So, Snoke is totally this guy, right?

So, Snoke is totally this guy, right?

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Yeah, pretty much

A long(er) time ago, the Force was united and represented by a great tree
The Force wanted to help the people of the galaxy in a more direct way so it created a Man and a Woman to be its avatars.

But the two Force Siblings fought and the Man killed the Woman and became the Dark Side.

Rey is the reincarnation of that Light Side Woman avatar and Snoke is the Brother who hunts down and kills her whenever she reincarnates

Reminder, this is going to be canon

>hunts down and kills her whenever she reincarnates
It's only like 50 years or something since Anakin and Obi-Wan went to the whatever memeforce plane where they lived

That was only a metaphor that didn't happen in real time.

It's only true... From a certain point of view

Why can you faggets just concede that Snoke is a brand new, original character that has nothing to do with the OT, prequels, or the shitty cartoons?

Dude, the script has been leaked
It's been confirmed

Literally everything matches up.
-Ancient being who saw the rise and fall of the Republic and Empire? Check.
-Powerful force user? Check.
-Wants to conquer the galaxy? Check.
-Fucked up and deformed after being badly injured but not killed? Check. (Only the special dagger could kill one of them, he was stabbed by a lightsaber).

It HAS to be him or Plagueis.

I've held on to star wars through all the Disney shit in the past few years but if this bullshit anime plot becomes canon I will be finally done with this shit forever

So basically it's another Legends of Tomorrow? Can I expect some Mary Sue space dykes too?

Totally not sheev in his ultimate form

Because he's not, you dipshit. They've set him up to be someone who connects to the rest of the saga. They've made him this mysterious, enigmatic character whose backstory is a major plot point that people are interested in.

Saying "lmao he's actually completely original with no connection whatsoever to the rest of the story, he just came out of nowhere 20 years after Sheev died" would piss off even the most shallow of fans.

That's not even close to what the story was.

Are you referring to the shitty leak that had Lando love Leia and Luke killed by Kylo?

Fuck you and fuck Disney, The Old Republic did this shit way better.

No, I'm talking about the story arc from The Clone Wars. That's not even close to what the story was.

Well yeah, I'm talking about the leaked script, not the TCW episode.

It's not straight up the same

What leaked script?

>She was a scavanger 3 hours ago

Christ, one of those front teeth are as big as her eye

she should pursue a career in horror movies

Snoke is a character from the Aftermath novels, who orchestrated the Imperial remnants after the Battle of Endor and fought against the Rebel Alliance at the decisive Jakku battle. Screencap this. He was the last guy to have seen Palpatine and could possibly be force senstive and super pissy at the Skywalkers for fucking up his job

Screencap this.

>still peddling this force tree meme
It isn't going to happen

There are literally set photos of a giant tree
You can't escape it

You idiots extrapolated all sorts of autistic theories from a tree prop. It was a meme made up by some troll. It isn't a force tree.

Then how come in the comic, Poe is given a "Force Tree seed"?

>photos of a tree
>this shitty fanficion-tier bullshit
You make us look bad

Either you made this up, or you are misquoting it. Citation is needed.

It's real. It's part of the new canon.


Who is that guy?

Luke, did I ever tell you about Sors Bandeam, a Force-sensitive human male youngling who served in the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars? After Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine—secretly Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith—issued Order 66, Bandeam and fellow younglings hid in the Jedi Council Chamber during the attack on the Jedi Temple. They were discovered by Darth Vader, who had been Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker before turning to the dark side of the Force. Thinking that Vader was still a Jedi, Bandeam asked the Sith Lord what they could do in the face of the clone trooper onslaught. Rather than help them, Vader slaughtered Bandeam and the other younglings.

He was a good friend.


is it true that you can't force choke the Snoke?

Luke, did I ever tell you about the time your father, myself, and your father's padawan learner were sucked into a spacial disturbance that contained a metaphorical planet that was home to three godlike beings who were avatars for aspects of the Force?
One of these entities was a representative of the Dark Side. He told Anakin that he would become Darth Vader and convinced him to take over the Galaxy then and there instead of waiting. Anakin killed him though.

He was a good friend

Ok so there being a force sensitive tree planted at the temple and there being a single page where a tree is planted is not evidence of jack shit.

This doesn't prove anything you autist

It's precedence that Force Trees are real and are considered important

Search your feelings. You know it to be true

Just because a force tree was mentioned in literally ONE comic by name and shown in the fucking background of Clone Wars does not mean there will be a super tree in The Last Jedi. You are speculating. It's like if a new comic of thw Jizz Wailers came out and I freeze framed the Jizz Wailers from Clone Wars and then made the same autistic assertions.

If there was a giant Jizz Box in the behind the scenes shots, I might believe that yeah

But, who is supreme leader Snoke?

When I saw the episode I thought the same but then he died so...

Then who was phone?

The Son. From Season 3 of The Clone Wars.

Didn’t they say those beings could only be killed by the dagger? The Father and Daughter were killed by the dagger, the Son was stabbed by a lightsaber.

The Father was all like "Blur I am dead, so the rules don't matter anymore. Stab a nigger"

the light side.... and the dark

thank you star wars

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?

I wonder if Snoke still has this ability

Yet this autist got beat because of 10 to 20 feet of an inclined hill

Why doesn't every force sensitive person just shut their opponent's saber off?

would tbqh

good question

Will Rey be able to keep the people she cares about from dying?

no but kylo will. she will die in ep9 and he will actually have the power to revive her. POTTERY.

based kylo



anakin btfo