Where does this Wonder Woman film fit in the DCEU timeline?

where does this Wonder Woman film fit in the DCEU timeline?



>direct Wonder Woman with an Israeli actress
>bitch about Trump's racist bullshit
>don't bitch about Israel's much much worse racist police state that your lead actress supports


Jews have six million more oppression points than the Palestinians do

>post with an RDJ picture

to his credit, at least he shut the fuck up afterthe results came in and didn't keep crying about Trump's win being unfair

the problem with the israeli palestinian situation is that both sides are extremely shit so its impossible to support one or the other

also I think racist is an improper term as there are arab citizens of Israel

Imagine how she's going to look next to Amber Heard, if Zack has any sense he won't have them share the same set


Pretty sure people are drawn to capeshit because of explosions and quips


RDJ only cares about money, that's why he shut up.

>Wonder Woman represents the struggle to be better

good job DCEU

Good enough reason honestly

*licks lips*

does the dc cinematic universe take place in the matrix world where they scorched the sky and the surface is unlivable

It's called typical norskie dawn

>OK Greenstein, be sexy!
>any minute now..

Post her footpusy

I don't get it. This is what every day looks like here in Scandinavia aside from the summer.


Still laughing at Mick Foley's story about introducing Vince to Mr Socko

Just realized she was talking about WWI. It wasn't that bad comparable to what came next.

>Just realized she was talking about WWI.

Thanks for catching up Lestrade, you're only a year late.

So is ANYONE looking unironically forward to this trainwreck? I've seen some Snydercucks defend Justice League but I never see anyone defend Wonder Woman.

Might be somehow related to the fact that your "perception" of Israel is almost nothing but lies, you useful idiot retard.

she tries so hard that it becomes disgusting

or is it your perception that is lies funded by billionaires?

Yes. Jews should be free to live in Israel. So should Muslims and Christians. This police state we have does nothing but propagate bloodshed.

This WW actress does nothing but promote this.

We should turn it over to the fucking atheists to govern at this point. They'd probably protect people's religious freedoms better there.

both are wrong

Muslims do not allow freedom of worship and the right to peacefully co-exist alongside Christians and Jews in the Holy Land. Why do you think there were crusades a thousand years ago? The Jews suck but the Muslims are worse. They would rather flatten all the religious sites, including their own, if it meant reconquering it later. They just cannot tolerate the idea of 'sharing' something a 5 year old is taught to do.

Your shekels have been deposited to your account.


Fuck borders n laws n shieet

the sooner israel is wiped out the better

why is she holding a monkey? where are the zookeepers?

How small is that monkey she is saving?

This, fucking this.

I don't bitch about Trump, he's right, but if you're going to bitch about him, bitch about her country too fucking hypocrites.

>Love. Acceptance...that's what drew us to religion
the fuck it did. i'm drawn by the mysteries of the cosmos and the search for answers, you dumb cunt.

it doesn't. only god's chosen are worthy to this "wonder" "woman"

Oy vey! You tell those anti-semitic bastids!

how do you share a temple? how do you have it exist as a house of worship for two (or three if christians would want to worship there) diametrically opposed religions at the same time? you can't. it isn't that they can't share jerusalem, but they can't share the temple

#weareright #loveidf

>Love. Acceptance. Goodness.

Yeah that's really what Muhammad, Joseph Smith and L Ron Hubbard were trying to achieve with their religions. Top kek.

What the flying fuck is wrong with a secular state where all religions can go visit their holy sites?

No one there is even suggesting this.

It's all a bunch of religious extremists in charge with the people caught in the firefight in the middle.

Imagine the shitstorm if Trump instituted a military draft where all Americans must stand up and defend for a white Christian America. That's what Israel has resorted to and what this actress openly supports.

>implying Christians have a great track record, even against other Christians

Moslems built the Al-Aqsa mosque knowing full well that it was built on the ruins of the Jewish Temple. They wanted to solidify their claim, rather literally, that they were the continuation of the Abrahamic faiths. During the Medieval period, they destroyed the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on the order of a Caliph. They've destroyed or threatened to destroy religious sites of Christians and Jews during the Palestinian conflict. They're basically the dindus of the religious wars that go in that area.

They need to share the fucking land underneath the sites. Allow the Jews and Christians access to their prayer sites and stop being dicks. But because of low expectations, no one really expects for them to stop chimping out. That's why people gave up on the 'Two State' solution.

>Amber Heard

>we must secure the existence of our people and a future for jewish children
funny how it magically becomes not racist when you replace that one word

Incoming better cast wonder woman.

>comparing religion to capeshit
william james is rotating in his grave

>months since her last scene

The Zionists have offered, albeit bad deals, but deals nonetheless, to the Moslems. They could've had East Jerusalem, some limited land back, and a connection from Gaza to the West bank. With the UN mandate, they were offered 50% of the land. They wanted 100%. They waged a prolonged war, LOST and are still offered, I dunno, 30% of the land, which they still will not accept. In virtually all circumstances, a loser gets nothing. But they're still offered a deal every few years, which they promptly reject. It's all or nothing for Arabs/Muslims. So at this point, I say 'fuck em'. Let them have apartheid and incentivize them to move to Jordan.

I dislike kikes with a passion, but Arabs are really impossible to like, especially in regards to the Isreal conflict.