Redpill me on Jews Sup Forums. What's wrong with them? How are they behind everything...

Redpill me on Jews Sup Forums. What's wrong with them? How are they behind everything? I believe in a globalist conspiracy but what does it have to do with kikes? You realize how crazy that sounds?

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Look into loxism. The Talmud states that Jews are chosen, and non-Jews will be their cattle slaves.

Look into Rothschild's history, his name's meaning, and how they came to control finance.

Look into the number, 6million, and how many times it's been used to emotionally manipulate people.

Look into who controls almost all media and publishers.

Look into how many of your local politicians are dual citizens to Israel.

Look into what percent of "the top 1%" is Jewish.

Look into how many Jews are on the Supreme Court.

Look into who you're arrested for criticizing.

All this and more, yet Jews are only 2% of the population.

Why does trump have such shitty trigger discipline in that pic. Is he trying to shoot out his own fucking feet? Just wtf

Anti Semitic laws are a way to silence descent

Should give you enough answers for all your questions.
>globalist conspiracy
They are zionists.

Jews are the Nazis of today.

>I believe in a globalist conspiracy but what does it have to do with kikes?

jews have consistently been behind cosmopolitan, internationalist, communist and globalis ideas for hundreds of years now.
soros is not a (((coincidence))). he is not an exception, he IS the rule.

No they are not.

I don't where you got this idea.

Also it should be noted that jews are an ethnoreligion. Both religion and ethniciry.

If you're a race realist, able to acknowledge that certain races have certain inherent characteristics, you must recognize the characteristics of the Jewish race. There is medical proof - schizophrenia runs high in Ashkenazi Jews.

Jews make themselves look innocent by always playing their conservative population in a state of persecution.

Throughout history, in almost every single civilisation and society, the right leaning horses of jews are placed as a bid in an international swindle of epic proportions.

While your eyes are fixated on one hand, you fail to realise what the left hand is doing -- subverting the ideals, attitudes and behaviour of the host country they infect.

Eventually they cause the regression of that host civilisation/society and move on to the next lamb for the slaughter -- Their exit stategy, play the victim so they are accepted with open arms by their next prey, their entire religion is based on the exploitation of non-jews (see: talmud) they see themselves as superior to non-jews in every single way and according to their scriptures aim to purge the entire world into devout servitude to them - the (((((chosen people)))))

If there is one race that god truly blesses, it is the jews, for they haven't failed in their usery even once.

Everything you see here has happened before and will happen again.

>If there is one race that god truly blesses, it is the jews, for they haven't failed in their usery even once.
what are the (((nazis)))

>Redpill me on Jews Sup Forums

Basically Trump's daughter Ivanka is Jewish and her name is Yael, she's also married to a Jew.

What are you trying to imply here?

>slide it moishe

nazi realized the jewery and tried to stop them, thats a failure on the jews


We're scapegoats user, just an easy target to throw a bulls-eye on. The reason we do well in science, medicine, banking, the media and law is because our religion requires you to be literate and capable of critical thinking before you are considered an adult. That's what a Bar Mitzvah is, read from the Torah and write a short essay explaining the section you were supposed to read. Basically, our cultural focus on literacy plus our somewhat clannish nature means we get distrusted a lot.

Yeah, the Torah and the Talmud have some fucked up stuff in them, but I'll let you in on a secret; it's all bullshit and we know it. We believe in God (well, kind of) and everything else is open to interpretation, which is why every 13-year old Jew learns how to critically think as part of their transition into adulthood.


You guys are and have always been the most destructive people whenever you have been.

You have been kicked out of nearly every dam country you have been in only to sneak back in and get kicked out.

Yet you're some kind of "scapegoat" give me a break.

Even the official holocaust numbers don't add up:

If 1.1 million people were killed in Auschwitz, 800k in Treblinka, 167k in Sobibor, 200k in Chelmno/Kulmhof, 80k in Majdanek, 500k in Belzec, this amounts to only a total of 2.9 million people.

These were all the death/extermination camps in Poland, btw.

If you add in the victims of all other concentration camps where no large scale (50k and more) gassings took place, and people only died out of other causes like disease and attrition, I'd say you'd get another 600,000 or so.

Dachau (41,500),
Mauthausen-Gusen (100,000),
Buchenwald (56,000),
Theresienstadt (33,000),
Bergen-Belsen (52,000),
Sachsenhausen (30,000),
Stutthof (85,000),
Neuengamme (60,000),
Ravensbrück (30,000),
Flossenburg (30,000),
Natzweiler (22,000),
Grossrosen (40,000)
Vught/Herzogensbusch (749)

So we're sitting at around 3.5 million.

Remember the holocaust death toll is 11 million civilians, of which 6 million are jews. Are you telling me the remaining 7.5 million were all killed out in the field?

I know the Warsaw Ghetto uprising/clearing (13,000) and Babyn Jar + related mass shootings (33,000 + 150,000) are things we learn about, but no effort is taken to explain the remaining 7.3 million victims.

Can pro-Holocaust people help me out here by giving me info on how many people perished outside the camps?

>inb4 7.3 million

break-down of the numbers would be nice

In the Middle Ages, the Pope prohibited Christians from lending money at interest to other Christians and said it was usury. The intention was that Christians would give other Christians money if it was needed. This didn't happen because unlike Jews, Christians don't share money within their communities. So a small number of Jews (and Muslims to a lesser extent) filled the necessary roles of "merchant" and "banker", in order to keep commerce functional. Those few Bankers would spread wealth around the Ghettos we were forced to live in, which we would use to start up Jeweler's and Tailor's Shops.

Once we accumulated wealth, the King of whatever country would order a "Pogrom" and round us up to seize all our assets, usually with some outlandish justification for it such as witchcraft or the blood libel.

That's why we get kicked out. We're piggy-banks for the elites.

This post is a great example of the problem with #notalljews.

I'm a black male. If I said that gun violence in the US is not predominantly a black problem I would be a liar. That or ignorant. However I'd bet that the majority of blacks would rather offer a delusional excuse for these statistics. Not all blacks are violent, but the majority enables and encourages such behavior in their deceptive denial.

The same could be said for the above quoted user and the jews. They may not all be the same, but they are likely to vote the same. And the majority of them does not want to acknowledge a very real problem.

You're forgetting the people who died en route to camps or on Death Marches, as well as those lost to disease and starvation in "ordinary prison camps". At least half of the victims of the Holocaust were lost to these more "mundane" causes.

Gas vans were also used to kill half a million.

Your numbers are off in some places as well. Treblinka was closer to 900K, Chelmno was 320K and 400k died in Majdanek. Belzec was at least 600k, if not higher.

Not to mention these are only the "documented" deaths, as the Reich destroyed most of the records of its crimes, and even when recovery of documents were possible, many women and children were unlisted in Nazi records.

That is a bunch of lies. Everytime you lended money out to anyone you would always charge interests rate to the highest possible amount. And this had nothing to do with Christianity.

>Ghettos we were forced to live in

Forced to live in? In Poland where there many of these "ghettos" that you were "forced" to live in you would lie about your numbers so you could avoid paying taxes.

>We're piggy-banks for the elites.
Yet you have always supported these in one way or another, the "elites" who was always most of the times Jews and a few gentile in your circles. But in reality zionists should be the proper term/word.

And this still doesn't explain why you were kicked out of Egypt, Greece and Pagan Rome.

But the jews still won world War II
Usury, the selling of the English empire, allies against the evil axis would go down In history permanently defaming the popularity and true global system of national socialism.

You can't even say national socialism without it being referred to as a white power movement.

And the reason for this is that it denounces the jews best trade, markets, banks, debt, forclosure, seizing assets etc.
Also something very important to capitalism.

Just like every other battle they played both sides and got the best deal and will never give up on the 6 million and the censorship of the German perspective.

The germans concentration camps were attempts at deprogramming the jews, not extermination .

In fact the nazis started and funded the originally plans of putting the jews in palestine.

