Estimate of U.S. Transgender Population Doubles to 1.4 Million Adults

Jesus Christ

That's more people than live in my entire state.

And this doesn't include all the trans/queer/whatever kids.

There's no going back, is there? This is the future we chose?

Other urls found in this thread:

This should be illegal.

It's a good thing.

You'll have 1,4 million LESS liberals in the next generation.

i was upset, until i read this, senpai.

That's one of the few webms I just can't stomach while eating.

Is there anything to support this being mass hysteria of some sort?

i will never eat noodles, eggs, or string cheese again.

>be crossdressing fag
>can't walk out in public to fulfill my fetish while saying im a man
>say im transgender instead

Ever heard of adoption, faggot?

These creatures are forcing their beliefs on their adopted kids and in the schools to tens of millions of impressionable children.
Their ranks are only going to increase.

I wasn't ready...

you can thank Sup Forums and your very own "internet culture" for producing this abomination. You faggots fought any and all attempts to control the Internet and keep filth off of it. All for the sake of your pornographic anonymous imageboard "culture".

Lay in your own bed former Sup Forums tards.

unrelated but can someone link me the name of the black football player that only got 3 months for rape?

Do you mean the 1.4 million adult trans people being a phenomenon of mass hysteria, or people worrying about it being mass hysteria?

4channers and "nerds" everywhere are just one step away from cutting their dicks off. They're already spiritually castrated internet worshipping eunuchs/UNIX

Modern Sodom and Gomorrah. May God pummel the earth with furious asteroids scorching the earth and incinerating all governments and its people.

>it's an user has a revelation everyone else on this board had ages ago episode

no shit, sherlock

people here like to pretend they're somehow any better than the degenerate in your OP. They're not.

This is the product of so-called "civilized nations", so only they should be pummeled

the irony coming from Sup Forums, which if anythere is the sodom of the Internet. Even Tumblr has morals, though naive and completely misguided. Sup Forums is just the "fuck everything even the Angels" mentality that was precisely what Sodom was like.

What a cute puppy.
Dogs really are the patrician's choice.

The Internetand computer is responsible for creating this. It's the Tower of Babel. Ever wonder why AI is always treated as a "mother"?

Shitposting on tumblr that you're a transgendered unicorn attack helicopter doesn't make it real.


The goddess cult

The trannies themselves. I get this feeling it's more a function of "I heard about it in the media; I must be one of them!"

This. All you closet favs just had to have tranny porn

The irony is palpable.

those "moralfags" you always hated back on old Sup Forums? They were always right.

Your grandparents would be fucking ASHAMED to know you ever came here.

Please, Putin, just invade our shit already so all the liberals have to fight with the rest of us.

We need a good purge of the cesspit of society and I would love to watch these fucks bite it by the thousands in the Alaska campaign.

I need a literal trigger warning before seeing this

Get this anti-Sup Forums propaganda outta my face

1.4 / 320 = 0.4% of the population


Don't worry I hate reddit and Tumblr just as much.

The more I'm addicted to this place the more I've become anti-Internet as a whole.

I've long suspected this. It's just the next stage in the oppression Olympics. See enough media and propaganda about transgender people, how they could be "anyone, even someone you know," constantly being bombarded with images of them and stories about them on the Internet, and if you're emotionally fragile enough you may just start identifying with them and thinking you're one of them.

Hopefully psychology catches up to this in the next few years, proving that all of this deviant behavior is, most of the time, absolutely a choice - people are not born like this.

Just look at how many youth nowadays are claiming they're "agender" or "polyqueer" or what have you, because that's the language that's constantly being thrown at them on Tumblr on Facebook, which they browse for hours at a time every day. When you're completely surrounded by that ideology, and that's what is raising you and instilling a set of beliefs in you, you're going to start identifying with it.

Further proof tranny degeneracy is nothing but a fad taken to the next level.

lel nope

next on the agenda is bringing society into virtual reality, where everyone can be anyone they want and real life is laid to rot. The Internet itself was the first step in this.

nigga, 1.4 million is still a lot.

It's greater than the population of my state and several other states, which is a pretty scary statistic when you think about it.


Also, what's that suicide rate again? I can't help but feel as though this is a fad that will shrink as the serious ones kill themselves and the ones who do it because it's becoming fashionable move on to some other liberal fad.

lol mental illness, more profitable to "treat" this way. poor sobs. . hopefully some of them figure it out before they slice off their dick

what the fuck

They'll live in a fucked up environment, but they'd probably be worse off growing up in an orphanage. Unless these trannies decide to bring their kids from Africa instead of helping children in their own country.

>1.4 million more mentally dysfunctional men that won't be competing with me
Great. I want all trans "women" to come out so I don't have to ask questions.

"lel nope" what? That psychologists are going to seriously study this phenomenon? Well, you're probably right, considered how cucked that entire field is. But I want to hear you deny how transfaggotry is a social phenomenon of mass hysteria that is tricking people into joining it.


Shut the fuck up you faggot ass toddler.
This shit was going to happen to regardless.
Kill Bill Gates for this shit.
>the pc will replace tv!

Fucking faggots.

>1.4 Million Adults
Are you serious?

compared to 340+ mil, it's not a lot. less than a percent, no?

Where does the data from this clickbait come from? I can't find the image at the moment, but I can prove that the word "transgender" was hardly ever even seen until the latter half of this decade.

Get in here faggots, Trump is speaking.

I'm not denying it at all.

I'm saying it's part of a larger agenda of conditioning people to transform into inhuman things (see: furries), and virtual reality and/or transhumanism is the next main step on the agenda. It's a pattern that's seen in lesser severity with cosplay, role playing and online avatars among other things.

It all goes back to the very concept of acting/pretending being degenerate. All traditional societies treated actors as an underclass

>accepting transgenders will never lead to more trannies lol

lol fucking crackers, yall are faggots

Good idea Satan. You can also beat off in the women's bathrooms and locker rooms, then sue anyone who complains

UCLA study


thats why faggots and trannies want to be adopti and shit cuz they wanna brainwawh and molest kids, someone tell im wrong lmfao

>adopt a ten year old child as a trans couple
>kid calls you a faggot on a daily basis

fuck off trumpfag

>not knowing the huge amount of fags and trannies in the black community

all races are effected.

This. All you closet homosexual fag lovers had to have your "traps"



Well, you're probably right about this as well.

I fear for the day the Oculus Rift is as common in households as a Playstation or Xbox.



So this is a failed OP right?

lol niggas jus got REBUKED



you need to take the final redpill and leave / repudiate all of Sup Forums.

It's for your own good.

Used to be 0.03 nigger


It's a lot. It's like entire population of Dallas and there are more and more of these fucks every day. That's what you get for abandoning Judaeo-Christian values. Literally Sodom and Gomorrah. Now I'm upset.

It seems like they're inflating the numbers to justify a fringe progressive issue which would otherwise be too trivial to mention, let alone campaign for.

pic related. mfw people sincerely believe this odd mental illness warrants national debate and changes in policy.

Impossible to distinguish from the real thing.

I cant wait, satan. Sounds like a dream come true

I just threw up
i can stand gore but not this

Too bad nobody listened to the people in the 90's who warned about the Internet decaying morality.

Yall love to be nostalgic about "le old 90's internet" but it was the source of all the degeneracy you see today.

Get real, with the Internet censored and/or banned you'd be a lot happier

lol fucking crackers, yall are faggots

Speaking from experience all of us will find that this number is going to drop significantly in about 10 years. While there are real transgender people out there most of them are using it as a fashion statement because it brings them money and attention. It is likely that more then 90% are just pretending. Emo's have all but died out just like "girl gamers" and this will so in the mean time Sup Forums just enjoy the degeneracy and laugh.

Call me a bigot, but this is not OK. This is completely fucked.

This also brings up another point: What measure is a TRUE transgender?

Let's not deny facts here - Gender Dysmorphia exists as a legitimate mental illness, and is strikingly similar to body dysmorphia that affects veterans with missing limbs (Ghost limb syndrome) and in greater numbers the fatties from tumblr.

At what point do you legitimize a "trans" identification? If these surveys simply asked people "Are you trans?" and accepted any answer as correct, that wouldn't be very responsible, would it. It would be no better than someone claiming they have asperger's, or depression, or diabetes. Unless a clinically trained, licensed and certified member of the psychological field has diagnosed you, you shouldn't be counted as anything more than a troubled youth crying for attention. Even then, does simply being TOLD you are "trans" make you trans, or must you start some kind of psychological therapy and/or hormone regimen before you can be quantified as truly trans?

ur disgusting.

I think in real life this might happen, but we'll instead see people identifying fully as editable digital characters, as people spend less and less time actually doing anything in real life.

remember those movies and games depicting a futuristic dystopia where the hero had to ask if the person he was about to fuck for credits was an alien and where from, to keep safe

help, we there now, you gonna have to be xtra careful where you stick your dick now, and even then they can lie

>we all fags now

lom this is what happened when you turn society into a bunch of fedoras

stupid fucking crackers, you deserve it. i aint got no symptathy for your homoerotic snd pasy ass

pic related, its you mixing in yo favorite beversge with semen

There's two groups really

those who are just sex/porn addicts who see themselves as their own sex object and want to fuck themselves. They're just addicts with fetishes

then you have the ones who TRULY identify as female, and most of the time they're not even sexual and have little to no sex drive. It's a schizoid delusion

>Also, what's that suicide rate again?

Iirc 60% attempt suicide and half of those eventually succeed (about 1/3)

Same for pre- and post-op.

>The survey is conducted by an interviewer via landline and cellular telephone.
Oh, it's fucking nothing.

As if blacks aren't majority atheist hedonists too?

I'm not clicking on that gif, what happens in it.
I once saw a kitten in a blender back on old Sup Forums, I have no reason to replace that as the worst thing I've ever seen

Uh wtf is going on I'm concerned please help I need an adult

fuck off, nigerian

Thank you, i needed that puppy after that webm.

>black males represent the largest demographic of homosexual and transgender people

lol, take a look in the mirror nigger.... your people were the first to embrace the late 60's counter-culture degeneracy train and look at what a fucking mess it made of you.

This 2bh pham

The internet should be policed just like anything else. Filth needs to be destroyed

lmao what the fuck is going on in that pic

gotta make sure you say byebye to Sup Forums and anonymity first. And have to go outside

Believe it or not but crossdressing culture has actually been one of the victims of the transsexual movement. Most crossdressers are just regular faggots who get their kicks by dressing up as women and going to crossdressing contests. That's the extent of what they do, for the most part, they're basic-tier degenerates. When actual delusional trannys came about and demanded that their mental disorder be classified as a protected right, crossdressers were declared to be male oppressors using their privilege to appropriate tranny culture. You can see all this anti-crossdressing shit on these tumblr blogs of trannys

Why are kikes so obsessed with genial mutilation???

Jesus died for this.

>Any victims aside from the impressionable children


Why is the internet full of trannies?
Swear to god that over 50% of girls I see online especially around vidya gaming are actually MtF

yet I've never met a transgender irl and neither does anyone I know

You're somewhat right.

I'd wager half of these "transgenders" are just cross dress fetishists who want their fetish validated as an identity. The rest are a totally different mental illness that actually has little to do with sex, and more about incomplete theory of mind (i.e. autists who must become a woman to understand them)

Cult of Cybele=cyber. In ancient rome Cybele cultists cut their dicks off to worship the mother goddess

Technology is inherently feminizing and androgynizing. Techno mama's boy cult.

Computers=a form of witchcraft. It's all a demonic phenomenon.

Congrats you'll never not feal uneasy with using the net ever again.