Literally why don't they just hire new mods?

Literally why don't they just hire new mods?

It's overrun with spam and trolls now that the mods abandoned ship (not like they did a good job).

>forbid identical posts
>posting priveliges cut off if you post duplicates
>not such a shitty site anymore

But instead they turn their noses up and act like every film lover in the world is a retarded troll.

Because it's about silencing free speech and getting people used to not having the ability to anonymously post criticism.

This. But also to sell advertising.

Because even if you did that the userbase would still mostly be spastic tards with poor understanding of film.


>sell advertising.

What are they advertising?

Anonymous in the sense that you can create a username with an email not tied to your identity.

Silly goy, you can't criticize our shitty movies and hurt our profits....WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?

Basically this . Forums are a dying thing on the internet and they also get to save on server space.

>implying it's ever a good thing to give the retarded plebs a public platform to spout their uninformed, inane opinions

Good riddance.

Why are you even on here?

>Literally why don't they just hire new mods?
b/c that costs money they don't want to spend

They can get lots of free ones like Sup Forums does.

Why do you care, why are you posting this shit here?

>free speech
hilarious, the first amendment constrains the government, not private entities like IMBD

take your sarah palin tier understanding of censorship, crawl in a hole, and fucking die already

You're dumb as fuck, you'd fit right in, in that site.

> imdb ads == top of page
> long forum threads == scroll down below ads
> amount of $ to spend paying ad team to rewrite ads to be persistent through every thread > amnt of $ theyd make from the 10 ppl who actually bother reading that far down
> which is in turn < amnt of $ to maintain their garbage forum code
soh theres literally noh reason to keep them




To suppress the truth.

RIP in pieces the Chamcham.

Fake News!

To bring some thoughtful kino opinions to you embryos.

It's another part of Web 2.0 where corporations want to neuter what you do online in an effort to control your life and sell you garbage. Notice how the web is becoming increasingly smaller and isolated.

Contrast this with the old web where anything goes and anything could happen, infinite possibilities.

Now everything is centralised with Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Don't be surprised if Sup Forums eventually dies. It's not a coincidence that many websites are closing their community sections. It's disgusting what's happened and continues to happen to the internet.

What kind of retard would work for free

A lot moderators for forums do it for free.

I still dont understand why

Literally why don't they just hire new mods?

>many websites are closing their community sections

I don't use any sites that aren't chans.