Nomad wipes out a system of 4 billion people

>Nomad wipes out a system of 4 billion people
>Kirk takes it on board
>it ends up killing atleast 4 more of his crew, attempts to shut down life support before Kirk stops it
>Once it is destroyed Kirk proceeds to make cheeky jokes about it being his son
4 billion dead and Kirk doesn't give a shit, why is he such an asshole? Also, where did Nomad even get suck powerful weapons and shit?


Kirk has a very short memory span


>>he doesnt know a metaphor for Nam when he sees it

it aint Kirk son.

>caring about non-humans and redshirts
Kirk ain't got time for that

>Star Trek: The Motion Picture is a remake of OP's episode
>it ALSO has a scene where Kirk is a no-memory asshole
>Kirk's new science officer dies horribly and painfully in a transporter accident
>five minutes later, Kirk bullies McCoy for being scared of transporters
>"What are you, chicken? It's just a transporter. You're such a fucking baby, Bones."
Really makes me think.

I always hated that stupid transporter scene.

Is Kirk a genuine sociopath? Charming, prone to boredom, manipulative, lack of empathy, promiscuous.

he was an asshole in that entire movie

honestly the movie about the whales is the only one where he doesn't come off as a jerk

IG-88s father is a cantina drinks dispenser actually.

Sounds a lot like myself

>Nomad: That unit is defective. Its thinking is chaotic. Absorbing it unsettled me.
>Spock: That "unit" is a woman.
>Nomad: A mass of conflicting impulses.
what did he mean by this?

What's the best episode of Voyager?

asking for a friend

they all suck equally

Is that the one with Count Bakula?

ive never actually gone through and measured how long 7s boobs/ass are in each episode.

He's only a jerk for the first half of The Undiscovered Country too

Either Counterpoint, Living Witness or Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy depending on my mood

>Uhura's memory is erased
>They never figure out how to restore it, they literally just teach her how to read again

>Be Nomad
>Unemotional robot responsible for death of 4 billion people
>Constantly makes wisecracks about women
>Enterprise male crewmembers laugh along

>kills billions, wipes out planets
>Picard wanted to keep it in a zoo instead of destroying it
>couldn't understand why the lady who lost her son was upset at this

The Federation is full of self righteous sociopaths that look down at the rest of humanity.

>space secretary gets dumber
>this is somehow a problem

>>Spocks brain is removed
>>He helps McCoy through the surgery to reconnect it

You might have seen that copypasta about how searching for ET life is like standing in central park at 2 am shouting "ANYONE THERE"? This is basically what the Star Trek universe is like, except the various god-like entities already know where we are and the sole reason they aren't attacking is because it would reveal their position to other god-like entities.

The federation knows at any moment something like the borg, dominion, Nomad or the Q might wipe them out and the best hope for survival is to learn as much about the universe as possible and advance as quickly as possible so they can meet challenges when they finally come around, all without pissing off any alien cultures in the process, hence the prime directive.

Also the federation has about a trillion people while starfleet has about 1000 starships. Even if we assume there are 100 times as many including civilian ships this is still 1 ship per 10 million people.

A few crew members isn't a big deal in the larger scale of things.

The pilot episode

That episode made me hate Picard


in his defense, he wanted to try and communicate before destroying it, but would destroy if he could

most underrated post on this entire board.

>it's a Shatner hasn't yet discovered that the rest of the cast hate his guts episode

talk to it
>oh yeah i need massive amount of humans to survive beam over all your planets.

did it need only humans though?

Picard would rather have seen that thing kill Billions more people than even think about hurting it,

> Number 1, it's harvested another 32 planets of life... we might want to consider force at this rate

Picard had weapons specifically designed to kill it, the intention was to try to communicate, and if it failed, then destroy it.

The whole reason he was in space was to find brand new lifeforms and make contact, he wasn't going to kill it without even making an attempt.