What do they called skilled laborers in your country

what do they called skilled laborers in your country.

Skilled laborers

Skilled laborers

white people

skilled laborers but i am sure

We use a word "fachowiec", which comes from German "fachmann". Sometimes we also use "fachman" too.

>any profession
lol, no STEM degree = not a skilled laborer. Just a laborer.

in america there are definitively lazy fucks who cant work a hammer for their life those are just laborers

How can any self-respecting male not know how to work tools and have at least a cursory knowledge of carpentry and car maintenance?



mão de obra qualificada

We call them 'tradies'. This is on account of them knowing a trade.




Woaaaaah edgy.

>carpentering, gardening (yes no kidding), basic electric work, basic car repair, plumbing
they are called men, you're kinda supposed to know how to do this stuff once you start living by yourself

Yep and you Mexicans are born with those skills, it's what you guys were made for!

no but your parents teach you when you're a stupid teenager
my whole highscool years were basically painting the house, washing the car, cooking, repair stuff, cut the grass, changing oil/tires/coolant/brake fluid of the car, go to the bank to pay services, clean the house and other stuff.
It was like that with me and the same way with my parent and his parent and so on.



Anyways, only a sucker wastes money to hire a professional to work on simple household or automotive repairs. Even women do not have an excuse not to know how to do these things.


Is this ajoke?
