American education

>american education

Why are americans always the ones insisting on forcing pseudoscientific babble in public schools like creationism and shit?

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This is only a problem in rural schools.

meh, even grown up adults in my country consider the idea that intelligence is mostly genetic as racist.

Creationism isnt that far off.

>fetuses are human

please tell me how science agrees that something with individual human DNA, is alive, cells are replicating, and is a separate organism from the mother isn't a human.

Last time I checked if you're alive and a human you're a human, OP.

If it's not human what is it?

You do whatever it is you need to in order to justify your fetish for exterminating human life.

a political pawn


A progressive agenda

>cells have human DNA and different DNA than the mother
>cells are growing, dividing, and have independent movement from the mother

If anyone is pseudoscientific, it's libshits.

a babby.
Is you ask how is babby formed / how girl get pragnent?

they need to do way instain mother in USA

A tool of the patriarchy. Only a fetus born through parthenogenesis is exempt from this definition.

I am truly sorry for your lots.

The one question I always ask pro-choicers is

'If I stab a pregnant woman and kill the 'thing' inside, for killing that 'thing', should I be charged with vandalism or a form of manslaughter?'

Because if it's not a life, it is either part of the woman and I am only charged with the crime committed on the woman, or it is considered property and I have vandalized it.

The law doesn't care about human, it cares about "person"

Education is literally the best way to prevent unwanted/planned pregnancy and consequently, abortion.

Education is also the best way to teach people that when you have an abortion, you are ending a future persons life. Don't want to call it murder, fine, a rose by any other name, you are ending a future human from existing.

Aparently positive law tells us to not kill jews but silences over unborn babies.

It's pretty scientifically solid that abortion kills a human being. I'm still totally okay with it though, few dead babies here or there never made me cry.

>dat edge

It was on the news this mroing a mother in ar who had kill her three kids. they are taking the three babby back to new york too lady to rest my pary are with the father who lost his chrilden

Put the law aside for a moment - understanding fetal development at least can help people make better-informed personal choices.

Libs want you to believe that a fetus is some kind of cardboard cutout until the moment of birth.

>not being pro-choice simply for the fact that abortion kills millions of black babies every year

The black population in this country is literally kept in check by abortion.

And what makes it not a person?
Because it isn't currently sentient?
Because it can't take care of itself?

By that logic people in comas shouldn't have rights and neither should old people that can't take care of themselves.

Even with that logic, there's no reason to believe someone who's been in a coma for years is ever going to recover and old person is definitely going to die soon.
So a fetus should still be worth more than those people.

But because it's spatially located inside a stupid woman libtards have decided that fetuses are merely organs and can be removed.

Interestingly you can use exactly the same argument against cancer treatment.

No you can't... cancer cells aren't healthy and they don't have seperate human DNA they have the same slightly altered DNA of the host.

>sapience a precondition for personhood

you got it.

>By that logic people in comas shouldn't have rights and neither should old people that can't take care of themselves.

and those people are removed from life support on a regular basis.

Viability and sapient capacity are the historic hallmarks of persons and thus rights.

That said person-hood begins around 24 weeks gestation.

Cause a lethal disease from genetic damage, is equal to the reproductional life cycle of life, amirite?

this, abortions should be free for non-whites. In fact, they should be mandatory.

We need more abortions, not less. Fuck the south family

Why are you a dumbass who uses facebook clickbait to justify and objectify a whole nation of people?


Riddle me this why isn't a severed finger a person?

New borne aren't sapient or aware. They're a bundle of neurons with the instinct of suck, shit, sleep. They don't even pass the mirror test.

And they aren't viable. Another organism has to provide for them or they will die.

Ultimately putting down a dog is more of a crime, then what this stellar example of humanity did in your twisted world.


sapience: having or showing great wisdom or sound judgment.
so i guess that qualifies you for abortion user.

I'm gonna assume you meant sentience.
And by that logic, coma patients, those who are unconscious, those put under by drugs in hospitals.

None of these humans due to temporary lack of consciousness and therefore not being sentient, aren't people and can be freely done with whatever those who ARE sentient want to do with them.

now it all makes sense. I am now pro-choice.

Because muh jesus doesn't love a severed finger, you infanticidal cultural-marxist-leninist-maoist atheist!

let's see... not even an organism?
cells will no longer reproduce once the finger starts to die?

got anymore stupid questions user?

>New borne aren't sapient or aware

They have a cerebral cortex at 24 weeks. So you are wrong. If newborns werent aware or sapient, they would be like that forever since they couldnt learn anything new.

why are brazils bad at everything?

I tolerate abortion because it kills more niggers than whites, but it really is a cancer on our society. We just have bigger cancers that it happens to counteract nicely.

Due to American imperialism.

No i meant sapience.

I dont use because thats for retards.

I use the medical definition in which sapience refers to human level intelligence. That which is uniquely human. Like abstract modeling, inference, deductive reasoning.

>cells will no longer reproduce once the finger starts to die?

but there still reproducing after its severed.

I guess your just a retard who never heard of the hayflick limit. cells begin dying in people too.

children dont reach sentience until around year 2
up to year 6 for niggers
abortion should be legal on children up to todlers

>Muh American imperialism
No, your shit because your full of brown people.

consciousness =\= sapience

your like a retarded person


you dont know what that word means.

Sentience is the capacity to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively.


i'm talking to retards here, they're essentially interchangeable.

Why is it so hard for roasties to accept responsibility?
>I had sex with Chad but am not prepared to raise babby please scramble it's brains and vacuum it out

>babies arent conscious

wew lad
dont reproduce


So what you're saying is there's absolutely no difference between a severed finger and a non-severed finger.

And i noticed you ignored the part about it not being an organism.

It must hurt to be this stupid.

they can't pass a mirror test
they cant even store memories until a certain age
what's your first memory? sure as shit wasn't when you were a year old

this might come as a surprise to you... but when your brain is UNCONSCIOUS it isn't capable of being sentient or sapient.

also stop using sapient incorrectly you stupid shill.

not an argument

and that leads back to my argument.

I guess it should be legal for me to roofy you, rape your skull and then kill you.
Because you being unconscious and all and not sapient you're not a person and have no rights.
Good to know you're fine with that.

The average dog is on the same Intelluctual level of 2.5 year old. And babies can't pass the mirror test for up to 18 months.

There is Zero reason to value a >18 month old anymore then an animal under the scientific definition.

Once again, that women in my orginal pic is perfectly justified under your parameters.

Nor isn't your original post, you retard.

>le silly lolbertarian pseudointellectual maymay XDDDDDD

It's finally happened. Canada no longer speaks English.

My biggest problem is still that pro-lifers stop caring about these kids completely once they're born.

There are whole cities in Canada where the majority speaks French and a lot don't understand English at all.

>but when your brain is UNCONSCIOUS it isn't capable of being sentient

This is what retards cant grasp.

An unconscious brain is CAPABLE of being sentient when it becomes conscious again.

Not having the capability to be sentient is what matters.

All that other bullshit is irrelevant.

>cant mirrror test =\= non-sentient

>cant remember =\= non-sentient

>back to my argument

More like we're telling people DON'T FUCK IF YOU DON'T WANT KIDS.

Seriously? Killing babies is the only "caring" option in this dilemma?


try finding real sources

isn't an argument.

being against abortion (which is directly killing a human being) is a lot different than caring about whether children should be cared for after birth.

Being against murder doesn't mean you need to support welfare and making sure poor people don't die.

>And i noticed you ignored the part about it not being an organism.

a fetus is not an organism either until it is sentient.

removing a non-sentient fetus is the same as a severed finger.

Check m8.
As a biofag I cringe every time someone tries to argue that fetuses aren't human. Trying to argue for abortion from the stance that fetuses are not human is utter stupidity. There are better arguments you can make.

>unconscious brain is capable of being sentient

when i said capable i meant at the time of being unconscious.
Though I can see what you're TRYING to say what you meant to say is that it has potential.

And i've been waaaaiting for you to make this stupid argument, thanks for playing.

Please tell me how fetuses aren't "capable" or more aptly phrased, do not have the potential to be sapient?
Because I'm pretty sure you realize they have that potential.
At the CURRENT time of being a fetus they aren't "sapient" sure.
But wait a minute... neither are unconscious people!

congratulations you defeated yourself.

Thats funny, because Roe v Wade didnt discuss humans it discussed persons.

This is what happens when biofags try to in2law


are you an idiot? Sentience is not a requirement of being an organism.

You know that plants are organisms right?
A dead leaf isn't.

Please go take biology before you try to participate in arguments about abortion and then come back to me.

It's a statement monkey.

>adjective: sentient
>able to perceive or feel things.
>"she had been instructed from birth in the equality of all sentient life forms"
>synonyms: (capable of) feeling, living, live; More
>conscious, aware, responsive, reactive
"any sentient creature should have the good sense to avoid something so dangerous"

Just another retarded sociopathic Marxist redefining words to bullshit.

Are you claiming under the definition a dog isn't sentient? No, that'd be retarded.

But considering your double think can't seem to process a baby is outclassed in every measurement of brain capacity... that's the only conclusion that can be arrived to.

You're a retard who bought into a materialist sociopath meme and can't truly cope with the ramifications.

let me rephrase, go take a junior high biology class.

>when i said capable i meant at the time of being unconscious.
>i like using words in ways 99% dont use them

so your argument is attach irrelevant conditions to what you think sentience is.

Its like you don't whata habitual being is, versus a temporary being.

Lets analyze your broken logic with an example.

>Trees are green.
>False. Trees in winter are not green.
>Therefore Trees are never green.

>At the CURRENT time of being a fetus they aren't "sapient" sure.
doesnt have any bearing on time.

Only on biological capability.

Once again you fail to use "capable" correctly.

Capable =\= Is

They site real sources faggot. But nice rebuttal of absolute zero relevence.

That's usually when you know your opponent is arguing from pure emotional impulse.

>in public schools

Found the problem.

It still irrelevant. You just blew your own argument out the water. A plant isnt a person and a fetus is any different than a plant without sentience.

the human evolution denial in germans is fucking retarded

I've come to realize that the majority in favor of abortion don't understand biology and have coerced themselves into emotionally disassociating fetuses as being alive and or human.

The only actual argument for abortion is population control, but I would wager that 99% of abortionfags don't care about population control.
Even if they did there are much more effective methods of lowering the population.

>Are you claiming under the definition a dog isn't sentient? No, that'd be retarded.

its true canadians cant read english

a dog is sentient
a fetus prior to 24 weeks is not.

you lose.

Nobody cares.

So you're screaming at a wall telling it to do something that you know won't happen? Humans are programmed to fuck, in the same way they are programmed to breathe. The only thing you can do is control births by any means neccessary.

Besides that you aren't punishing the parent anywhere near as much as you are punishing the child.
They will grow up (maybe) under the parentage of ill-suited and ill-prepared parents. They will have no future prospects because their parents were fuck ups who couldn't raise them right.
They will end up worthless and sucking on the welfare teat either inside or outside of jail.
You will complain about [insert generation] being fucking worthless and wonder why it happened all while being willfully ignorant of your role in it.

>I don't care if the kid dies so long as it's born.

That's a pretty abysmal and irresponsible view to take. Telling a woman who fucks up and gets knocked up that she can't abort is not different from telling someone who fucks up and injures themselves that they aren't allowed to get medical attention.

Further more I'll reemphasize it is the child and the society at large that will pay the heaviest price not the irresponsible parents.

nice immaterial argument

>dogs are smarter than a 2 year old.

That study is stupid and you are too for believing it.


Here you go. Facts instead of memescience.

>drowning a new born in a bathtub morally superior to putting down a dog, since a dog is more sentient

Anybody can see how stupid your reasoning is. Best to just stop posting now.

>being alive

your still missing one dummy.

keep trying to argue around sentience like a fucking retard in denial.

without sentience your fetus is bag of cells.

>but it has a face

so do mannequins
i bet you think they are people too.

>Guys, I'm sure this person might have a miserable life.... Best just to kill them.

It amazes me just how much common sense someone has to kill before they can spout such idiocy.

Honestly OP, under my parameters, being such a sociopathic idiot would be a life not worth living in my eyes. Best if you had died earlier, eh?

you have an extremely poor vocabulary.

but I'm not gonna harp on semantics because that's how stupid people try to win arguments.

>doesn't have any bearing on time
>only on biological capability

You're trying to say something, but I don't think anyone understands what it is you're attempting to say.

But let me break it down for you in terms that even you can use properly.

Fetuses... at the time of being a fetus aren't sentient/sapient/intelligent/ whatever your arbitrary qualifier of personhood is.

Unconscious people ALSO at that point in time aren't sentient/sapient.

They both have the POTENTIAL (not capability) to becoming sentient, but currently aren't.

If you can't understand something that simple then you're just not intelligent enough to argue with, and I'm pretty sure that qualifies you for being aborted.
abort yourself user.

>still doesnt understand definition of sentient

you think your going to lecture people on biology and not know how to speak english.

Prove to me a dog is more aware of its surronding then a baby.

If you mention one more thing about intelligence, then you have proven that have none, since sentience has NOTHING to do with intelligence.

Holy shit the CIA was behing the coup against Joao Gulart?
I like them even more now, filthy commie

The funny thing is that the American debate around abortion is not about the actual act of abortion, but the way it is paid for.

Libtards feel it is the right of women in society to get free reproductive healthcare.

Christians flip their shit because their tax dollars go towards the aborting of unborn kids. Their funds should be religiously exempt. But libtards care not for their fellow man.

So continue living in your whimsical little land of falsehoods whilst the rest of us debate whether or not abortion should be funded by taxpayers.

are people on Sup Forums actually autistic?

I thought this was just a meme.

YOU said that fetuses aren't intelligent and therefore not organisms.
Not knowing what organisms are disqualifies you from arguing.

I disproved YOUR argument.
I didn't make any arguments or disprove them you stupid autist.

>arbitrary qualifier of personhood is.
the only qualifier that ever existed.

>that point in time

doesnt have anything to do with sentience.

nice try worming your way off that hook.

"potential" dont mean shit either.

I believe your the one who thinks all words are interchangeably with others.

A typical conman mentality to avoid clear language.

By that logic it is ok I just go and cut the throat of someone in cerebral coma

Abortion is actively ending the life of something.

Starving to death is not murder.

People don't like abortion because it's murdering people. A kid starving to death isn't murder.

Not giving someone money isn't murder.
The fact that I am against murder does not mean that I agree that those who are too lazy or too incapable should get handouts.

>le gommies are bad

That's a nice meme, but America doesn't give a shit about communism, they only care about keeping us down for their own economical and political benefit. That is the same CIA that supported communist dictator Plutarco Elías Calles in México. Read a book once in your life, people like you are responsible for our country being shit.

This is the exact argument I always use

A severed finger doesn't have unique dna you retard

They always stumble to answer when I ask that, too

>YOU said that fetuses aren't intelligent and therefore not organisms.

nope didnt say that.

>I disproved YOUR argument.

you mean you defeated a straw man of your own creation.

If it isnt sentient AND human is is not a person.

Now follow along little idiot.

Dog = Sentient , but not human.
Not a person.

12 week fetus = Human , but not sentient.
Not a person.

a rock = not human nor sentient.
Not a person.

Newborn baby = sentient and human

Congrats its a person !

I've already defeated your stupid argument of sentience being a requirement.

go back to roddit now.

>A severed finger doesn't have unique dna you retard
>No DNA in a finger.

lol. you dont even know what DNA is

>le gommies are bad
Yeah they are

America just want to expand their industry in as many countries as possible to have more proft, this is literally the only thing that America wants

you still haven't given anyone a single reason how unconscious people are more people than fetuses

Fetuses will become sentient given time
Unconscious people will become sentient given time.

How is your brain not firing off the correct neurons to piece those two pieces together.