Onision triggered by #HeteroSexualPrideDay

Fuck this Cuck


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I ain't giving that cuck any views, sum up the video.

He fell in love with the coco

why give that unfunny cuck views by linking it? He's honestly scum, worse than keemstar, one of the biggest attention whores on the internet, and he is by definition, a literal cuck. Don't watch his videos. Don't give him any more attention.

There is one of those?


But I really want it to be.

A serious question: is there anything left in America that is still considered mental illness?

What the fuck is wrong with his face? Was he made in the Oblivion character creator?

been using brillo pads on his face or something?

Why do all these youtube morons edit after every third word?


He's taking advantage of the situation by attacking both sides and looking like a better person as a result of this.

Even though his fan base has decreased in quantity.

This guy is a closet homosexual. I'm not even fucking kidding: I don't care that this nigger has had a wife/gf. He's legitimately gay.

Is that you again, M?

Also, nice 88 :^)

No he'a literal cuckold. He said so himself.

Yes this is me again.



You dont say

Bi-Polar Disorder

my cousin gets benefits for having them.

their viewers all have adhd and cant stand seeing the same frame for longer than 3 seconds.

He also apparently likes being fingered too

Why does he have a hillbilly face? This shit kicking moron should be bailing hay, not making videos.

Up the arse. Yes. It gives him a climax.

A day after he stated that it was all a joke and we should lighten up.

I wish the guy gave me a reason to assault him.

I disagree there should be a Herero pride or white pride day or shit like that. We created modern society, we don't need that shit, every day is white Hetero pride day. Black history month or Latino pride or gay pride are like your dumb kid making a dumb painting and you hang it up on the fridge to make the stupid kid feel good about himself. Oh wow there is a Latino Supreme Court judge? Wow I'm gonna hang this right here so everyone can see!

>giving this faggot exactly what he wants: attention
>being this retarded to not realize it

>"hey guys i take it up the ass and watch my wife get fucked by other men
>everyone makes fun of him
>i was joking lol

he'd fit in over at Sup Forums

> Oppressed minority

You can marry your faggot husband now and get aids together.


Sensitive nu-males are only attractive to tweens. Nothing dries up a grown women's vagina faster than this, when is this trend going to die. Could this be a plot to further weaken white people ?

The problem is, no one is really debating if there should be a special day for us 'cis scum' because we're not the ones that got it trending in the first place.

Which is why I believe Sup Forums should plan the next one.

> 'I was just pretending to be retarded :D'

Mutual hate is what unites people

I don't think there should be. We should start trending something like "everyday is white pride day" and really trigger them

Who is this person and why should I care?

He's right about one thing, pulling shit like #HeteroSexualPrideDay hashtags is just cringey.

In fact this is the argument they make against a white or Hetero pride day, so they can't really argue against it. It would be very poetic if we used their own argument to promote white pride

Well my idea was



> I miss the times in which women would stay at home and take care of the children. I need #RealWomen

Maybe supply an image of a 50s woman like:

Extreme left feminists hate attractive women.


The people that oppose the day got it trending. Which is hilarious.

I like it. That argument really triggers them, and it's really easy to show how hypocritical they are when hey try to argue that a woman who takes care of a household and children is a bad thing

>that fucking face
>the gay voice

Not to mention the constant cutting. Is he too cucked to complete even one sentence in a single take?

Which is why we need to get it trending.

How much time do you faggots spend on Jewtube each day that you know who all these famous Jewtube faggots are?

He is a cuckold

I'm liking the idea of there being pro-white days and straight parades if nothing else but to make the queers feel pressured, enough so where we can finally dust off the word hetrophobic. It'll also remind whatever-Americans that they left a country in ruins run into the ground by their race and fled so they have nothing to be proud of. I'm also aware it won't solve anything but it'd be fun passing the hot potato back at them.

Also some one sum up the video, this guy is missing an ocular glint and he's on youtube so I'm pretty sure there is something serious wrong with him.

Love is love.


Somehow he still wonders why thousands support staight white pride hashtags.

He responded on a hashtag we came up with. Why are you suprised?

Why do you seek out shit to be angered by? Don't you have a better use for your time?

Wait, I'm on Sup Forums, nevermind.

This guys filmed his mentally fucked up gf while she had a mental breakdown to get YT views

He's also 30y old

This is the biggest cuck on the internet ever




I know an actual person just like this guy.

I find it difficult to give people like this a name.


Welcome back Ragnar

What the fuck is up with Onions skin?



Friendly reminder that this is Onision's sense of "humor"


Whats up? These fags still mad?


At least mirror the video.


>listening sociopaths
no thanks, I'm good


New trending hashtag:


Got a ton of replies while i was away.. Time to give these SJW's some fucking answers

10/10 Ole


holy shit top kek

i wasnt even thinking


Maybe when you get beaten and mocked by gay people and have to hide your sexuality in order to remain employed or avoid homelessness, you can have your own hashtag, you fucking nancies

Nice... I got kinda tired of fags

Reminded me of this Moonman song.



>tfw you realize how fucked up this is but can't stop laughing


>comparing hardships on tumblr to being killed, discriminated against, having boiling hot oil poured into your anus , etc etc, just for being gay

That has to be one of the worst come backs iv ever seen in my life.

Dat jam is sick

Fucking great

He's such a narccisist

hes most likely bisexual/ a closet homosexual. The way he dresses, talks, his mannerisms, etc etc etc all scream gay.

>black women shouldn't be able to give blood because they're aids infested
who has a problem with this

He tries to act "cute" and young to appeal to his young teen girl audience (which he denies...lol) He looks awful without all the filters/makeup. Dude is such a faggot.

>He tries to act "cute" and young to appeal
no hes a faggot. Women think hes cute because hes acting like a queer, not because they are attracted to him. Women love gay men

haha he actually did she was ugly too

What a disgusting DYEL faggot.. Who is this?

nah, fo3

So... should we kill him?