If a finnish man came hungry and beaten knocking your door, would you help him?

If a finnish man came hungry and beaten knocking your door, would you help him?

fully depends on how he'll repay me

a true kike.

>letting strangers into your home
the least he could do is warm my bed

only if he talks as cute as they talk online

that's literally what your government been doing

As a thanks for all the memes, yes.

it's just a scheme by the housing owners to make easy money out of the welfare state

Assuming the situation does not look suspicious, probably.

I would be concerned that whoever beat him may still be near by.

Of course, I'd serve him the best mämmipizza I have

give him food and receive his nationality

I literally force him to be my guest and eat food

only if he promises to be my gf (male)

This. He'd probably be suspicious though, I hear nordics have some problems with being friendly with complete strangers.

Give him drugs, booze and a knife and send him back to kill the shitters who beaten him.

Also this

if it was a girl i would make her eggs and tell me what happen

if it was a boy i would pretend i wasn't home

of gourse :DDD a binn is always welcome :DDDDD

Hogy a viharba nem engedném be :DDDD

we love binland

Yes of course. I would feed and shelter him and tend to his injuries for as many days as he needed and then wish him the best of luck upon his departure.

I'd help him to an early grave.


wtf i love kazakhstan now
