Abbott is death process

>Abbott is death process


Literally the best line in whole movie.

apology for bad english

where were u when abbot is death process

I kek'd

Where are you getting this?

I don't remember they spoke this in the movie.

i was sat at theater watching arrival when scene showed up

"abbott is death process"


Anyone else really liked how the heptapods looked? They're just simple and yet rather cute :3

They write with their own excrement, definitely not cute.

they had this head-like structure on top tho

not really

I don't get it

I thought only the boss heptapod had a big head

>can see the future
>still chooses to die to bomb blast he knows is there

really makes me think

You cranialist.


Abbott " We're all puppets senpai...I'm just a puppet who can see the strings."

The screenplay was a fucking mess yet it got an Oscar Nomination.

Fuck hollywood.

>I don't remember they spoke this in the movie.

>tfw to intelligent too communicate

Honestly no bullshit can't remember if I fell asleep for the end of this movie; I have god awful memory

Last thing I remember was the bomb about to blow, what happens after?

It blows up.

Tell me how was the screenlay bad without saying "I don't find this or that plausible/realistic"

tfw to smart fot his movie

Reminds of those Oddworld Glukkons.

Why does she have to have the kid if she knows its gonna die? She can already see the future she doesnt need the kid to know the aliens will need help in 3000 years

I figured they were just dying from whatever the shit was that they needed the future human's help for.

bc the time they had was worth it?

lmao she looks so badly photoshopped in, what the fuck?

Just seen it. Pretty shit.


your mom will death process in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post

why did they accept the nicknames the humans gave them anyway? the humans introduced themselves, why didn't the aliens give a name of some sort?

This movie turned out to be shit

they didn't really accept them.

did you watch the movie?

>alien speech was unpronouncable
>alien writing didn't represent any sound
>humans after introducing themselves decided to give them a working names

The scene when Louise goes into the ship alone has subtitles for the heptapod's dialogue. Go to subscene and download one.

Go watch Judge Dredd or AvP. Those are probably more your speed.

literally not even true


>Hurr durr he didn't like the film I did so he has no taste

Grow up. The film was dull and stupid and you know it.

Time being perceived non-linearly =/ time travel

You're really stupid


>Abbott is death process


My favorite part is when she meets her dad on their planet.

I hope you dont mean the "recent" Dredd, that movie was fantastic.

Also, I really liked Arrival, dont get the hate for it really.



so it was basically a terrence malick flick but with time leaping

I really like the design of the pod they used to send her to the planet.

>I'm going to let my child die slowly in a hospital from cancer or some shit because i love her

good mom

So many of you faggots hating on the movie.

I personnaly enjoyed it a lot. Scenario is solid, music is nice, acting is decent from Amy.

I've read people saying it's slow as fuck and boring when I didn't experienced this feeling at all. I actually got into the movie really deep and the philosophical message behind it is strong.

Git gut.

is the book worse than the movie?

It was two hours of a confused woman looking at circles and big hands.

Not the most fun I've had.

>muh fun

>Scenario is solid
too bad it couldn't be solved without seeing into the future by way of alien ink circles
1/10 flick

I watch films to be entertained. If you say you don't you're lying.

>Back to the Future's scenario is solid

The fuck is wrong with you? Seeing into the future by way of alien ink circles is literally part of the fucking PREMISE. Of COURSE it's going to be the key to conflict resolution in the film.

This tbqh. I'm actually surprised at all the praise.

I'm too autistic to read anything but shitposts

Entertainment doesn't have to be fun.

>Seeing into the future by way of alien ink circles is literally part of the fucking PREMISE
no it wasn't, that was the ebin TWIST

Best thing since Interstellar

Are you literally retarded?

fuck those kikes

Maybe premise is the wrong word, but it's what the movie was building to. It wasn't even really that much of a twist, it was just a reveal. Without it the movie would have to be completely different.

well I thought it was pretty lame, didn't really make me think at all

the aliens are kawaii uguu

insterstellar is basically futur human using advanced technology to help our timeline resolve earth problems, yet you all praise this movie.

How fucking dense are you

>let me tell you again what you already told me for plot convenience
This paradox was the biggest problem of the movie.

Why is the chinese general giving her his number if she already had it in that timeline?
If her power is to be able to see the future, why does she act like she control her future body? in that scene it's clearly not the Louise from the future but the Louise trying to stop the chinese's attack.

For a supposed smart movie, it had retarded scenes.


She doesnt travel time, she perceived it as non linear. Did you even understand what the characters say ?

Everything you see in the beginning is the futur for her. She can only perceived her timeline from different point, while still living at a precise point of the time. That's exactly what the aliens language does when you understand it. And the general, when he sees her in the futur, feels compelled to give her the information because he realized after aliens interactions that she got the key to something and she would need it.

Reminder that time and space are just reality the way we perceive it. If tomorrow we find a way to see in 5 dimensions, it will fuck your brain just as equally as if you could perceive time non-lineary.

This wasn't a paradox. She needed that information at that time so he could tell her at the party. It's a causality loop my man. She only knew that stuff to tell him because he told it to her in the future

because it was pure kino, pleb

f u

Was it just me or were the Chinese trying to attack the objects fucking retarded?

1. There are no timelines. Time is circular/nonlinear/simultaneous in this world. It's not a time travel mechanic.

2. Her power isn't to see the future, it's to EXPERIENCE it and to live it. She's no longer shackled by linear thinking and can experience her life "out of order."

Lastly, from a linear human perspective it seems that Louise causes a paradox by getting future information that only would have been given to her based on her past actions, but it's not a paradox at all. From Louise's perspective, the events actually happened for her exactly as we saw. She needed the information, she got the information, she used the information. But since time in this world is nonlinear and simultaneous, that means there is no true free will and everything is deterministic. It's not a paradox, it's just cause and effect in a wonky order.

Fuck baneposting, abbottposting is the new deal.



We're all in death process, user.

I don't know when i will use it but that little amy adams is cute


why didnt they dump the bomb earlier

it was an alien invasion movie where some cunt talked the armies of the world down instead of giving us a kick ass independence day 3 explosion scene

Because she had already had the kid by the time she could see the future, because all events are occuring simultaneously

It's like a really shitty version of interstellar

shittier than the shittiest

>magic space library

Just read this post. Pretty shit.


Head on back to your shitty game of thrones general

death process yourself


f u

so much superstitious autism, just shows how young and immature and retarded the average Sup Forums user is
