Romance languages showdown: French vs Spanish


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Spanish is easier to speak. The are about the same to learn.
I like Spanish music (mostly reggaeton) better than French music. But French is very aesthetic especially on girls.

>Spanish is easier to speak
An 80 iq primitive language, seƱores

Who is that?

My mother in her youth days.

Spanish is easier and way more useful.

French sounds more sexy spoken by grills
Spanish sounds more manly spoken by men

Spanish has less stupid pronunciation rules. It's hard to find a Spanish word you can't pronounce if you already know Spanish and its rules.

Romanian or Italian.

What are the criteria by which you have determined it being "way more useful"? At least you should have taken into the account that all the Spanish speaking countries are failed states, inhabited by low iq subhumans, and the fact of which alone doesn't sit well with your post in toto.

It's a really good thing since in English I have too much troubles with pronunciation.

i like french

Learn spanish if you want to talk to your gardener, learn French for access to high literature and arts.

French is the language of culture.



el ukraniANO

funny to hear that from an ukraniANO, whose country is poor as shit and a failed state still involved in a civil war.

do you need more potato Igor?

French sounds much, much better

bun post

t. spaniard

Come on, even german is more useful than spanish.

What does "useful" even mean? Unless you want to move to a specific country, no langauge is useful other than English


>Unless you want to move to a specific country, no langauge is useful other than English
So close minded. I pity you, really.

i don't understand this thread?

>which one is better guys?
>well i guess spanish because bla bla bla

Spanish is a decent and consistent language. It has consistent rules and phonemic grammar which means there is no ambiguity regarding how a word is written, read or spelled.

French is guttural and disgusting pigspeak.

you're kidding right?
stay in your continent
Anything other than Flamenco shouldn't even be considered music. Period.

Muere, putos latinos!

I suspect this Ukrainian is mentally ill, the other day he made a thread about the French language and everytime someone tried to help him he just insulted them.

>French is the language of the elite

>Spanish is the language of beaners

Oh geez, tough choice.

t. w*lloon

t. m**r

I'd kill myself if I was a B*lgian

>I like Spanish music (mostly reggaeton)
Stay away from my country.

There is no such thing as "Belgian", only Dutch and French.


The logical choice between French and Spanish is Italian

>French is the language of Africa
>Spanish is the language of the New World

*Spanish is the language of the shittiest parts of the new world

>American continent
>shittier than Africa
spotted the Somali

>Come on, even german is more useful than spanish.
It most likely depends on where you're from, Spanish would be more useful to know here in the states.


Jesus, I wish French was seen as a 'manlier' language

when i hear someone speaking french online they sound rude as fuck, does that count as manly?

Well, some french people online are rude and childish af, constantly talking shit, insulting mothers and so on...

Muslim influence, I don't know.

French - Hugo, Balzac, Rolland, Zola and plethora of other greats of world literature.
Spanish - Cervantes, de Vega and host of crappy communism-induced illiterate spic scribblers.

Unfortunately, we also have a shiton of communist "intellectuals"/writers

Yeah, XX century sucks, for the most part.

French: Jean Luc Godard, Jean-Pierre Melville, Roman Polanski and tons of other kino manufacturers.
Spanish: Almodovar and some shitty Civil War movies with tits.


c'mon, now

What? French is the language of arts.

This kind of threads 'which lang is better, more useful, etc ?' are useless. A languages serves a purpose (or many), and you to be more specific. A better question is 'Which language has more media content, French or Spanish?'.

The answer is French

Stop being a cuck!

If angry mexican comments on youtube count as media then we win.

only good post in this useless thread

The vast majority of Spanish speakers are cultureless mestizos, I'm sure Borges translated his books to French himself so...

>Spanish is easier to speak
Not for an english speaker
>I like Spanish music (mostly reggaeton)