Leading Neuroscientist says HOMOSEXUALITY IS NURTURE, not nature

"While it has often been the case that more 'conservative' or 'right-leaning' thinkers such as Adam Smith or Edmund Burke seemed to champion the constrained view of human nature, while 'liberal' or 'left-leaning' thinkers such as Condorcet or William Godwin have tended to believe that it is less constrained, there are times or issues about which conservatives appear to have the more plastic view and liberals the more constrained view. For instance, in recent times, a number of conservative commentators have argued that sexual orientation is a matter of choice and have spoken as though it might be changed by effort or experience-i.e., that it is a plastic phenomenon-whereas, by and large, liberal commentators have tended to argue that it is "hard wired" and "all in the genes."

An excerpt from a book called, "The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science" by Norman Doidge

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Lots of male homosexuals have sisters who have an above average ammount of kids

I've always found it strange how quickly liberals are willing to attribute sexual behavior to genetics, when they deny the role of genetics in criminal behavior. Think about it. If you were to say that one group of people are more prone to violence by nature, leftists would howl with outrage, but if you were to say that another group of people are homosexual by nature, they would agree with you. There's no consistency.

Sexual Orientation is fixed in the DNA and Gender's are social contruct.

They pick whoever it fits them, same with Race is a Social Contruct.

Always thought of Gender Dysphoria and Homosexuality as rather harmless mental disorders. I'm not really bothered by it but the amount of Gay, Fluid, Trans People with the whole Opression Olympics got me thinking.

Its because they worship equality

I've sent a few of my friends through a crisis of conscience simply by pointing out logic like this. I always thought the concept of brainwashing but they literally didn't even consider the alternative views to "the narrative".

This is why we say liberalism is a mental disorder. They are only smart enough to repeat things theyve heard that envoke emotions and they think this makes them enlightened and progressive, when really its a mental regression towards and childlike understanding of their surroundings and interactions with other people.


Well I have identical twin uncles. One gay and the other married with 2 kids. Their DNA is the same. How can you be born gay?

No shit being gay isn't natural.

Every real scientist/biologist knows this.

what's the reasoning here?

>that pic
>dutch kid

no wonder muslims are running shit when our kids are like this

>genders are social constructs

no they're not.

roles are constructs (ie gender roles)

What? This isn't true at all. They only deny those traits correlate to race or sex.

I disagree on that btw

Hmm? expand further.

My sister has 3 kids - i'm straight but my brother is gay.

I've always found it strange how quickly conservatives are willing to attribute criminal behavior to genetics, when they deny the role of genetics in sexual behavior. Think about it. If you were to say that one group of people are more prone to homosexuality by nature, right wingers would howl with outrage, but if you were to say that another group of people are criminals by nature, they would agree with you. There's no consistency.

it works both ways

The gay brother stays within the family unit to help care for the high amount of offspring without spawning any of his own.

>Leading Neuroscientist says HOMOSEXUALITY IS NURTURE, not nature.

Your paragraph doesn't say this at all. What your excerpt says is that often, liberals take a particular view and conservatives take another.

Lots of plumbers have sisters who have an above average ammount of kids
Lots of firemen have sisters who have an above average ammount of kids
Lots of mongoloids have sisters who have an above average ammount of kids

I believe he was pointing out the libs contradictions, not stating his belief

If Liberals are correct that faggotry is genetic then what will they say once embryos can be edited to remove this gene in the future?

Also there seems to be two kinds of homosexuals.
a) hedonists that will fuck anything because why not
b) extreme gays who are so gay the sight of a vagina is like kryptonite to them.

What? Genetics = race and sex, among other things.

Conservatives tend to pick either free will or determinism. Some conservatives - particularly those who emphasize individualism and personal responsibility - attribute almost every behavior to a conscious decision, while other conservatives - usually those on the alt-right - tend to attribute almost everything to genetics. But there's a sense of consistency in each camp.

No such consistency exists among left-wingers.

OP is lying about the title?

>1 post by ID

Criminal behavior is much more nuanced that sexual behavior. Is it wrong to think that genetics play a bigger role than one?

It's both faggot.


>1 post by this ID
And no source. Seems legit.

Show me a straight who gets hard to two guys fucking each other. If you cant find one, then the reverse also does not exist.

source is the book in the pic related


my brother is gay and he knows it is basically a learned behavior, but not a choice necessarily. it's not a choice the same way any other pleasurable repetitive habit is not a choice though. it is a trained behavior but the brain physically changes in the process and it becomes hard to change the longer it is done
i was away
no, you have to read the paragraph in context of the chapter. he was saying it is a plastic phenomenon. This is at the very end of the book in the chapter about culture and how it actually physically changes the brain. the whole book was leading up to these truths
100% chance it is your younger brother or you are born more than 5 years apart
i didnt say anyone was born gay. the exact opposite nigro learn to read

Fact is that if it is not nurtured, it won't happen. there was never a gay animal either. all those studies have been thoroughly debunked by peer review. every gay animal has mated given the opportunity. refusal to procreate is a strictly human trait

Posting for posterity

i dropped out of highschool when i was 16 but i ddin a lot of LSD and I could have fucking told you that.

i dont consider myself a liberal, but this is ironic coming from an underage faggot who parrots things he reads on the breitbart comments section and Sup Forums

get a job faggot

That's retarded why not have his own kids further contributing to the genetic line?

See none of those are true though. Hyperbole doesn't discredit the connection.

nobody gives a fuck. why does sexuality somehow become more important than if the shoes somebody wears is nature or nurture

fuck off dumbass

Because it shows that parenting in modern days is turning our children into homosexual retards and tumblrites. They're not born that way. They're turned that way by liberal agenda

it has to have credit to be discredited. give 1 sauce that
critical theory, you cuck. you're either with us or against us. stand against the degenerates or you're part of the problem

>you aren't smart enough to believe in god yet
pic related
most republicans say it's culture not genetics
there's a whole chapter on culture at the end of the book and how it deforms certain peoples minds, who arent named(blacks), physically and perspective on the world. they actually see the world different, not just perceive it differently
cause i know you don't know
critical theory = cultural marxism

Looks like a little faggot

>Lena Dunham brags about how she basically molested and groomed her little sister all throughout her sister's childhood
>Lena Dunham's sister turns out to be a lesbian
>the left claims there is no connection
Makes you think.

Crazy controlling/manipulative mothers create homosexuals

That's simply not true though. Most conservatives blame crime rates on culture. Typically conservatives tend to believe that a person's situation is based almost entirely on the that person's active decisions and choices. For instance conservatives tend to view people on wellfare unfavorable because dependence on wellfare is viewed as evidence for laziness. If you meant to say "Sup Forums" instead of conservative you'd be correct, but as we all know Sup Forums is a absurdist pseudo satirical contrarian board.

Yes, they are. Gender is social, SEX is biological. The idea that gender roles are different from gender is liberal doublespeak.

Even Sup Forums differentiates between black people and niggers

It's because they're crazy
>gender is a social construct
>cutting your dick off because you wanna be the little girl isn't

Holy shit, that's scary

That is if you even believe the two are different. The separation of meanings of sex and gender that was taught in academia stems from John Money. I am not taking his warped, pedo perspective as gospel.

look up altruism/eusociality in relation to evolution

while he won't propagate his own genes, genes that are still closely related to his line will propagate

its usually described as "the best of a bad job" situation


If homosexuality is nurtured that means every single heterosexual in here has the capacity to be gay too. That makes me horny for some reason.

>throwing the baby out with the bathwater

As soon as men's emotional and creative expression is no longer suppressed and laughed away as being 'unmanly', we can ditch the gender/sex distinction.

Theres no need to. Think about this logically, violent suppression of homosexuality creates homosexuals, because it forces them to contribute to the gene pool on pain of death.
Allowing faggots to be faggots will wipe out their genetic line.

I used to think people didn't really fap to trap porn, or did so ironically.
It wouldn't surprise me if prolonged exposure to Sup Forums turned people gay, or bisexual at least.

I agree homosexuality is caused by nurture but there must be some exceptions. What about Ellen Degeneres and Ru Paul?

I wasn't gay before I came to Sup Forums

Not exactly. They are equality supremacists. Absolute equality is their utopia and they will achieve it by establishing an empowered class of people to reinforce it that they will be included in.

Genetic engineering wont happen. You cant even say races are different without people screaming racist, and there goes your funding.
Libs wont look at human genes closely because it would challenge their worldview. Liberalism is the new theocracy.

>thinking people would masturbate to something "ironically"


Jokes on you bud I'm fapping to this post ironically

If that kid went to school in Spain in my times, he would be destroyed.

I think they could go as far as killing him.

Good old times. My hight school was like an african prisiĆ³n, except people was whiter (there was not a single nigger, they would have killed him too for being different anyways)

-Enabler. Made a living hiding in the closet until she could afford to come out. Shames people for not being pro-gay.

>Ru Paul
-Enabled. Makes a living off being a drag queen, doesn't care either way. (If it ain't broke don't fix it.)

(literal)Gender = PC version of sex.
(figurative)Sex = Slang for intercourse.

this is 100% bullshit. there is no evidence at all. in fact, everything shows the opposite. europeans have the most homosexuals of any culture by far and their birthrates are decreasing faster every generation. more homosexuality = lower birth rates. this is a fact of culture. the more a culture has openly gay people who arent socially outcast, the less children they have. opposite is also true. more they shun it from their society, the higher their birthrates. this is a fact. look at muslims and africans and latinos. it is ostrichsized in those cultures and they have high birthrates from most harsh on gay with highest birth rates

gender roles were determined by evolutionary efficiency, dumbass. almost all species are set up the same way we are unless their is some inherent benefit to do otherwise