As of today, it is illegal to wear a burka in some parts of switzerland

As of today, it is illegal to wear a burka in some parts of switzerland

Where were you when the Swiss stood up against the cucking?

Pic related is the first one getting fined just today

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This fucker is paying for all the fines

Fucking Sandniggers

They should fine the husband/father

Switzerland looks so beautiful. Do you accept white blue eyed leafs who create jobs?

they also fined the husband, because he "was forcing her to wear it"

burqas are banned in most bigger cities here, 2 weeks ago nation wide burqa ban passed through parliament on first reading

if you assimilate, yes

Listening to national anthem, clapping.

sandniggers rekt

was ist die strafe für das wiederholte begehen dieser ordnungswidrigkeit ?

wir hoffentlich immer höher
laut den medien nur 100-1000 fr

The Nazgul are now wearing blue clothes instead.

Based Swiss

She looks like a fuckimg ninja lol

How the hell is her kid so blonde?

That's racist
No, but that's cool. GJ

Because she's a mudshark islam convert white durka fucker.


Fine that cunt and tell her it's jail time if she does it again.

How DARE you impose on my RIGHT to wear the hood???

I met a radfem anarchist last year, we had both spent time living in Switzerland and were discussing what we experienced. I was surprised by how different our opinions were despite the similarity of our experiences. I was impressed by the social cohesion and independent spirit of the Swiss people and how they could be at once open to the international community in the form of banking, diplomats and NGO, yet solidly defiant against the kind of Multicultural™ poison infecting other European nations.
She saw these virtues as a sign of arrogance and racism and went on to complain about how disgustingly clean everything was.
To each their own, I guess.

Can I move to Switzerland?
I want that delicious blow jobs in coffee shop.

what would it take for an americanized spaniard (still a citizen of spain) to emigrate to your fine white bastion of western civilization?

Looks like Switzerland is hungry for its first Paris event. Enjoy.

source du Bergjude

pick one

>60 terrorism death between 1898 and 2013

nice, switzerland is indeed the best country in the world