
Should Finland do it's own thing and start building the Khanate, or stick with the Nordic bros?
Does Sup Forums see Finland as a Nordic country? Or should we instead rather increase unification with our genetic brethren, the Estonians?

Other urls found in this thread:

Finland should've taken over Europe by now,

>purest white aryan genes
>not nordic

We was part of the based vikings
OR ancient finns were even greater fighters because vikings never invaded finland but they invaded every other country

>that fresh OC

I created this :3

here's the updated version

glad you like it burger :3

Being nordic is really just a matter of culture and shared history. Estonia would probably be nordic too if they hadn't been so fucked up, being between Russia and Germany. We have more more shared genetics with the estonians than with any other nordics.

>OR ancient finns were even greater fighters because vikings never invaded finland but they invaded every other country
This would be a great meme to prove our spurdoing to the world, but sadly I think Vikings didn't bother to conquer inland Finland because the tribes there were so poor that there was nothing to pillage and conquer. Just primitive hunter-gatherers with primitive wooden shacks.


>hol up we wuz wikingz n shieet dawg
Literally all white people in that meme country is swedish.

I fucking hate Sweden. So much that I want to brutally murder every ugly, dumb, piece of shit Swede I see. Everyone else is brety cool though.

Why won't they include you?


No nordic cross in their flag, for starters. No viking heritage, no shared societal structure, really not that much shared history.

In many ways they're nordic, but not quite. Also their location is a bit off, Finland isn't a part of the scandinavian peninsula either, but we're the balls to Sweden's dick.

Is that an anti-rape wristband?

Nice touch!

Aw, that makes me kind of sad.

Maybe you could count him a some sort of cousin?

What's a better way to identify a swede?

Also, where's Romania in that image?

There were vikings on the 2 bigger islands west of the mainland

... Faggot.

The Netherlands are Nordic

I count you guys as Germanic, along with Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, and of course, Germany.

They've got a few of us finns on their side atleast, it would be a bit harder for danes or icelanders to count them in, I'd persume.

That's the best they'll get in this day and age.

nords are also germanic

When's someone gonna draw some full on r34 yuri doujinshi of this. I want to see girl-countries getting lewd with each other

>because the tribes there were so poor that there was nothing to pillage and conquer.

Believe finn bro, believe.

Saksalainen teksti 600-luvulta paljastaa erikoisen seikan: 400-luvulla Rooman keisari hallitsi Suomea. "Caesare weold Graecum, ond Caelic Finnum" eli Keisari hallitsi Kreikkaa ja Kalevan/Karjalan suomalaisia. Perinteisesti Skandinaavian ja Suomen on kuitenkin katsottu olleen aluetta jonne Rooman imperiumin vaikutus ei koskaan ulottunut.

Ennen viikinkien kulta-aikaa Suomi oli verrattain varsin vahva ja itsenäinen kansakunta. Suomalaiset olivat taitavia seppiä, täällä valmistettiin laadukkaita varusteita sotureille ja upeita koruja jalokivistä. Suomalaiset kävivä kauppaa Baltian maissa ja keski-Euroopassa. Suomalaiset asuttivat noin neljä kertaa nykyisen kokoista aluetta, todellista Suur-Suomea.

Pohjolan saagat ja näihin päiviin säilyneet saksalaiset asiakirjat paljastavat että ainakin 600-luvulla ja vielä vuonna 1190 pidettiin Suomea yhtenä pohjoisen kuningaskunnista. Suomalaiset eivät siis olleet takapajuinen "barbaarikansa".

Viikinkisaagojen mukaan 1000-luvun lopulla Suomi oli jonkinlainen keskuspaikka kaikelle pohjolalle, paikka jossa Norjan ja Tanskan kuningaskuntien perustamisesta päätettiin. Saagat kertovat myös että myöhemmin Suomesta lähti monia miehiä ja naisia hallitsemaan Norjaa, Tanskaa ja erityisesti Ruotsia. Kuninkaita ja kuningattaria.

Paras lähde suomalaisiin kuninkaisiin liittyen ovat Islantilaiset saagat 1100-1300-luvuilta. Suomalaiset kuninkaat mainitaan niissä 30 kertaa. Jostain syystä heitä on päätynyt jopa jumalista kertovaan mytologiaan. Esimerkkinä Suomen kuningas Fornjotrin pojat Hler, Loge ja Kare jotka esitetään mytologiassa jumalaisina hahmoina. Hler perustaa Tanskan kuningaskunnan ja muuttuu Aegiriksi, merten kuninkaaksi. Loge puolestaan perustaa Norjan kuningaskunnan ja muuttuu tulen jumalaksi.


Dutch town near where I grew up in Maine had one of those. Thought it was cool as shit when I was a kid. Ah well, they're all dead now.

I know, but I see Nords as a branch off of Germanics.

How long did it take you to learn Klingon?

When i was 4 year old i learned it fully.

I'd like to see Romania pay attention sometimes to his Nordic racial brothers, but he's too proud

Let that Malaysian faggot that shills his comics do it.

>or anyone that can actually draw


Source on romanians being nordic?

>No nordic cross in their flag
use this one!!

Denmark, Norway, Finland, Estonia.
Karlmar vol.2
The end of EU.
>we was
Seriously, Jamal?

>Dat twink Norway

Why did they make him so short?

kek, it's a meme, there's a Romanian guy on here who swears up and down they are.

>norway wearing russebukser



>sweden's dick

No Iceland?
I kinda like Iceland bro.

>Why did they make him so short?
idk prob from some faggy animu

So come here and murder everyone you fucking fatass

Heck no! Estonia welcome!

You just posted a pick where Serb is cucked by Bosnia.

According to Herodotus Boreas is located in Thrace, thus Hyperborea (land of the nordics) is in fact Dacia, as it is located above Thrace. And who was Dacians n shieet?

I don't see Romania

I would but you are already doing that to yourselves, KEK.


>Serb + Croatia = kebab
really makes you think

Romania is a Nord confirmed


Okay... Iceland can join.


>really not that much shared history
>owned by sweden for most of recorded history

You can look at it this way:
>Be the captain of a ship
>Ship is sinking
>Follow "the code" and go down with the ship
>OR get in a fucking rubber boat asap

Owned by Denmark too

>We wuz vikangz


Finn have both Nordic and Mongolic, so I don't think why can't you sail on Viking ships with your mongolian horses in them.


Rate my OC pls.

I don't see Romania

Heh, that picture made me smile.

+1 for Khanate

Praise Tengri

How come male Sweden looks different way then female Sweden

Because those gypsies have nothing to do with Nordics?

Part dos


shit-tier chang
They're Nordic

Because male sweden is a cuck and female Sweden is a slut.

>A fucking leaf
>Not on fire



Mkay I can take criticism.

What is this meme

Post more.

stop this meme now
gypsies are not nordic

b-but were dey romanzzz and sheieet
dey gotz to be nordzzz and shieeeet

So that's why they call it Belarus

Just ate some iceland pussy for an hour last night, shit was cash

Make the girl brown and from Afghanistan

Then I'll be interested

I prefer pic related, but yours is okay

erection accomplished

Anyone got the 2015 statistics for non-hispanic white rape statistics vs hispanic rape statistics?
It's 2015 I think
FBI hispanic / non-hispanic
There's a DoJ one too or something similar as well. Anyone got those?

>tfw not nordic

>things that never happend
no plus you will be ripped to shreds because of muh capita

are freckles a european thing or a nigger thing?

pls respond



>the Canadian is hotter than the American

Good character design tbhwy

those niggas armed with tiki torches


ginger thing


Not even my yuppie father had that many tiki torches in his backyard.

Because, you're fucking pussies who let yourselves get trampled on.

You are all also very shy and autistic.

Something really bad needs to happen to you pathetic blonde bimbo gentle giants to snap you back to reality. Hopefully Russia will invade you and you'll get BTFO.

Finnic Khanate now.

We are not of the same blood