the explanation was perfectly understandable to begin with.

>character's are trying to find a solution to a problem
>one character suggests an idea, but no one pays attention to it
>another character suggests the same idea later on in the conversation
>"That's a great idea!"
>other character's get mad at the character who originally said the idea for not suggesting it earlier

>guy talks science
>"here i'll demonstrate using this paper that happens to be lying on the table next to me"

>go to asian country

>go to Germany


All Hollywood sound designers should be hanged.

This always makes me kek because I'm a software developer and normies always want hour glasses and progress bars on process tasks. When i was starting out i had to update this massive application that had like 200 separate searches to include progress bars.

So if i were a hacker I'd code that into my apps just by habit.

How do you fit the bread in the fridge if the frige is full of videogames?

>what's plan B?
>that WAS plan B!



>villain's name is Sauron
>sidekick's name is Sauron-man

>go to america country
>hamburger music starts playing

>character get important/urgent info
>tries to tell other character but gets interrupted by a 'NOT NOOOOOW'

>what I'm saying is that the positons and nucleotides-

This happens at least two times in every episode of Suits