Watched this the other day

>yeah, it was kind of okay
The world

Whatever. It's not even that great of a movie, but I think it's really obnoxious that everyone just memes the "12 YEARS" thing and tries to pass that off as criticism. It's a fucking pull-quote on the movie poster, they're always hyperbole. RLM is shit and "overrated" is the lowest form of criticism.

>pass that off as criticism.
It's ridicule, not criticism.

This is why autists shouldn't be allowed to communicate with normal humans.

12 YEARS is just an abbreviated summation of various criticisms of the movie, namely - zero story, no character development, flat writing, lack of a message, no risks taken, annoying main character, wooden acting, inconsequential plot and overly stretched narrative

but it took 12 years to make hence - 12 YEARS

What you posted was criticism

12 YEARS is a meme

Learn the difference

no need to repeat the same criticism 40 times. If this was a movie with the same legacy as Apocalypse Now or 2001 we could have endless threads talking and even criticising them. As it stands, this movie is a joke that came dangerously close to winning Best Picture and as such deserves nothing but meme spouting

>dangerously close
You sound like the danger was averted. Birdman was that much better then? Or 12 Years a Slave, or Spotlight?

none of those are particularly great but only Birdman approaches the level of smugness and self-satisfaction around Boyhood

and I still think Birdman is way better, if only because it actually has a story arc plus wonderful writing and camera work

I thought Boyhood wasn't that bad. Sure it didn't do a traditional story with character development, it was more like a non-narrative look into a generation of kids. Its goal was to make the audience go, "I remember that!" and in that it succeeded.

I really liked it. But I was on a ten hour flight, so I had no reason to complain.

I don't remember any of "that". I wasn't a stoner, I didn't whine all the time, my mom didn't switch husbands like napkins,. Which events of this film spoke to you so clearly? Specifically looking form something that isn't featured in literally every other movie about a young boy growing up

*looking for

Coldplay music, Obama, Harry Potter theatrical releases, probably two other things.

Not him, so don't get autistic.

>Twelve years to make
>Didn't win any major awards

I see, well I grew up in the same period but I can't say I had a nostalgia trip at all. It feels like pandering to me

how the dad nonchalantly let them hang around with his loser rocker friend who was drinking and smoking, how the parents were fighting in the other room, how they stood in line for the Harry Potter book, how his little sister at age 5 thought it's funny to sing Britney Spears songs, how he was hanging around with those edgy kids playing around with darts... You know, little things like that.

>meanwhile artist get paid for shitting out eggs on a canvas

It felt realistic, people say that shit like Ferris Bueller or Mean Girls are great high school movies but they don't capture what adolescent life really is like the way Boyhood does.

What were they going to do if the kid grew up fat or stupid or something?

I thought it was shit. Couldn't stand the pork face of that faggot main actor.

Boyhood is the single most bland, pretentious movie I've ever seen. It's all about watching this kid grow up getting "lessons" and just going through his life. It ultimately just ends with Richard Linklatter self-inserting into the kid. Also, when he was fucking 15;
>Mom: Have you been drinking?
>Kid: A little bit.
>Mom (with a smile on her face): Alright then.
Great parenting you strong independent cunt.

well he grew up as a lobotomized stoner

it was worse than that, he admitting to smoking pot and she was like "well alright get some sleep"

I mean I'm all for not freaking out on your kids but come fucking on, is this Woodstock

One of the best films of the 10s 2bh

I liked many aspects of the film, but I had some issues with the tone and the inconsistencies.

I hate how the film simultaneously makes the dad look as a chill great dude, and the mom like a neurotic bitch. Like, the dad is charmingly flawed, and eventually becomes a reliable adult; but the mom's resolution is to throw at temper tantrum at his 18 year old son as he moves to a college dorm. Furthermore, the sister is just unlikable from the beginning to the end.

Also, some characters just turn up to 11 without any foreshadowing. Like the second husband, who suddenly is revealed to be an abusive alcoholic, and the 3rd husband, who is a homophobic, despite being shown to be kind of alternative/hippie before.

I can also go over some little things, like how the bulling scene when he was in middle school was so unrealistic and unnecessary.

You care about faces and yet you think your opinions mean anything? You're a vapid cardboard cut-out of a person, not someone who's allowed to participate in discussion.

Write around it

You mean what if things had gotten interesting at some point?

He turned into a corny art kid and that's just as bad.

didn't the sister turn into a tit monster?
where are the pics?