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Catalonia thread

Catalonia is basically my entire Twitter feed atm

Talking about the political turmoil there with other Europeans I think there's an idea that basically all Catalans want independence. Nothing of the sort. I always thought of it as a 50/50% issue. According to the Center of Catalan Studies (Catalan government) 41% of Catalans want an independent state and 49% want Catalonia to remain in Spain. The rest either can't decide or don't know.

In contrast, the celebration of a referendum for independence is indeed a general demand of the Catalans desired by the 70%. Of which, I dare to say, the majority would vote Yes, the remaining 30% bring hard line unionists sticking to Madrid line.

I think the mature, logical and desirable resolution of this conflict passes through negotiation between the central government and the Catalan government and the celebration of a referendum. I like the way this was dealed with in Scotland. The Spanish government is creating unnecessary tensions with the Catalan authorities, between separatists and loyalists and between Castilians and Catalans.

This is my opinion as a Madrileño, pro-referendum and pro-remain.

I'd also like to add this boom of Catalan separatism is a very recent thing: in comparison only about 15% of Catalans would describe themselves as separatists around the years I was born, and I'm only 20. So in the nature of thid rise of Catalan separatism I think its part of the same phenomenon as the rise of Podemos in the rest of Spain, M5S and Lega Nord in Italy, FN and FdG in France, UKIP in England, etc.
Not promoting horseshoe bs but regarding it as s result of a profound political crisis

Your thoughts? Would you support an independent Catalonia and what do you think about all of this?

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I wish we got independence along them

Forgot to add this article. I think it shades good light and is comprehensive even for those who know little or nothing about the matter. Only in Spanish though elmundo.es/espana/2017/08/15/597b4e2746163f9b108b4671.html

separautism is dumb, they will only accomplish to be a small and irrelevant country, be sure that they will still be called spanish by everyone

Are you Basque?

I think they'd do relatively well, although living off as a tax haven and from tourism.

Spain is already irrelevant so who cares


shoo shoo spic

Catalonia will never be a real country.


The Constitution doesn't allow the secession of any region, the government can't do anything about it even if they wanted.

Lo dice un narcoestado
I assume you mean Levantine*. Even in the event that they secede (which I don't think) that is VERY unlikely

Who knows, if separatists feel legitimated after the 1/10 Puigdemont would declare unilateral independence and how the international community would act. That's what matter in the end

No relevant country would recognise the result, they've already said so.

And what the international community says it's irrelevant in the end, see Crimea.

tell me why catalans are jews or just memeing

As far as I know only Estonia. But with all geopolitical tensions who knows, could be an opportunity for Russia, China and USA to advance their interests and would they really do nothing? In any case I see Russia supporting Spain, but... They could really use another ally and naval base in the Mediterranean


The international community is not USA & Co. Also Spain and Russia don't play with the same rules


The EU and America have already said that they support Spain on this issue. I don't know if China has said anything about it, but I really doubt they would support diplomatically an illegal secession considering they have their own secessionist movements. I don't think Russia would support them, since Catalonia is not precisely pro-Russia, but even if they did it's not like what Russia says really matters.

This all seems too fucking ridiculous to me. I haven't heard a single valid complain from any separatists in Spain aside from pretending, and laughably so, to still be living under Franco tier oppression.

I mean, the Catalan left wing prefers to live under the Catalan right wing than to be a part of Spain. Ludicrous.

The "international community" is not a thing, USA & Co. are the ones that matter, the rest only follow them.


doesn't autonomous areas also break the constitution?

You mean the "Autonomous Communities" we have in Spain? No, the Constitution is what allowed its creation.

Catalan independence is just silly. Spain has been united since the Catholic kings. Catalonia itself has a lot of people that are mutts from prior waves of immigration from Andalusians (see Xavi HERNANDEZ).

What else do they want? The already have a lot of autonomy to speak in their language that is the bastard son of Occitan and Spanish.


Less State, It's known that is more difficult for States to impose taxes and regulations in small countries.

>I mean, the Catalan left wing prefers to live under the Catalan right wing than to be a part of Spain.
They also prefer refugees over tourists. Nobody should listen to this people.

genes judios, asi de agarraos son todos jaja

North Korea, Catalonia, Zapad 2017, elections in Germany...
This is the most interesting autumn for 10 years

except catalonia has been whining for years, its just pedantic at this point, they are egocentrics that only want more and more

por esa regla de tres tu eres igual de judío

we just want to vote in a real referendum, not more and more

I support every nation that ends in '-onia'

Well, let's wait for Catexit and Ihtamnet/Polite People.

>In any case I see Russia supporting Spain, but
Well, Russian media are celebrating any case of separatism in European country, and they were very dissapointed when Scotland's independence referendum failed. So I think our government will be very happy if Catalonia will be independent.

I support Catalan independence, castilians and andalucians are shit people, first catalunya then baleares and valencia.


send tanks pls

I can understand you, but from the outside it looks very interesting
this word triggers me

>Ihtamnet/Polite People.
u mean cargo 200 ?

Estic intentant aprendre català, però hi ha pocs recursos.

Is Catalan language similar to Spanish?

Vols venir aquí a viure? ets blanc?


Cataluña mi país, la independencia mi destino.

Can a Spanish understand Catalan?

If they want to be independent they should have the right to do so.

Some words but they cant understand all of it, cant speak it for shit


What do "regular" Catalan think about Rosselló, aka French Catalonia ?

Like u can understand ukrainian

Someone talks about the jewss, the dude posts maps of southwest asian, that doesn´t even top scores on jews but on saudis.
Then posts west-asian that peaks in syrians, caucasus region and turks but not in jews.
Then posts "african" that in reality it is caucasoid-neolithic berber, that peaks in mozabite and not in jews. And all of that has thousands of years old. But you are really confused son...

According to some versions the word Catalonya derives from Goth-Alania, name of the country which was made by Goths and Alans who settled in Hispania.
Modern South Alania, which is located in Caucasus region, also wanted independence and it ended up with the war and several attemps of genocide of it's people.

And they also have a flag with red and yellow strips on it.

So... Catalan war and genocide when? If this two countries have so much in common, I bet it will happen.

I have my doubts that it would be optimal for Catalans, but I'm not really familiar specifically with this matter only thinking from general view. Catalans aren't oppressed or anything. There isn't any ethnic violence threat.

Would Catalonia still be part of NATO or maintain their own army?


Kosovo is Serbia
Catalonia is Spain
Crimea is Russia

Crimea doesn't fit the pattern. Chechnya is Russia would be a better analogue. Crimea was just stolen from another country.

>Chechnya is Russia would be a better analogue. Crimea was just stolen from another country.
Crimea has huge historic and ethnic ties with Russia. Chechnya doesn't. In fact, Chechnya deserved independence more than anyone else.

Nothing will change. There are lot of meme referendums throught out the world with no legality and some pro-independentist result that in the end nothing happens.