The reason why Hitler lost Nazi Germany the war, is because he purposefully lost...

The reason why Hitler lost Nazi Germany the war, is because he purposefully lost. The reason why he threw the war and ignored his generals, while getting high on 50 different drugs, daily, was:

Hitler's Ahnenerbe divison of the SS, which was basically the treasure-hunting nazis of Indiana Jones. Found something.

What they found in the 1940s, is that the Aryan race were not put on the Earth by God himself as the master race. But merely they were the product of white skin and light hair adaptations in evolution, due to a lower UV in Europe. With lighter skin, and hair, being more aptly suited to absorb more UV than darker shades.

With the blue eyes, originating in Ukraine about 10,000 years ago, around the time that Hunter Gatherers in Europe began to farm and breed a lot more.

So after this realization that the Aryan race is not an alien ubermensch race, but merely evolved different than Africans.

He died, so he won

Not really, suicide is never the answer, unless you were raped and can't kill the rapist within 24 hours.

Also isn't my OP picture of Aryan man, pretty to look at? No homo.

but if your kill your enemies, they win

They probably didn't literally believe that they were god's master race. Just that they were Germans and had to protect and improve themselves.

Himmler was into occult shit I think but Hitler was more down to earth overall.

The reason they lost was terrible military decisions.

fuckin hell australia fuck off

They got rid of Heinz Guderian, he would have won the eastern front, by pushing straight to Moscow - rather than sacking Stalingrad.

Without the massive losses in the Eastern Front because of that bad decision. They would had enough soldiers after seizing Moscow, to defend the German airspace and land from American and Commonwealth invasion.

Lol, did Justin Weedman really say that?

The war was lost on purpose, but not by Hitler. Too many of his closest officers constantly lied to his face, mismanaged the divisions and withheld crucial information about the enemy. That must've frustrated Hitler to no end. Some of his closest friends couldn't at first even get him to believe that there were so many traitors among the Nazi leaders.

Hitler was Jewish himself, he definitely lost the war on purpose. Heinz Guderian went to his fucking face, and told him he needs to withdraw his divisions, outnumbered severely at Moscow. And Hitler refused. Near the end of the war Hitler himself, proclaimed that the Aryans were in fact inferior to the slavs, because they couldn't beat Russia. He was fucken delusional on all the meth, morphine, cocaine and other drugs he was on every single day.

The damage had already been done and the war effectively lost by the time any German troops were near Moscow. There was nothing he could've done about it. The fiasco of Normandy was the tipping point, and had the internal enemies got dealt with before that, D-day would've gone very differently

Nazi's are alive and well and they live in the Hollow World.

They will return in time for WWIII using their Nazi Spacecrafts (i.e. the Hannibal models).

what are you on about? Hitler never said he believed that germans were the "aryan master race." he believed that all races have their own ubermensch and untermensch and that there is nothing wrong with accepting that but you should want to do all you can to make as many of your people be ubermensch rather than untermensch. quite simple.

>and can't kill the rapist within 24 hours.
wut? is rapists like vampires now?

are you new or retarded?

To regain your manhood basically. Being raped as a man is the worst thing that can happen to a man, worse than death.


>when you realize aryans are not the master race so you snort 40 pounds of coke and die


no such thing


Of the area of present day Ukraine. The area itself is just North of the Black Sea where blue eyes originated in a single ancestor.

No he didn't

It's a damn wide-spread meme, was it made by the alt-right?

fuck off, kikes

hitler was a tool in jewish hand, when his masters realized they not gonna bring russia down even weakened by communism, they left their tool to fend on his own

sad fate, and appropriate for heavy medications

total waste of a good army men


yes shlomo

>jewish master race


The inferior less intelligent Jews were killed. The remaining Jews were the super-smart once. As such, since, Jews have formed a master race without dull elements.


Aryan just means of Germanic descent, nothing to do with hair color

>Aryan just means of Germanic descent
how on Earth did you arrive at that conclusion?

Hittler could not have lead the master race if that were the case.

Blond hair and Blue eyes would be the average German person, but the Big members of Hittlers staff all had dark hair. Himmler, Goebles, Hess, etc

you seem to be under the impression that Hitler is a living Aryan

He thinks Hitler was logical and not mad with syphilis



Very interesting tactic this one, 5-eyes.
A little bit of truth with a big lie.
Hitler was a rothschild jew, controlled opposition, this is true. He protected the jews with the camps, that's why they all "escaped" and conveniently went on to invade jerusalem.
But no, Aryans are an alien ubermensch race, and that is why they are envied by you who are not.


I'm not 5 eyes, but I am a versed conversant like an agent. I've met a lot of agents on this board's old minecraft servers.

The dope I'm smoking in a pipe, is opening my Pineal gland and allowing me better creativity.


no such thing

Would bang

Change it to a US uniform and he looks like my father who is deceased. I am 57 y/o btw. So that look (OP's pic) is not unfamiliar to me, except for the uniform of course. Today, except in midwest where I lived, I rarely see this vanishing gentleman persona. And if one mentions Wagner, Goethe, Tristan, or Beyreuth (it's in DE) where paternal component of my family derived, nobody I know ever heard of any of it. But they know who Beyonce is, and that she apparently no longer smokes crack in front of small children, and that nigger lil'Wayne has some drug-related aliment that shouldn't matter. The world today where I live is ruined by shitckins, hispanics, illegals, niggers. Once in a while there's a high IQ asian taking the money, or merchants shaking out a percentage or collecting rent. White male a minority. That's all.

Yep, sad state of reality, when all whites with the blue eye gene are descendant of Noah in the bible.

a thousand years of this is disappearing (((again))) in our lifespan, only one presumes this time it will not self replicate.

Wow, I'm now a #CruzMissile

What makes you think he was a madman, I will concede that he was prideful and arrogant, but a madman is another story. How did he get into power if he was totally insane