I need some dirt on the EU

I need some dirt on the EU.

Have they broken any of their own laws? Have their people said stupid shit? Just something that'll turn normies away from the EU.

Other urls found in this thread:


They said ur mom likes big arab dick


Now something real


Apparently the EU has done nothing wrong.

They said ur dad is a faggot

Do your own research ffs

>6 post thread (including OP and this)
>4 posts by OP

Have you seen the vid with Juncker being drunk as fuck and slapping his other state leaders on the face?


Funniest shit ever.

Anyway, the EU is dirt in itself.

It'd be great if I could bump a thread without having to bait.

Where's the fun in that? Besides, I'm living in EuroZone#275129. Do you really think they'd let me find dirt on them through Google?

I have it on very good authority that Junker wears women's underwear to the European Parliament. Although the left wing eurocucks would probably love him for that.

I'm looking for concrete proof they've done shameless things like not following their own rules.

The Euro bailouts are illegal under article 125.

Literally, breaking their own rules.

How about the EU being responsible for peace and welfare, and then riling up war in the Ukraine?



As said above

You can watch the Brexit movie if your haven't already. It's on Youtube.

Basically people dislike the EU because it's too buraucratics and laws & regulatics are made simply for the sake of creating them. All these regulations means that most businesses cannot compete with businesses outside the EU and products tend to cost more inside the EU.

>Swede infighting
Best kek all day

There is no dirt because they do all their shit in the open and nobody bats an eye.
Like casually ignoring the result of several referendums, or asking to vote again on the same issue until the right answer comes out.

Thank you all. Much appreciated!

Tried to bring this up with the girl I was arguing with. Apparently this is okay because the Swedish Government does it too.

Wait until she's on the losing side one day, then it's suddenly the worst thing in the world.

The main issue was the fact that she caught me generalizing Polish workers here in Sweden where I said the probable majority sends the money they earn here back to Poland, to their families. Couldn't back this up, so she stopped arguing about the EU, rather she hammered me down for generalizing. She lost the debate, but came out the winner anyway.

>the girl I was arguing with.

You can win with this:


>Anti-pollution groups, already furious that the government has failed to meet EU air pollution legal limits, say no account is being taken of the health damage done by diesel fumes because CO2 emissions are seen as the sole benchmark for environmental responsibility.

The lobbied a switch to diesel fuels, (which emit dangerous pollutants - 22 times more than petrol), for a 15% CO2 emission.

The Brexit movie is pretty good as this guy said.

There's also another one called "The Left Case for Brexit" - also on Youtube.

Thank you again. I'm compiling an email to send her so that she can see the sources for herself.

>Have they broken any of their own laws?
They bailed out Greece even though EU laws forbade it. The existence of the Dublin treaty was just ignored by everyone during the migrant crisis, but no consequences came from that.

>Have their people said stupid shit?
That one Coudenhove-Kalergi quote pre-dates EU, but looks like a blueprint for everything that's happened later

Basically they seem to be yet another bunch of greedy megalomaniacs trying to force all European nations under the same flag. Instead of warfare, this time they're doing it by taking control of our economies. And it kinda looks like they're using non-European immigration as a biological weapon against Europeans, in classic "divide et impera" style.

They'll ALWAYS nitpick at form mistakes, hammer at the way of bringing things etcetc rather than the actuall argument.

I know, and she refused to leave it. We were on that point for several minutes. She repeatedly brought it up until I gave up.

Thank you!
