Actors who always play the exact same character thread

Actors who always play the exact same character thread

jesse "hmmm mmm ehh hmmmm" eisenberg

go ahead and start, OP. because all i see is an actor who has played different characters in different ways

>not liking based Denzel

Same kind of a shitty people that don't like Tom Cruise.


Acknowledging an actor always plays the same character doesn't mean someone doesn't like that actor. Sometimes that one character is very good. Jason Statham is one of my favorites.

Morgan "Cheeky-yet-wise old man" Morgan.

Michael Cera

>didn't watch Lego Batman

Owen Wilson

When was he ever not the absolute smartest most alpha man in the room?

Even in inside Man when he's constantly getting outwitted he still swaggers around acting like he's in control all the time

He actually played someone different in Magic Magic for once.

Jon hamm playing Jon hamm in every role

Try 'gain

Charismatic man? Explain the similarities between Don Draper and Hamm's character from Black Mirror's White Christmas, because I'd love to hear it.

dude weeds dicks gays lmao

it's annoying because franco can be a good actor when he actually tries

Rogen was good in Take This Waltz at least

loved him in that movie where he was a badass black dude.

>a cringy beta

What determines sameness or differentness in characters? Voice and accent? Attitude? Appearance? Some of these things are hard to change, others depend on how much or little they have been typecast. I'd like to see actors who do not play the same character every movie. The list must be very small.