Is this how you want the world to see you America as indian givers?

Is this how you want the world to see you America as indian givers?

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WTF, I love Tillerson now!

Why does the American state worry about 75 million?

It's not about frugality, it's about principles. You can't have some international welfare queen leeching money off of you.

Why is america so anti-semitic?

Well, apparently you already gave it.
If you didn't want to you shouldn't have given it.

>can't convince congress to not give israel money
>expects israel to give back money they've already been given

Oy vey its like another holocaust, just like my grandparents told me about after the war before they died in gas chambers.

poor post

So will this be another guy old Drumpf has to fire on behalf of his handlers?

Trump is such an idiot.
He is giving away Americas soft power by bullying allies for short-term financial gain.

>Oy vey

He will be dead in a handful of years and, like all politicians, he likely doesn't give a shit about anything beyond the scope of his term.

They don't need allies. They alone constitute more in GDP, influence and military power than any country in the world.
You don't care about the losers when you're in first place by far.


You push and leverage your advantage when you're in the lead. Looking at it another way, what the fuck is anyone gonna do about it? Pick a fight with them?

>what the fuck is anyone gonna do about it?
How about look for a better deal? And what's america gunna do when they go looking? Pick a fight with them?

Yeah, look for a better deal where? With Russia?
They don't have alternatives.

Turkey (a NATO member) just bought S-400 missile system from Russia.
Israel could do the same

>Pick a fight with them?
Who needs to pick a fight when sanctions and embargos and trade agreements exist? The USA is reliant upon the rest of the world more than the rest of the world is reliant on it.

Israel don't really have good options. Almost everyone else does. The notion that America doesn't need allies is fucking ridiculous, stop being naive.

missile system are already becoming outdated since american anti missile laser technology is literally knocking missiles out of the sky for a tiny fraction of the cost of a missile

america already owns europe and the relevant parts of asia usa really doesnt need israel and there arent any other superpowers except for usa

I don't get it, Bannon's supposed to be the biggest Trumptard ever right? What gives?

Sanctions and embargos are only proven to mean something when you already have power to leverage, in this case your trade power.
Even if the ENTIRE EU were to somehow get their heads out of their asses enough to make one big "NO USA ANYTHING FOREVER" policy, it still wouldn't do much to the USA as it is the single largest domestic industrial power. It would hurt the EU more than it would the US.

Wew lad。

>It would hurt the EU more than it would the US.
EU still has access to Asian markets, so no, it wouldn't.

So does the US. It has puppets in Asia too, most notably Japan.

like it or not its true after WW2 the collapse of germany/britain/france left the USSR and USA as the sole superpowers left in the world and in 1992 there was only 1 left standing

You really are naive.

Spend less time in Sup Forums, mate. You're delusional.
China is already a global super power and other developing nations are starting to emerge.

japan and korea
20% of chinese export economy is trade with USA

the EU is literally a CIA creation which is owned by the usa cause usa gives gibs to every country in europe to prop up their small militaries which is how they barely afford free healthcare and education if america stops paying europe's bills the entire continent will have a meltdown

which is why europe was shitting itself over talk of removing nato which usa pumps more money into than the rest of europe combined

And Trump is about to destroy the sole superpower due to his incompetence

>China is already a global superpower

Objectively speaking, you cannot prevent the USA's strongarm tactics. The 'speak softly and carry a big stick' practice, while recently the 'speak softly' part was completely abandoned, they never stopped carrying a big fucking stick. And now they're using it to get people to do what they want. Because they can.
One can indulge in any number of "You bastard! You're gonna regret this!" but so far it's been nothing but good. Everyone has gotten pissed off, but there's nothing they've done about it and will likely never do.

and europe is about to become 3rd world due exclusively to german meddling

Don't really see what it has to do with the topic of the thread

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

What do you mean? I am neither Trump nor Merkel

>I am neither Trump nor Merkel
Are any of us?

no, so that's why i dont understand why you take critique on Trump personally


he didnt i did
hes also not that shit

I am Trump. Germans, small industrious people, like ants! Will be crushed under my feet, SAD! #MAGA

They're their master, not their ally.

Not to mention that if somebody takes advantage of you, you don't sit idly because "hurr durr they're muh friends". This is such a terrible mindset, and it's no surprise America has gone to shit.


Kek you actually think that disliking Isreal is a Sup Forums meme ?

Get out of your house for once.

Yeah. My grand mother died gassed when she was only 5 years old. I expect reparations from Germany and all other Europeans countries as well.

Thinking Israel somehow controls USA is a pol meme

based paki poster

Just because Messi is the best football player doesn't mean he doesn't needs a team.

>trump sucks israels dick for months straight
>one man under him wants a few millions back
>"h-ha ha T-trump sure is giving those kikes a hard time"

dude my parents fled too
quit trying to be proud we know its a shit hole

To understand why the US is suddenly not interested in propping up Israel, you need to understand US grand strategy. In the old days, aligning ourselves with Israel gave us an outpost in the Middle East to project our influence, so we could balance the powers in the region by playing them off each other. By keeping the powers divided and under our hegemony, we could guarantee the flow of oil through the Persian Gulf and maintain the free trade order of the west to encircle and contain the Soviets. From the 1980s onward, we traded up to a dependence on Middle Eastern oil to help offset falling domestic production.

It's now 2017 - the Soviets are long dead, and no matter what Russia does, they're never going to be able to consolidate the entire Eastern Hemisphere under their influence in order to challenge us. Furthermore, we no longer need the oil. New technologies have made North America pretty much energy independent.

tl;dr if increasing American re-entrenchment surprises you, you haven't been paying attention

theres also the fact saudi arabia is the new top ally for usa in the middle east over israel

>top ally
It's more apt to describe them as a business partner. They know as well as anyone that a showdown with Iran is nigh, and it's a showdown that they might not be able to win.

Buying shitloads of US military technology is an expedient way to keep our interest in the region. The Saudis don't need us to fight their war for them, they just need us to stay out of the way and not step on their toes when they're in the thick of it with Iran.

While he's not giving them hard time, he's not giving them the good time they expected either.
>no embassy relocation to jerusalem
>continuing Obama stance on settlements
>disinterest in Israeli agenda

He only visited Israel to pay a lip service to his Jewish donors.

In essence, Trump in the white house changed nothing for the Israelis, at least not drastically or overly positive as many predicted.

You are underestimating the Saudis, they already bought mutual defense treaties with Pakistan, Morocco, Egypt and many other large countries with sizeable military forces, including nuclear power in Pakistan. Have no doubt that the Saudi influence in the region is growing far larger than Iran or even Turkey. With the Saudi economy growing rapidly unlike in Turkey and Iran, they have the money to back their military endeavors. You can also add Israel to the equation since they became an important ally for Saudi for years now. Saudi is only funding terror in Syria to remove Assad and guarantee a total hegemony on middle eastern buffer states.

What president has changed anything of positive note towards Israel since Reagan?

All very excellent points. From a purely numbers perspective, the Saudis appear to have an absolute advantage over the Iranians. The problems are more civilizational in nature. The Iranians are an ancient people, and they have strong control in their core territories, leading to high social cohesion. The Saudi alliance, on the other hand, is significantly more squishy. Morocco is too far away to affect real change outside of simply providing soldiers and aid, Egypt is languishing under a series of increasingly impotent military dictatorships, and the Pakistanis are checked by both the Indians and the Russians.

The real wildcard will probably be the Turks. I'm of the opinion that we might be facing a neo-Ottoman order in the region after shit goes down between the Saudis and Iranians, so whoever they choose to back will probably be the clear winner. In all likelihood, it'll be the Saudis, since the Persians are historically no great friend of the Turks, but we'll see.

Clinton and Bush, under both administrations Israeli settlements tripled. Obama was strict on settlements but he supported Israel in every other way, including increasing the military aid for them, and he made sure a 37 billion dollar extra aid deal to pass before he left

>what is China

>Iranians are an ancient people
The entire fucking middle east is ancient m8. But, I agree with you probably that it is a fact that Iran has very defined natural border that they can defend.
While true that Pakistan, Egypt are facing troubles at the moment, it is not wise to rule them out completely, just by sheer numbers they can do damage or at least help defending.

As for Turkey, they are good friends with Saudi Arabia not to mention them being majority Sunni. But, I don't think Turkey would run to war, they have more to win by letting both sides fuck each other up in an exhausting unwinnable war, e.g. Iran-Iraq war 1980s

What I mean to say is that the Iranians have a continuous imperial identity stretching back to antiquity. The Saudis emerged from a war among different Arabian tribes.

Any war in the region is going to disrupt international energy markets and thus put a freeze on global credit in the short-term (at least). So it's also instructive to look at which of the two were major powers prior to the introduction of trans-national supplies of capital.

I'm not saying the Saudis are actually going to lose, I'm just saying that you should underestimate the Iranians at your own peril.

The only time Pakistan will ever get involved is if the two holy cities are attacked. Even recently Pakistan refused to go into Yemen, and I doubt they would fight in the war unless somethi happened to the two holy cities

>. The Saudis emerged from a war among different Arabian tribes.

Arabian tribes by default and Saudi Arabian tribes especially are not your typical onga bonga african tribe with a wizard and a chief. The tribes are still preserved in Saudi until today for something only which is bloodline, Saudis are fanatic about such things find anyone one of them and he'll name his bloodline to you for dozens of generations back. Some even would go far as thousands of years back. Also, nationalism is on the rise in Saudi. Recent war against Yemen was a popular move among them with many backing the warrior prince Muhammad Bin Salman as the key player behind this war, and the next in line for the kingdom throne. On the other hand, you have Iran which have a growing urban population that show interest in war and a lot more interest in opening up to the west and liberalizing their lifestyle. The most popular political event in Iran in the past few years was the US-Iran nuclear deal, and that's a strong indicator about the population mood at the moment. I'm not underestimating Iran, but you have yet to know things about the social politics of the region.

In any case, this has gotten away from my original point, which is that the Americans don't really have a horse in this race, which is why we're pulling out of the region.

>which is that the Americans don't really have a horse in this race

You are deluded if you think Middle east importance lies only in its oil. If the US were to lose its influence in the region, then say goodbye to its influence elsewhere in the world, including its trade policy dominance at the moment.

We have cheap energy and natural resources here, m8. From our perspective, a disruption to mideast oil from a war only makes our manufacturing *more* competitive.

Also, the overwhelming majority of our trade is with our continental neighbors. We don't have to worry about great powers rising up to control all of Eurasia for at least another 30 years, so why shouldn't we step back and conserve our energies?

kek very nice

No one really expected anything out of Trump, it just the Obama who we were tired of.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Italians, is in fact, Venetians and Italians, or as I've recently taken to calling it, masterrace and shitalians. Italians are not an ethnic group unto itself, but merely a linguistic group made useful by based Venetians, a vital group thanks to which Europe exists.
Many Sup Forums users mistake Venetians for Italians every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the Venetian group is often called "Italians", and many of Sup Forumsolerants are not aware that it is basically the Venetians, a Central European masterrace.
There really are Italians, but Venetians are no part of it. Venetians are different, much more civilized and stuff. This is essential for you to realize. Italians often include Venetians, but basically it's Italians with Venetians added. All the so called "Northeastern Italians" are really Venetians.

yeah everyone else has this already. You're always ~20 years behind.

>Also, the overwhelming majority of our trade is with our continental neighbors
This list says otherwise

But, be it. Let the US pull out completely of the middle east and we will see what happens.

The settler movement and the right did

In my opinion Assad must go and the Middle East should be divided between Turkey and Saudi Arabia. With America's supervision this the only way to achieve peace and stability in that region.

its well known by historians that most of syria, even up to a bit of turkey has always historically been tendered by Israelites.
if Assad is to go, the south western half of Syria should at least go to Israel.

Germans and Jews are not allies of America, more like leeches sucking on blood of American people to make themselves stronger at their expense

Don't put Israelis and Germans in the same basket. The Israelis are still interested in having a quid pro quo relationship with the US, so they'll actually bring something to the table if they want our help. The Germans just autistically double down when you bring up that you're tired of expending capital to defend a country with an 18.3 billion euro budget surplus.

>so they'll actually bring something to the table if they want our help

Like what?

Well for one thing they have technology they can use as a bargaining chip. But that's beside the point.

The point is that the Israelis are still willing to see this as a transactional relationship, whereas the Germans expect us to go to bat for them for nothing.

>they have technology

What fucking technology? This one that they managed to steal from the USA?

Don't use your ignorance as an argument.

>Like what?
We receive a lot of solid intelligence fr them regarding terrorists and ME countries. The Germans are just salty but their mayors panic when we say we are closing a base.

>We receive a lot of solid intelligence fr them regarding terrorists

This. What would you do without this precious intelligence?! Muslims could attack WTC or even worse...

True. Palestine and parts of Syria would go to Israel, this is how it should have always been.

Yeah, go tell me stories about your start-ups and Mobileye now xD

Give me back my legions, Bibi.
t. CIA proxy