This confuses, shocks, frightens, disturbs, angers, and surprises the brazilian man

>this confuses, shocks, frightens, disturbs, angers, and surprises the brazilian man

can't imagine what snow is like

cold and wet

alien sensations Tbh

Southerners will never experience dry snow

best thing ever created by nature, also beautiful and fun to play with

I've never checked but I don't think sound bounces off of snow very well so it's super quiet in a park like that.

Then it crunches under your foot, melts, starts seeping into your shoes. Everything is wet, you need to climb over the snow banks on the sides of the street to cross. Start/brush off your car in the morning because it's cold.

Watch others get stuck in snow banks. When you start your car (if you work a morning job) you get out there and you sit and wait for it to heat up because you don't want to leave your car running and unlocked and go back in your house where it's warm. You have to watch your footing all the time because ice can be hard to see. Shovel the sidewalk in front of your house or risk fines. It's the time of year where everyone meets their neighbors because everyone comes out to shovel.

It's basically an inconvenience on all levels of daily life but looks really pretty and makes a cup of coffee taste a million times better when your whole body is cold.

Lived in both, prefer dry

what do you mean dry snow





Ah yes, a thread that Finland can brag about having fucking snow

mad they got something white?


There are dozens of types of snow, first of all.

He means dry snow. Snow that isn't wet.

I wish summer didn't exist

>you sit and wait for it to heat up because you don't want to leave your car running and unlocked and go back in your house where it's warm

Stupid. Nobody's trying to steal cars after a big snow. It's fucking cold so they aren't walking around outside, and even if they found a car they couldn't drive it fast anywhere.

Man my eyes, lips and nose drys just by looking at this, but it's beautiful if you are not used to it

But snow can't be dry since it's water


It's not stupid it's cautious, not everyday is a big snowfall. Sometimes is just cold as fuck and otherwise the roads are clear.

Coziest time of the year

I would freeze to death in 5 minutes if I were to live there
so how do you take naps on parks? or read a book in a bench? or eat in the grass? or make any sport whatsoever?

Of course it can.

Why is snow so comfy?

There are winter sports. Kids go crazy and will ride sleds on any sort of slope.
I go to the nearby woods for cross-country skiing. Some people get some mates together and play ice hockey. I even went to a snow sculpture competition. The top three works were really nice, the rest were shit.

p jealous about the ice hokey stuff
I worked 2 months in an ice skating court one year ago, one of the best times of my life

Dry snow is light and powdery, good for skiing.
Wet snow is heavy and turns slushy faster, good for misery

I don't like snow
I don't like sun either
Temperate climate master race

>temperate master race
We're at a disadvantage man, we die almost everywhere

>sunny snowy days

If you ski is the one called powder snow